• 01 JUN 13
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    Wi-Fi technology – an uncontrolled global experiment on the health of mankind

    From Andre Fautex

    Just published in Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, May 31, 2013

    Wi-Fi technology “” an uncontrolled global experiment on the health of mankind

    Marko Markov – Research International, Williamsville, NY, USA, Yuri G. Grigoriev – National Committee of Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection, Moscow, Russia

    More than 10 years ago, at the WHO organized meeting on harmonization of standards one of the authors pointed out that neglecting the hazard of high-frequency EMF for children is a crime against humanity (Markov, 2001).

    We believe that scientific community must be more insisting in comprehension of potential hazard that mobile exchange of information is potentially invoked in human organisms. In that aspect, it is very important that the IARC classified the RF EMF as a possible cancerogene (2B). It is important to note tha tfor less than two years this major International Agency switched from “no conclusive evidence for health hazard” to “possible cancerogen”.


    In 2003, IEEE published astandard that affirmed that biological effects can only be thermal (Cho & D”Andrea, 2003). No heat “” no effect. This policy serves very well in the industry and creates a serious barrier preventing biology-based assessment of the human health. The scientific community must be more insisting in comprehension of potential hazard that mobile exchange of information potentially invoke in human organisms.


    In conclusion, we would like to point out the following:
    1. For a number of reasons, the evaluation and prevention of hazard from ionizing radiation have been developed during the last 60 years.

    2. The problem of potential hazard of nonionizing radiation is studied for significantly shorter period of time and significant differences in standards indifferent countries can be seen. It is due to the fact that in North America thestandards are based on engineering computation, while in former Soviet Unionand Easter Europe the standards are biologically based. Despite all efforts of the WHO for harmonization of standards, today standards do not consider the real pollution of the environment with nonionizing radiation.

    3. The comparison of both sources of radiation leads to conclusion that thecontinuous noncontrolled exposure of the entire civilization to low-intensity EMFs represents now more serious problem for the mankind than ionizingradiation where the sources of radiation are under strict control and are well localized.

    4. For the first time in the history of mankind, because of aggressive use of mobilephones children are exposed to harmful nonionizing radiation and potentially aresubject of larger risk than adults. Even if the dose received by the children”s brainis the same as for adults, due to the specificity of the body size and physiologicaldevelopment, children are in greater danger. It might be compared to the hazardof EMF for professional groups.

    5. In early 2012, the European Parliament voted by 512 to 16 to urge member countries to impose stricter limits for exposure to radiation from mobile phone and Wi-Fi technologies, especially taking care for the most sensitive population of children.

    6. The scientific and medical communities are obliged to ring the bell “” the health and standardization institutions must urgently develop recommendations and actions for protection of the civilization and especially children.

    7. We should stop telling the science, politicians and general population that Wi-Fi is harmless.

    8. We should better be honest and say that “we do not know what long-term effects might be.”

    Read the full paper here

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