EMF Health-effects Research

Cell proliferation, sister-chromatid exchange, chromasolam aberrations, micronuclei and mutation rate.

Diener S, Eberle P,

Electronic Compatability of Biological Systems 1997. Newsletter Edition Wissenschaft Nr.4 1996

Motorola-funded FGF project

Contractors: Institute for Human Biology, Human Genetics and Cytogenetics Dept, Technical University of Braunschweig.

A study of the HGPRT locus following the exposure of human peripheral lymphocytes to high-frequency EMF (400 MHz, 900 MHz, and 1.8 GHz).

This study expolored the possible effect of RF exposure (400 MHz, 900 MHz, and 1.8 GHz) on gene and chromosome mutations and cell growth.

Exposures ranged from 39 to 70 hours resulted in no effects on chromosome aberration rate, sister chromatid exchange, HGPRT mutation frequency, micronucleus frequency or cell proliferation.

Additional Web Notes

This is research funded through the German organisation called FGF (Forschungsgemeinschaft Funk) which is itself funded by both the cellular telephone industry and the radio and television broadcasters.

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