• 08 MAR 07

    #667:Study suggests reduced cerebral blood flow from cellphones, etc.

    Forwarded Cindy Sage: From Gauss Tsushin (the newsletter of Japan’s Gauss Network), No. 68 August 15, 2004 Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Caused by EMF? “About 70% of withdrawn children have chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) with reduced blood flow to the brain,” says Kumamoto University Medical School Professor Teruhisa Miike regarding his investigation of cerebral blood flow

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    • 07 MAR 07

    #666: Recommendations for low-EMF indoor environments

    From Katharina Gustavs: The German Association of Building Biology Professionals (www.baubiologie.net) in cooperation with the Public Health Office of Salzburg, Austria, (www.salzburg.gv.at/themen/gs/gesundheit/umweltmedizin.htm) publishes recommendations for low-EMF indoor environments. The English translation just became available online at http://www.baubiologie.net/docs/elektrosmog-gebaeudecheckliste_en.pdf In German-speaking countries many everyday electric devices (e.g. shielded lamps, shielded extension cords, phone receivers based on piezo

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    • 06 MAR 07

    #665: Four in ten young adults are mobile-phone addicts (Spain)

    From Sarah Dacre: http://prensa.ugr.es/prensa/research/verNota/prensa.php?nota=434 25/02/2007 Four in ten young adults are mobile-phone addicts, a behaviour that can cause severe psychological disorders – Almost half Spaniards between 18 and 25 spend more than four hours a day hooked on their mobile phones while talking, sending text messages or giving missed calls. – The author of this

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    • 03 MAR 07

    #664: DECT and bee decline

    From Alfonso Balmori In a recent study carried out with bees in Germany, only few irradiated bees (with DECT) returned to the beehive and required more time to reach the hive. The weight of honeycombs is also smaller in the bees that were irradiated Stever H, Kuhn J, Otten C, Wunder B, Harst W. Verhaltensanderung

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    • 02 MAR 07

    # 663: Honey Bee Crisis extends from US to Britain and Netherlands

    Science News Article Honey Bee Crisis extends from US to Britain and Netherlands http://vegetablegardens.suite101.com/article.cfm/science_news_article © Sally Morton Sep 28, 2006 Science News: A study by Jacobus Biesmeijer and William Kunin (Leeds University), showing declines in pollinators and insect-pollinated plants in Britain and Netherlands. In July of 2006, an article appeared in La Monde, entitled, “The

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    • 02 MAR 07

    #662: Species under threat: Honey, who shrunk the bee population?

    The story on the mysterious die-off of honey bees is in today’s media. Here’s an article in The Independent (UK) Sent in by Andy Davidson: Species under threat: Honey, who shrunk the bee population? Across America, millions of honey bees are abandoning their hives and flying off to die, leaving beekeepers facing ruin and US

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    • 01 MAR 07

    #661:The Emerging Global Pattern of Insect Pollinator Decline

    In December 2006 a paper by Olle Johansson, “How Shall we Cope With the Increasing Amounts of AIrborne Radiation?” was published in the print Journal of the Australasian College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine (www.acnem.org). This paper examines an increase in illness in the population of Sweden and the increasing background level of microwave radiation

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    • 01 MAR 07

    #660: On Second-Hand RF Radiation By Robert C. Kane

    Sent by Bente-Ingrid Bruun: www.emrnetwork.org/position/kane_second_hand_radiation.pdf On Second-Hand RF Radiation By Robert C. Kane, Ph.D. Former Motorola Senior Research Scientist and Technical Staff Member Radiofrequency radiation emissions from cellular towers and handsets hold the potential for increased incidence of long-term medical effects, but of equal importance are the immediate effects of exposure to the radiation. Unlike

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    • 28 FEB 07

    #659:Mast Sanity Press release on George Carlo

    http://www.mastsanity.org/ Dr. Carlo Press Release – 26th February 2007 There were only 5 MPs present at the presentation by Dr Carlo of the Safe Wireless Initiative, USA on mobile phone health risks at Westminster on Thursday 22nd February. There has been a virtual news blackout on his presentation in the UK media. Mobile phones have

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    • 28 FEB 07

    #658:Electromagnetic Fields in the Built Environment (RAIA)

    Following on from the last message, in August 2006 a paper was published in the BDP Design Digest, a publication of the Royal Australian Institute of Architects that called for the inclusion of reducing electromagnetic fields in building design. The paper is copyrighted to RAIA and only available on their web site to subscribers. However

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    • 27 FEB 07

    #657: New Budapest building shields residents from electrosmog

    From Martin Weatherall: By: CaboodleNews (Hungary) 2007-02-26 09:46:00 Hungary’s first building to protect its residents from electrosmog and radon gas was completed in November 2006. Residents report feeling more relaxed and better rested than they did in their previous homes. Electrosmog is caused by everyday electronic devices such as radios, television sets, computer monitors and

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    • 23 FEB 07

    #656: More on the continuing debacle at Toowong

    The following was sent in by Sylvie in France who has taken an interest in the Toowong ABC breast cancer story, or as it is shaping up to be, a cover-up. Last I heard the reference committee representing the union and women will be requesting the full ARPANSA ELF report from Dr. Bruce Armstrong. Stay

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    • 21 FEB 07


    From Martin Weatherall The Daily Mail February 20, 2007 As the chief executive of a high-tech food company with a turnover of £500m and 5,000 staff, you would expect Brian Stein to have all the latest electronic gizmos. But he doesn’t even watch television or listen to a stereo system, much less use a mobile

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    • 21 FEB 07

    #655: Technological disease (From Gerald Goldberg)

    Increase in Autism incidence, tentative association with other environmental variables based on demographics. Recently there has been a new science looking at the demographics of disease incidence based on comparing them to the rise or introduction of new technologies. One such variable that has been analyzed is electromagnetic radiation generated by artificial sources. Biological systems

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    • 20 FEB 07

    #654: Isreali research in 1995: Cell phone radiation may cause visual damage

    http://www.isracast.com/Articles/Article.aspx?ID=57 Posted Monday, Jul. 25, 2005 on IsraCast.com In a recent scientific study conducted by a team of researchers from the Technion, a possible link between microwave radiation, similar to the type found in cellular phones, and different kinds of damage to the visual system was found. At least one kind of damage seems to

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    • 20 FEB 07

    #653:Mobiles destroying childhood (From AustralianIT)

    Mobiles destroying childhood John Stapleton FEBRUARY 19, 2007 australianIT.com.au WHILE the average parent usually buys their child a mobile telephone with security in mind, researchers at the Australia Institute have condemned the marketing of mobiles to children as promoting consumerism and destroying childhood. Researchers Christian Downie and Kate Glazebrook say in their paper, titled Mobile

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    • 19 FEB 07

    #652: Cell phone dangers argued (Chicago Tribune)

    http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/chi-0702170251feb18,1,6756778.story Cell phone dangers still argued Radiation, heat worries dismissed, then resurface By Mike Hughlett Tribune staff reporter February 18, 2007 Investigators at an eminent research clinic in Cleveland concluded last fall that excessive cell phone use could damage a man’s sperm. Then last month, a major European study found that long-term cell phone use

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    • 19 FEB 07

    #651:News Flash: Toowong ABC expert panel head refuses to release ELF report

    This morning I rang the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) about when their Toowong ABC extremely low frequency (ELF) report would be available. The reply was that it was sent to the ABC’s expert panel head, Dr. Bruce Armstrong the previous week and to contact him for a copy. I immediately rang

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    • 19 FEB 07

    #650: Cancer fight ‘cost my job’ at Toowong (Courier Mail)

    The Courier Mail (Australia) February 19, 2007 Monday First with the news Edition Cancer fight ‘cost my job’ BYLINE: Melanie Christiansen ‘I believe I was taken off air because of my role in supporting breast cancer victims and my ABC colleagues’ Ian Eckersley A SENIOR ABC sports presenter has quit his job, claiming he has

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    • 13 FEB 07

    If you check the ABC’s web site, titled “General Information – Incidence of Breast Cancer, ABC Toowong” you will see where the expert panel has concluded: “To date, technical testing on the site has cleared the technology in use on the site as a possible cause”. This is interesting considering that the date is 21

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