• 07 DEC 09
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    #1168: Media Teleclass on Cell Phones and Brain Tumors

    For the media subscribers to this list the following live telephone seminar is an excellent opportunity to get the latest information on the possible connection between cell phone use and brain tumors. For example what is the truth about that latest study that claimed to find no increase in brain tumors from cell phone use? Fact or industry influenced spin? Find out more….



    From ElectromagneticHealth.org:

    Media Teleclass on Cell Phones and Brain Tumors December 10, 2009 at 4:15 p.m. EST


    David Carpenter, MD
    Devra Davis, PhD, MPH
    L. Lloyd Morgan, BS
    Joel Moskowitz, PhD

    See http://www.ElectromagneticHealth.org News
    for Expert Bios and further information

    RSVP with Press Credentials to Info@electromagnetichealth.org
    by 5 p.m. on December 9th
    Call-in Number Will be E-Mailed

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