• 28 FEB 11
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    1362: January – March issue of EMR and Health is now available

    From Lyn McLean, EMR Australia:

    Dear Friends

    Did you know that the introduction of smart meters may affect people’s health and invade individual privacy? The new issue of ‘EMR and Health’ includes a feature on smart meter technology, the benefits, the risks and the concerns, featuring news from Australia and overseas.

    This issue also contains stories about mobile phone use during pregnancy and behaviour problems; health concerns of mobile phone towers, more on CLF globes and plans to introduce warning labels on mobile phones in the US.

    There’s also an update on the latest news and research from around the world.

    The January – March issue of EMR and Health is available now at www.emraustralia.com.au.

    warm regards
    Lyn McLean
    EMR Australia PL
    02 9576 1772

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