• 21 JAN 21
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    Call for Temporary Moratorium on 5G Deployment

    From the blog of Dariusz Leszczynski


    The currently ongoing deployment of the fifth generation of the wireless communication technology (5G) is being met with a great enthusiasm by the telecommunication industry, national governments and portion of the general public. However, there is also some resistance from the part of the population, caused by the uncertainty whether radiation emitted by the 5G networks and devices will have any effects on human health and environmental impact on fauna and flora.

    The 5G wireless communication technology that is being deployed comprises of parts of the used already 3G and 4G technologies. The radiation emitted by the predecessors of the 5G, the radiation frequencies emitted by the 3G and 4G technologies, has been classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), as a possible human carcinogen. IARC evaluation did not concern the frequencies above 6 GHz, especially the currently prepared for use 26 and 28 GHz bands and the whole spectrum of 30–300 GHz frequencies that will be used by 5G in coming years.

    Recently published safety guidelines by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP), claiming that mm-waves radiation exposure limits are protecting all users, are only an assumption that is not sufficiently based on science, because the research on effects of mm-waves on skin has not been done yet. ICNIRP’s claim that the safety limits protect all users, no matter of their age or their health status, are only assumption with insufficient scientific basis…SNIP

    Read the full post here


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