• 03 JUL 06

    #509: Commentary on limitations of the Interphone study

    The weblog version of this message is at: #509: Commentary on limitations of the Interphone study From Lloyd Morgan: Commentary: Cellular Phones, Cordless Phones, and the Risks of Glioma and Meningioma (Interphone Study Group, Germany) Schüz et al., American Journal of Epidemiology Advance Access published January 27, 2006 This study, similar to all Interphone studies

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    • 02 JUL 06

    #508: Canadian Cancer Society advises on EMFs

    The weblog version of this message is at: #508: Canadian Cancer Society advises on EMFs While the various cancer organisations in Australia and elsewhere continue to ignore the EMF cancer connection, the Canadian Cancer Society now gives clear advice on the issue. This is an IMPORTANT breakthrough which will be communicated to the many thousands

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    • 30 JUN 06

    #507: Commentary on RMIT’s brain tumour cluster controversy

    I understand that the recent brain tumour cluster at RMIT University’s Building 108 in Melbourne received some discussion at the recent Bioelectromagnetics conference in Cancun, Mexico, with the Aussie Telcos saying that the rooftop antennas have received the all-clear. For once I am in rare agreement with that opinion. HOWEVER the issue is far from

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    • 29 JUN 06

    #504 0r 506? : NOTICE about numbering

    There are unresolved technical problems with this web log in relation to numbering messages. For some reason some message numbers skip-thus putting the Message # number and url link at the top out of sinc with the url at the bottom of the message. It seems that everytime someone subscribes it gets recorded as a

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    • 29 JUN 06

    # 503: Martin Blank ‘s message to ICNIRP

    The weblog version of this message is at: #501: The Spin Begins: Reporting the Italian cell phone study Following is an email sent to ICNIRP and also widely distributed by Dr. Martin Blank, Associate Professor of Physiology and Cellular Biophysics and Bioelectromagnetics Society President, 1997-1998. He is reporting on the latest ‘state of the science’

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    • 29 JUN 06

    #502: Funding the Italian cell phone study

    The weblog version of this message is at: #500: Are cell phones addictive? From David Bücher [re: last message] Dear Don, “Perhaps someone should inquire as to who funded this study””” Easily done, see http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/abstract/112660876/ABSTRACT The Acknowledgements section from the full text article: “The research was granted by Telecom Italia Mobile (project EC7305) and Associazione

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    • 28 JUN 06

    #501: The Spin Begins: Reporting the Italian cell phone study

    The weblog version of this message is at: http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/index.php?p=501 Iris Atzmon send this story on. Note where the Italian researchers apparently suggest cell phone use “could possibly help if you suffer from migraines or other neurological disorders”. Helpful news for people troubled by headaches after using the cell phone. Why such bizarre statements from researchers

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    • 28 JUN 06

    #500: Are cell phones addictive?

    The weblog version of this message is at: http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/index.php?p=500 Following is a message from Sarah Dacre in the UK commenting on the last message “Cell phone signals excite brain”: Hi Don, Just briefly, and as an ES UK based person attempting to get my life back together after being struck down last year with ME

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    • 27 JUN 06

    # 499: Cell phone signals excite brain

    The weblog version of this message is at: http ://www.emfacts.com/weblog/index.php?p=499 Following on from the last message (#498) about the research by Professor Con Stough, from the Brain Sciences Institute at Melbourne’s Swinburne University, below is the latest from Italy, also finding an effect on brain function from cell phone use. This time finding that microwaves

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    • 22 JUN 06

    #498: Mobiles: are they doing you harm?

    The weblog version of this message is at: http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/index.php?p=498 On tonight’s A Current Affair a very good story was aired about the recent Australian research by Professor Con Stough, from the Brain Sciences Institute at Melbourne’s Swinburne University. Hopefully a complete transcript will soon be available but a brief summary is on the ACA web

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