During the 1990’s the Swedish Union of Clerical and Technical Employees in Industry (SiF) instigated research into reports of electro-magnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) in the modern information technology (IT) workplace with a possible link with chemical emissions from new electronic equipment.

The research team at SiF were concerned that the information technology (IT) workplace may be creating new and serious risks to health, as a result SiF initiated the No-Risk project which aimed at addressing all possible health hazards in the modern office-place. In 1999 SiF initiated the “Healthy Office project” in partnership with the Luleå University of Technology (LTU).

The project aimed at implementing the points raised in the SiF “No Risk” publication. However due to corporate and political concerns that this project was a threat to the introduction of new technology it was totally closed down with all publications withdrawn from circulation. For all intents and purposes the SiF No Risk project was as if it never happened.

However these documents are now available on this website in honour of the brave women and men who worked to make the modern IT workplace a safer and healthy place. Their dream must be kept alive. Also included is a pamphlet by the Swedish company Liberel which specialised in designing office places to reduce environmental hazards to workers and this company was directly involved in the SiF No Risk Project. It was Martin Andersson from Liberel who was the first to combine the necessity of reducing electromagnetic fields with the elimination of chemical emissions from office equipment.

These documents (individually listed below)  are now available in a single document titled,”Redefining The Concept of Workplace “Risk” in Sweden.


Individual documents:

  No Risk in the IT environment (12.3 MiB, 1,427 hits)

  Hypersensitive in IT Environments (14.0 MiB, 1,764 hits)

  The Healthy Office newsletter (1999) (7.3 MiB, 1,136 hits)

  Working environment for people and computers (11.9 MiB, 1,256 hits)

  The Invisible Disease: The Dangers of Environmental Illnesses Caused by Electromagnetic Fields and Chemical Emissions. By Gunni Nordstrom (62.8 KiB, 1,749 hits)

  " New diagnoses " - an explanatory model for neurological illnesses (58.7 KiB, 1,194 hits)

  Gangi S., Johansson O, 1997 (659.9 KiB, 2,491 hits)

  Gangi S., Johansson O. 2000 (1.1 MiB, 1,402 hits)

  Johansson O., et al, 1994a (182.9 KiB, 774 hits)

  Johansson O., et al, 1994c (481.0 KiB, 1,064 hits)

  Hilliges M., Lixin W., Johansson O. 1995a (473.1 KiB, 726 hits)

  Johansson O., et al. 1995b (444.6 KiB, 1,532 hits)

  Johansson O., et al, 1996 (659.9 KiB, 0 hits)

  Johansson O., et al, 2001 (179.0 KiB, 2,649 hits)

  JOhansson O., Sodergren L., 2001 (259.9 KiB, 1,093 hits)

  Wang L., et al, 1990 (904.9 KiB, 755 hits)