• 20 JUN 06

    #497: News Flash: Repacholi to retire

    The weblog version of theis message is at: http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/index.php?p=497 I have just heard from a reliable source who attended the June 11-15 Annual Meeting of the Bioelectromagnetics Society at Cancun, Mexico that Michael Repacholi has reached his use-by-date and apparently is retiring at the end of this month to be replaced by an Emily Van

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    • 20 JUN 06

    Levitt / Loranger interview available

    The weblog version of theis message is at: http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/index.php?p=496 Notice from Shivani Arjuna: Independent documentary film maker, Doug Loranger producer and director of “Bad Reception, The Wireless Revolution in San Francisco”) and medical/science journalist, B. Blake Levitt (author of “Electromagnetic Fields, A Consumer’s Guide to the Issues and How to Protect Ourselves” and editor of

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    • 19 JUN 06

    #494: Frequency vs. field strength

    Note: To get the weblog version of this message go to: http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/index.php?p=494 From Shivani Arjuna: Dear Don, Regarding situations like the one you described at the Queensland Post Office [ message#480] that was next to an electrical substation, a crucial element is overlooked in the readings that are taken. The readings focus on the strength

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    • 17 JUN 06

    #492: Andrew Marino on the Repacholian Era

    From Robert James: Dear Don After digesting your paper on the WHO charade (message490) your readers might find the extensive Repacholi commentary posted on Andrew Marino’s web site somewhat relevant to your paper. http://www.ortho.lsuhsc.edu/Faculty/Marino/Comments/RepacholiTestimony.html#52306 Here’s a snippet to wet your reader’s appetites. Yours Robert “At the bottom of the barrel is the EMF scientist who

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    • 16 JUN 06

    #491: Consumer Groups Warn Public of Cell Phone Industry Tactics

    From Milt Bowling: UPDATE: Consumer Groups Warn Public of Cell Phone Industry Tactics; Aronstein Statement, AARP New York State Director 6/15/2006 4:28:00 PM To: State Desk Contact: David Irwin, 518-447-6723; Bill Ferris, 518-447-6712 NEW YORK, June 15 /U.S. Newswire/ — Following is a statement by Lois Aronstein, AARP New York state director: The cell phone

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    • 15 JUN 06

    #490: New paper on WHO/ICNIRP and conflict of interest

    Notice: A new paper titled, “Conflict of Interest and Bias in Health Advisory Committees: A case study of the WHO”™s EMF Task Group” is now available on the EMFacts web site: http://www.emfacts.com/papers/who_conflict.pdf It is published in the latest Journal of the Australasian College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine, Vol. 21 No. 1, pages 15-17, April

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    • 14 JUN 06

    #489: Recommended new book from Powerwatch (UK)

    A highly recommended New Book is now available from Powerwatch UK titled “The Powerwatch Handbook, simple ways to make you and your family safer”. Powerwatch is donating all royalties from the book to the UK charity Children withLeukaemia. Please support it and order a copy, essential reading. See article in major UK news paper The

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    • 12 JUN 06

    Disney: Cashing in on getting kids connected

    Disney Phone Service Has Parents in Mind The New York Times By LAURA M. HOLSON Published: April 5, 2006 LOS ANGELES, April 4 “” With the help of the Walt Disney Company, parents can make sure it’s still a small world for their children, at least when it comes to their cellphone use. On Wednesday,

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    • 10 JUN 06

    #487: Cellphone tower moved because of illness complaints

    From Sue Fusco (Canada) Simcoe cellphone tower to be moved; Neighbours complaint of illness Cheryl Bauslaugh www.brantfordexpositor.ca Wednesday, June 07, 2006 – 01:00 Local News – Norfolk councillors have decided to get rid of a cellphone tower in the centre of Simcoe that residents say is a health risk. After hearing from more than 20

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    • 10 JUN 06

    #486: N0tice from Mast-Victims.org

    Notice from Mast-Victims.org: To All We have been working hard at getting the following interviews downloaded and converted to a form where they could be heard for as long as anyone wants (in other words for eternity) This has now resulted in a new chapter on Mast-victims, http://www.mast-victims.org/index.php?content=resources&collection Where we have stashed: http://www.mast-victims.org/index.php?content=resources&#audio>Audio: interviews http://www.mast-victims.org/index.php?content=resources&#video>Video:

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    • 01 JUN 06

    #485: The wireless society – is it a dangerous trap?

    From Olle Johansson: Dear All, The wireless society – is it a dangerous trap? In February 2006 Götene’s municipality in Västergötland, Sweden, put it’s wireless internet system into use. Right after this, 8 citizens got ill (heart palpitations, breathing problems, nausea, headache, dizziness, etc.) and some of them had to leave their home and settle

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    • 31 MAY 06

    NYC Mayor Bloomberg bans cell phones in schools

    From Sage Associates: Students, Parents Call For End To School Cell Phone Ban NY1 News May 30, 2006 Weather: Hazy & Humid, High 86 Top News “˘ NY1 Living May 08, 2006 The debate over whether cell phones should be banned from public schools is not over. Students, parents and school officials who are trying

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    • 30 MAY 06

    Evidence and Dissent in Science Workshop-London

    Evidence and Dissent in Science Workshop “” June 19th and 20th, London School of Economics. Part of the Contingency and Dissent in Science Project (3 yr, AHRC funded). Contingency and Dissent in Science Today society is scrambling to figure out how to manage the uses and abuses of science to minimize harm and maximize public

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    • 27 MAY 06

    Radio interview with Milt Bowling FYI

    Here is the URL for a May 24th radio interview with Milt Bowling from the Clean Energy Foundation in Canada on the health impacts of EMR. It is well worth a listen! The url for the Clean Energy Foundation is: http ://www.cleanenergycanada.com>www.cleanenergycanada.com Don

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    • 27 MAY 06

    ‘Dirty electricity’ out of bounds for students

    From Robert Reidlinger: ‘Dirty electricity’ out of bounds for students School board fences off transformer, closes halls as precautions against EMFs May 18, 2006 Serena Willoughby, Staff Writer, The Economist & sun and The Liberal They’re closing hallways, moving the basketball net and putting up fences at St. Monica Catholic School in Markham, all to

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    • 26 MAY 06

    A Cautionary Tale: The Capalaba Post Office

    Before the RMIT building EMF controversy is written off as ‘case-closed’ with both Radiofrequency and ELF magnetic fields being given the all-clear, it is worthwhile to consider another cancer building scare that I was briefly involved with which took place about 5 years ago at the Capalaba Post Office in Queensland. In that case, there

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    • 26 MAY 06

    Microwave News on RMIT findings

    From Microwave News: Dear Colleagues: The environmental surveys prompted by the brain tumor cluster in Melbourne, Australia, were released earlier today. We have taken a look at the EMF and RF measurements and we don’t think they go far enough to allay public concerns. We have posted a comment on our Web site, http://www.microwavenews.com, together

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    • 26 MAY 06

    Retraction of last message

    While re-reading the EMC Radiofrequency Field Survey of the RMIT building this morning I saw in horror that the last two pages did not print on my printer last night. These pages do in fact mention that ELF measurements were taken so I have deleted the previous message with apologies to all concerned. Not a

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    • 25 MAY 06

    “EMR and Health” Newsletter now available

    Notice from Lyn McLean The June issue of the email newsletter “EMR and Health” is now available. This issue contains the information about the latest scientific research on the EMR/health connection, including powerful new studies on childhood leukemia and mobile phones and brain tumours. There’s new information about the effects of mobile phone antennas on

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    • 25 MAY 06

    #474: Health fears prompt call to stop building power lines

    Article sent by Sylvie: http://news.scotsman.com/health.cfm?id=762232006 Wednesday, 24th May 2006 Health Tue 23 May 2006 Health fears prompt call to stop building power lines LOUISE GRAY THE building of new power lines in Scotland should be stopped while the potential health risks to children and pregnant women are measured, a government adviser has warned. Professor Denis

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