• 19 AUG 12
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    Conrad Biologic on smart meters (recommended!)

    From the website of Conrad Biologic, ENVIRONMENTAL CONSULTING



    December 4, 2012

    Brand new SMART METER HEALTH EFFECTS SURVEY: If you feel your health has been affected by smart meters, we request your immediate help in studying these effects. Follow the link below for more information and to participate in our confidential survey on this subject. If you submit your survey by December 20, we will be able to use your data in the precedent-setting Maine, USA investigation into the safety of smart meters. Later submissions may be useful in other legal and regulatory proceedings. We welcome responses from all over the world. This survey is sponsored by the Maine Coalition to Stop Smart Meters and www.conradbiologic.com.

    Link to get to survey: http://www.conradbiologic.com/smartmetersurvey.html

    Please help to distribute this link widely and worldwide by forwarding this message and link to any lists you are involved with, and to any individuals you know that have health effects from smart meters.

    We hope to present the results of this survey as testimony in the ongoing Maine Public Utilities Commission (PUC) investigation into the safety of smart meters. This is a precedent-setting case because the burden rests on the PUC to guarantee safety. The PUC deadline for testimony is January 15, so please submit your completed survey before December 20 to allow time for analysis. The results may also be useful in future proceedings in Maine and elsewhere. We welcome survey submissions from all over the world.

    Our goal is to investigate the relationship between smart meters and health effects. The survey results will provide a database for research that can be used for legal proceedings, the media and scientific publications.

    Website: http://www.conradbiologic.com/smartmetersurvey.html

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