• 27 MAR 19

    A historical revisit to ACEBR’s very questionable provocation testing

    Excerpt: In 2013 CSIRO scientist Dr. David McDonald won a COMCARE compensation case for crippling headaches, nausea and dizziness caused by using Wi-Fi and computers at work. Dr McDonald, was a mathematician who worked as a principal research scientist at the CSIRO for 15 years. He moved to the Victorian countryside to avoid electromagnetic radiation but later died from cancer. In 2011, as part of the case McDonald was asked to undergo a provocation study being designed for use in Australia by ACEBR (called ACRBR at the time) McDonald asked to see the testing protocol and it was provided under a request for confidentially. McDonald’s analysis makes for interesting reading indeed but his conclusions are telling and illustrate the dismal state of EHS research in Australia. To quote: …SNIP

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    • 26 MAR 19

    Scientific “groupthink” in Australia seeking to redefine EHS as unrelated to EMR exposure.

    The below article has been published on Dariusz Leszczynski’s blog, Between a Rock and a Hard Place. Essential reading on how scientific inquiry can be captured and by a select group of supposed experts with a predetermined goal to protect vested interests. As defined by Merriam-Webster, groupthink is a pattern of thought characterized by self-deception, forced manufacture of consent, and conformity to group values and ethics.- And the dismal state of EHS research in Australia is a prime example of that. Read on…

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    • 25 MAR 19

    Emeritus Professor Martin Pall slams ARPANSA response

    From Stop Smart Meters Australia:

    Excerpt: The Minister for Health (The Hon Greg Hunt MP) and the Minister for Environment (The Hon Melissa Price MP) referred a letter from a member of Stop 5G Perth and Australia wide to the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) for a response. The letter sought information about the role of ARPANSA and the health impacts of millimetre wave (5G) technology.

    ARPANSA replied in its usual vein, downplaying any possible cause for alarm.

    Martin Pall PhD, Professor Emeritus of Biochemistry and Basic Medical Sciences, Washington State University, was asked by Stop 5G Perth and Australia wide to respond to ARPANSA’s (unsigned) letter.

    Professor Martin Pall’s 28-page forensic analysis of ARPANSA’s letter, which includes reference to his own document on the risks of 5G and other EMF, is a chilling indictment of the competence, professionalism and independence of ARPANSA. ARPANSA is the organisation that supposedly monitors and identifies radiation risks to Australians!..SNIP

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    • 24 MAR 19

    Oregon proposed legislation would require health officials to review independent studies on microwave radiation from wireless technology.

    A bill has been introduced in the Oregon state Senate that would require the board of education and the Oregon Health Authority to review independently funded studies relating to the biological effects of microwave radiation from wireless technology in schools. It would also require schools to begin teaching kids how to use their wireless devices more safely…SNIP

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    • 18 MAR 19

    New paper on the risks that mobile technologies have on children

    From The GR3C a research organisation which has ongoing research engagements with several major international organisations, including: Fidelity Investments, Bank of New York Mellon, Deutsche Bank, Santander, Barclays, NatWest; RegTech and FinTech vendors such as Corlytics, Governor Software, Terra Nua, MCO, and Mizen; Global law firms such as Linklaters and UK-based professional services firms such as Grant Thornton and Deloitte; and, finally, regulators such as the Bank of England, the FCA and international industry bodies such as the RegTech Council.
    “Professor Tom Butler publishes a new working paper on the risks that mobile digital technologies present to children, titled “On the Clear Evidence of the Risks to Children from Smartphone and WiFi Radio Frequency Radiation”. See the link below. This paper is an in-depth review of independent peer-reviewed research. The findings are thought-provoking and alarming for parents and guardians of children and adolescents…SNIP

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    • 17 MAR 19

    How Much Screen Time Should Kids Have?

    From “Smart Parent Advice”

    By Ryan Howard


    Screen time. In today’s connected world, there are more and more reasons to experience screen time. Screens are so prevalent, it’s hard to avoid them altogether. Having children only complicates the matter–do you find yourself wondering what the right amount of screen time for kids is?

    Your children are likely living a very different childhood from the one you had. Balancing the good that screen time may bring, with the importance of other activities, can be hard. If you’re trying to figure it all out, here’s what you need to know about screen time–both the good and the bad…SNIP
    What Are the Disadvantages to Screen Time?

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    • 11 MAR 19

    Mobile safety standards relaxed ahead of 5G networks

    From The Telegraph

    By Margi Murphy, US Technology Reporter, San Francisco

    9 March 2019 • 8:00pm
    Safety restrictions on how much radiation phone masts are allowed to emit are to be relaxed next month, ahead of the introduction of 5G networks.

    ICNIRP, the global scientific body used to set standards on radio frequency emissions from smartphones, WiFi routers and phone masts, will vote on easing its guidelines next month.

    The Munich-headquartered organisation, made up of a dozen scientists, believe the existing rules can be relaxed without any health risks.

    Telecoms companies have been hoping the restrictions will be relaxed to allow them to set up next-generation mobile networks, which will require more powerful signals…SNIP

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    • 08 MAR 19

    Now ICNIRP/ACEBR researchers looks at NIR for cosmetic purposes!

    Wouldn’t it be nice if the folks at ICNIRP and ACEBR decided to research the following for example:

    * The biological effects of 5G millimeter waves for both humans and insects

    * Effects on sleep quality from close exposure to smart meter transmissions.

    But no, why risk finding inconvenient truths which could pose a risk to the virtual global rollout of 5G, the smart grid and the internet of things, when you can safely spend time drafting a statement on the “Intended human exposure to NIR for cosmetic purposes”.

    No matter how you word it, it still smells like bullshit…. SNIP

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    • 07 MAR 19

    New Study: How does screen time affect grades?

    From Daniel Je

    January 7, 2019

    What effects can phone screen time have on students? At first glance, it may seem harmless but when we decided to take a closer look, we found a strong correlation between too much phone time and lower grades.

    With 95% of Americans owning a cell phone of some kind and actually 77% of them owning a smartphone (according to pewinternet), the topic of phone time and its potential effects comes into question.

    So, we asked undergraduate university/college students what their daily phone screen time was the last 7 days and their current grade to see if there could be any correlation between them…SNIP

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    • 25 FEB 19

    5G Waves Surprise! More 5G complications (2 articles)


    As network operators furtively roll out 5G services, the cellular communications industry is learning about 5G on the fly, finding one unexpected challenge after another. It’s more difficult than they had anticipated, and in response they’re incurring greater startup costs than they’d originally budgeted for….SNIP…From the moment that the wireless industry decided it would make use of higher frequencies for 5G transmission, everyone has known spectrum would have some ramifications for those deployment plans. One issue, it turns out, will probably not be that big of a deal, the other somewhat more consequential, but neither is addressed very often. Both derive from what’s commonly known: the higher the frequency of a wireless signal, the less well it propagates and the less able it is to penetrate obstacles. So as a practical matter: 1) In contrast to deploying 3G and 4G, deploying 5G will require distinct indoor and outdoor strategies. 2) 5G base stations will have to be spaced more closely, necessitating more of them, especially in densely populated areas.

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    • 24 FEB 19

    Dr. Martin Pall: “Putting in tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has got to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world.”

    By Arjun Walia


    We are in the midst of a 5G wireless technology rollout, and politicians have yet to address safety concerns. I recently used Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau as an example, but it’s happening worldwide. It’s one of many examples that illustrates how large corporations completely control politics. I also recently wrote about Robert F. Kennedy explaining how this came to be, and how they’ve been able to completely compromise government, big media, and our federal regulatory agencies that are supposed to be protecting and informing us.

    In the video, he uses Big Pharma as an example, as they provide the most money to congress; even more so than big oil and gas. In that article I also outline multiple examples of fraud so readers can get a clearer picture of what’s going on and see some actual evidence of it.

    It’s clear that we are not being protected, and politicians are simply abiding to the the will of their masters, the big corporations, who in turn act as slaves to their ‘financial overlords,’ the big banks. We continue to see products and services being approved and implemented without ever going through any safety testing. This is a big problem, and one of the main reasons why we could be seeing a drastic rise in multiple diseases and ailments, especially when it comes to neuropsychiatric disorders. A study titled “Microwave frequency electromagnetic fields (EMFs) produce widespread neuropsychiatric effects including depression” published in the Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy outlines this quite clearly, and it’s only one of thousands of peer-reviewed studies raising multiple concerns in regards to this type of technology…SNIP

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    • 22 FEB 19

    Trump wants 6G internet ‘as soon as possible’

    From The Verge
    Yes, you read that right: 6G
    By Chaim Gartenberg@cgartenberg
    5G may be one of the biggest internet buzzwords around, but Donald Trump is already over it. Instead, Trump has moved on to 6G. The president announced in a pair of tweets this morning that he’d like to see 6G in the United States alongside 5G “as soon as possible.”

    It’s not entirely clear what spurred Trump’s sudden tweets in support of next-gen cellular communications standards. Perhaps Fox & Friends mentioned the announcement of Samsung’s new Galaxy S10 5G, and Trump was dismayed that Verizon had no live 5G network on which the device could actually function in the United States yet. Or maybe the president’s phone got AT&T’s 5G E update, reminding Trump that US carriers are relying on cheap tricks to convince customers they have faster speeds…SNIP

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    • 21 FEB 19

    Row over Cancer, Cell Phone Review A Request That It Be Withdrawn (Microwave News)

    Last month, a major review of cell phone cancer risks appeared in the Annual Review of Public Health. The authors would have us believe that cell phones do not present a cancer risk. In the course of digging into the text and supporting documents, I came across some striking contradictions, as well as some serious omissions. They give me pause about the paper’s conclusions and the motives at work. I believe that a major objective of the review is to cast doubt on IARC’s classification of RF as a possible human carcinogen, and by extension empower the WHO and ICNIRP to sidestep precaution.

    Please read:
    The Precarious Case Against Precaution, my detailed look at one of the central arguments used to dismiss precaution: If there were a cancer link, we would be seeing an increase in the number of brain tumors reported to national cancer registries. As I was finishing this article, I received some e-mail traffic that raises questions about the peer review process that the paper went through —or more correctly, about the lack of a conventional peer review.

    My companion piece:
    Row over Cancer, Cell Phone Review
    Louis Slesin, PhD
    Editor, Microwave News

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    • 17 FEB 19

    Biological consequences of Low-Frequency Sound. (new book)

    After two years of strenuous effort, New Zealand researcher, Dr. Bruce Rapley has publish the long-awaited book: Conversations for a Small Planet – Volume 3 – Biological consequences of Low-Frequency Sound.

    It is 515 pages long and available in paperback with most of the pages are in colour with over 300 colour pictures / graphs / diagrams etc. There is now a website where people can view the book and purchase a copy via paypal. Recommended reading!

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    • 12 FEB 19

    Insufficient sleep could damage your DNA and genes, study finds

    In the following article from the South China Morning Post, research is mentioned that indicates insufficient sleep can lead to DNA damage and possibly increase the risk of cancer. Considering that one of the main health complaints from people who have a smart meter located close to bedroom areas is insomnia, a case could be raised that in such cases smart meter emissions may damage DNA and increase the risk of cancer. EXCERPT: “Sleep deprivation can damage DNA and the body’s ability to repair this, possibly leading to higher chances of genetic diseases such as cancer, a study has found”. The University of Hong Kong research, which looked into the effects of sleep deprivation on local doctors, found that those who needed to work overnight shifts had a higher level of damage in their DNA, as well as lower levels of gene activity associated with DNA repair…. Also see the link to the article: “Long working hours and digital devices blamed as more than 2 million Hongkongers suffer from insomnia”…And the link: “Hong Kong urged to wake up to the importance of a better night’s sleep”

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    • 11 FEB 19

    China’s social credit system

    A dozen or so cities throughout the country are test beds for carrot-and-stick programmes to encourage businesses and individuals to comply with existing rules.
    The efforts have been roundly condemned overseas as Orwellian but for members of the public, the impact of the systems can vary…SNIP

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    • 06 FEB 19

    An Australian Law Firm seeking those who have been harmed by wi-fi.

    Premier Compensation Lawyers, based in New South Wales, Australia is now seeking potential clients who believe they have been adversely affected by WiFI. This is from their website:…SNIP

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    • 02 FEB 19

    5G will enable ‘smart’ future warfare


    Apart from its tremendous commercial benefits, 5G – the fifth generation of mobile communication – is revolutionising military and security technology, which is partly why it has become a focal point in the United States efforts to contain China’s rise as a tech power and its allegations against Chinese companies. The future landscape of warfare and cybersecurity could be fundamentally changed by 5G. But experts say 5G is more susceptible to hacking than previous networks, at a time of rising security concerns and US-China tensions on various interconnected fronts that include trade, influence in the Asia-Pacific region and technological rivalry. These tensions provide the backdrop to controversy surrounding Huawei, the world’s largest telecoms equipment supplier. Long before the Chinese company was indicted in the US this week on multiple charges including stealing trade secrets and violating US sanctions – charges it denies – US intelligence voiced concerns that Huawei’s telecommunications equipment could contain “back doors” for Chinese espionage. Huawei has repeatedly denied these allegations, but the controversies have underlined 5G’s growing importance and stepped up the technological arms race between China and the US. To most people, the next-generation networks, which will be at least 20 times faster than the most advanced networks today, may just mean faster downloads of movies or smoother streaming. But they have much bigger potential than that…SNIP

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    • 01 FEB 19

    Part II: Australia’s Optus is turbo-charging 5G roll-out

    Excerpt from the blog of Dariusz Leszczynski:

    Optus to deploy 1,200 5G sites by March 2020, launches 5G Home Broadband service

    Thursday 31 January 2019 | 09:13 CET | News

    Australian operator Optus has announced details of its 5G Home Broadband service which is underpinned by a plan to deliver 1,200 5G sites by March 2020. In partnership with Nokia, which is supplying the 5G RAN and Fastmile 5G CPEs, Optus 5G sites are now live in two suburbs in Canberra, with an additional site live in Sydney and 47 more sites planned to be online by March 2019… SNIP

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    • 31 JAN 19

    Part I: Misleading opinion on 5G small cells presented by the ABC News in Australia

    From the blog of Dariusz Leszczynski, Between a Rock and a Hard Place, January 18, 2019


    Misleading opinion on 5G small cells presented by the ABC News is simply a lie.

    On January 6th, 2019 (with an update on Jan. 7th) ABC News in Australia posted a story on installation in residential areas of small cells that will be used by the 5G networks. The story was aimed at assuring the residents, who are having small cell boxes installed by Telstra and Optus in the vicinity of their homes, that there is no health problem whatsoever because radiation emitted by the small cells is the same as 4G network radiation that is already emitted by the large antennas. ABC News was saying, in the Australian way, “no worries mate”…

    However, there is something badly wrong with the opinion presented by the ABC News’ journalists, Ashleigh Raper and Nick Sas, and by the scientific expert used by the ABC News, Dr. Geza Benke of the Monash University in Melbourne…SNIP

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