• 13 APR 07

    #699: Part II: New Spanish paper on cell phone addiction

    Here is a further English translation from the Spanish paper. Very thought provoking information, to say the least. Don SIMILITUDES WITH THE CONVENTIONAL ADDICTIVE PROCESS Although the accepted international classifications that are habitually used in clinical psychology consider addictions and those disorders of the control of impulses as independent entities, they have many similitudes between

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    • 12 APR 07

    #698: New Spanish paper on cell phone addiction

    Last week Alfonso Balmori sent me a new Spanish paper on cell phone addiction. Trying the usual Internet free translation services proved to be absolutely hopeless but thanks to an old high school friend who lives in Seville, Spain a translation is underway. Below is the first installment. I can email the Spanish paper if

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    • 12 APR 07

    #697: Does EMFacts now have a bad reputation?

    The last two messages sent out on this list to apparently all ‘hotmail’ email addresses and ‘msn’ as well, bounced back with the following message: “Remote host said: 550 Your e-mail was rejected for policy reasons on this gateway. Reasons for rejection may be related to content such as obscene language, graphics, or spam-like characteristics

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    • 10 APR 07

    #696: Threat of health survey scares off Telco

    From Richard Branhall via D Ward: Mobile phone mast scuppered by £200 Citizen Epidemiology survey Local Council votes Orange out three times; Orange not to appeal. Orange has withdrawn its application to install a mobile phone transmitter in the tower of St. Michael’s church in Aberystwyth, Wales, UK. This unexpected development comes immediately after Green

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    • 09 APR 07

    #695: Swedish publication “No Risk in the IT environment now online

    A scanned copy of the 35 page “No Risk in the IT environment” (English version) report produced by the Swedish Union of Clerical and Technical Employees in Indusrty (SIF) is now available on line at Turboupload.com. The link at at: < http://d.turboupload.com/d/1695235/Noll_Risk.zip.html> You will need to follow the instructions to access the file. It should

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    • 06 APR 07

    #694: Clarification to post #692

    Please note that the notice sent to me on post #692 is not an accurate representation of what was actually said on the program and I have since amended it on the web site. The following is what actually was said by Cindy Sage. Please delete #692. From a program aired on “Your Own Health

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    • 06 APR 07

    #693: Mystery headaches reboot WiFi fears

    From Sarah Dacre: Mystery headaches reboot WiFi fears The Times Educational Supplement, UK Friday Match 30. 2007 By Jonathan Milne An unpublished report is raising fresh concerns about the possible health effects of wireless computer networks in schools, saying they could cause headaches, The report by Becta, the educational technology agency, has emerged as the

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    • 06 APR 07

    #692: Are cell phone microwaves addictive?

    From a program aired on “Your Own Health and Fitness” Tuesday 3 April 2007 @ 1:00 PM – http://www.kpfa.org/ Highlights: Researcher Cindy Sage discussed the science reporting that exposure to RF from cell phones can activate the endogenous opioid system of the brain – the addictive center of the brain. If so, then we should

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    • 04 APR 07

    #691: RE: Post #687: Insider comments re: ABC Toowong

    From Lachlan Mudge: If possible, please send my thanks to the person responsible for this submission (#687). It’s great to hear from someone with a sound knowledge base saying the types of things we’ve all been thinking about and suspecting for years. I would personally be willing to put a few hundred bucks towards the

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    • 29 MAR 07

    #690: Are GM Crops Killing Bees?

    The following article in Der Spiegel (Germany) raises the possibility that GM crops are killing the bees but while GM crops are widespread in the US (about 40% I think) this is not the case with Germany or in other European countries where they have the same problem with rapidly disappearing bees but little GM

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