• 06 APR 17
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    Screenagers the movie: Growing up in the digital age

    From the Screenagers website:

    Award-winning SCREENAGERS probes into the vulnerable corners of family life, including the director’s own, and depicts messy struggles, over social media, video games, academics and internet addiction. Through surprising insights from authors and brain scientists solutions emerge on how we can empower kids to best navigate the digital world.

    See the trailer


    “Screenagers is a very balanced, sympathetic and sane look at the way millions of teens are struggling with phones and games and technology in general. In part by letting the teens themselves speak about their own concerns and solutions. Screenagers is deeply affecting, too.” “” Dave Eggers, Author

    “As the mother of three kids””two of them teenagers””I”ve noticed that whenever I get together with other parents, the conversation ends up turning to our kids” screen time. We”re all worried about how much is too much. For any of you wrestling with this issue, I loved the documentary, Screenagers. It combines smart insights and practical tips for raising happy, healthy, technologically-empowered teens.” “” Melinda Gates

    “It’s a MUST SEE for anyone with kids in their lives!” “” Martha Adams, Chief Creative Officer for Girl Rising

    “I saw Screenagers two days ago at my son’s school PS276 NYC. It was an incredible eye opener… it pointed out exactly what we are dealing with in my family. .. This already has brought changes into our life.””” Kirsten R. C. , New York Parent

    “I had a chance to see Screenagers at my children”s high school and was inspired to spread the message to other parents. The screening was easy to setup and we had many Lucasfilm families attend the screening and discussion.” “” Kevin Clark, Director of IT, Lucasfilm, Creators of Star Wars

    “The humorous but sobering 68-minute movie…examines the impact of the time the average kid spends each day looking at screens NOT including homework “” a whopping 6.5 hours “” as well as the way screen use is affecting concentration, development and family relationships. Each screening of the movie “sold out” within hours, reflecting how concerning the issue of adolescent digital screen overuse is for Brookline students and parents.””” Karen Campbell and June Harris, B-PEN co-coordinators

    “I have been very concerned about this issue and as I’m a geneticist I’m very interested in the science behind it. The film is REMARKABLE: thoughtful, provocative and beautifully filmed and edited.” “” Beth T., Geneticist at UCSF Children”s Hospital

    “Screenagers is very informative and I liked how it included video games in the movie. I saw the film at my science camp this summer.” “”Eshan Tivakaran, 15 years old, Plainview NY


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