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    Widespread radioactive contamination throughout northern Japan, including Tokyo

    NOTE: The other night we had a family dinner at a first-class local seafood restaurant in Hobart Tasmania, The Drunken Admiral. Highly recommended but I would not recommend one item on the menu. That is the “Japanese Trawler King Prawns”. Even though I love king prawns we all passed up on that particular delicacy for reasons all too obvious…… Read on.


    (1) From ENE News:


    Subject: RE: Draft read-out 1600 Telecon 04/07/11 Low Level Radioactive Waste Disposition
    Date: 04/08/2011 12:53 PM

    Dr. [Deanne J. Idar, CIV OSD POLICY],

    Given that much of the call was spent describing the current radiological status on the ground in Japan, I think a short summary of that status would be useful in the telecon summary. Here is a proposed paragraph:

    “The nuclear accident in Japan has resulted in widespread deposition of radioactive contamination throughout the northern part of Japan, including the metropolitan Tokyo area. Surface contamination levels in this entire region would be required to be posted as radiological area if they were at a U.S. licensed facility or DOE site. Any materials leaving Japan have the potential for low levels of radioactive contamination. Thus, the discussion about materials in DOD possession is indicative of similar materials that are entering commerce from Japan. In the DC and IPC meetings earlier this week, it was agreed that the limit of 4 Bq/cm2 for commerce was going to be acceptable and posed no health risk.”


    Jeff Steele
    Naval Reactors


    (2) Also see: Tokyo Soil Samples Would Be Considered Nuclear Waste In The US

    While traveling in Japan several weeks ago, Fairewinds”™ Arnie Gundersen took soil samples in Tokyo public parks, playgrounds, and rooftop gardens. All the samples would be considered nuclear waste if found here in the US. This level of contamination is currently being discovered throughout Japan. At the US NRC Regulatory Information Conference in Washington, DC March 13 to March 15, the NRC’s Chairman, Dr. Gregory Jaczko emphasized his concern that the NRC and the nuclear industry presently do not consider the costs of mass evacuations and radioactive contamination in their cost benefit analysis used to license nuclear power plants. Furthermore, Fairewinds believes that evacuation costs near a US nuclear plant could easily exceed one trillion dollars and contaminated land would be uninhabitable for generations.


    This article, and video, continues at: http://www.fairewinds.com/content/tokyo-soil-samples-would-be-considered-nuclear-waste-us

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