• 24 MAY 06

    Still more joys of living under antennas

    From Powerwatch UK: http://www.powerwatch.org.uk/news/20011101_pensioner_poisoned.asp?pf=1 Pensioner ‘poisoned’ by phone mast on her roof. A report by Amy Cartmell in the Newcastle Chronicle & Journal. For full story see: http://www.evening-chronicle.co.uk/cfm/body_story_1.cfm?StoryId=275046&Row=1&Prev=1&Next=3 Just weeks ago Ena Bambrough told neighbours she was dying after being slowly poisoned by mobile phone masts on the roof of her Tyneside tower block. Now,

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    • 24 MAY 06

    More on living under antennas

    Following is a very old question sent to me in Jan of 2000. Very relevant to the last message. Dear Mr. Maisch, Do you have any information that I could use for the following: This is the situation: I live in a block of flats in the city of Lisbon, Portugal, where 5 years ago

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    • 24 MAY 06

    The joys of living under roof top antennas

    Testimonial of Dalan MCaren 22 Jan 2000 From Robert Reidlinger In September of 98,I moved into a 21-storey government subsidized building for seniors. The apartment that was my placement is on the 20th floor. I immediately began experiencing symptoms of a dizzy-off -balanced feeling, headaches which were constant, sever insomnia, profuse nosebleeds, sweating and a

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    • 19 MAY 06

    # 470: Electrical union to ban work near phone masts

    The Age newspaper, Melbourne Australia By Adam Morton May 19, 2006 ELECTRICAL workers will refuse to work on or near operational mobile phone towers in Victoria until safety standards are introduced, fearing exposure to electromagnetic radiation causes cancer. The Electrical Trades Union ban came as preliminary testing at RMIT University’s business school found no evidence

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    • 19 MAY 06

    #469. Comments from Lachlan Mudge on the RMIT controversy

    Comments from Lachlan Mudgeon the RMIT cell tower controversy have been posted at: Important comments on the RMIT cell tower case Scroll down to comment #9

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    • 18 MAY 06

    # 468: The Scariest Predators in the Corporate Jungle (Part I)

    The following may seem at first glance a bit “off-topic” for this list but it is noteworthy that the United Nations is at last taking note of the nefarious activities of the corporate world. Perhaps its time they widen the scope of their investigations to include corporate corruption of the activities of the WHO…. Part

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    • 17 MAY 06

    Stewart Fist’s “Electric words” web site

    I have received recently several inquiries about where Stewart Fist’s “Electric words” web site is. Stewart is now re-establishing his previous site at: http://electricwords.emfacts.com/ He has also posted the 1994 CSIRO report at: http://electricwords.emfacts.com/csiro/ Don

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    • 17 MAY 06

    # 466: Santa Cruz preschool closes citing cell tower radiation

    http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/archive/2006/May/12/local/stories/01local.htm Santa Cruz preschool closes citing cell tower radiation By ROGER SIDEMAN SENTINEL STAFF WRITERSANTA CRUZ A new Westside elementary school is closing its doors following plans by First Congregational Church to install three cell-phone transmitters next door atop its 80-foot steeple. Una Familia, the private school at 900 High St. that serves 25 kindergarten

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    • 15 MAY 06

    RMIT comments from Katharina Gustavs

    Comments from Katharina Gustavs the RMIT cell tower controversy have been posted at: Important comments on the RMIT cell tower case Scroll down to comment #8 Don

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    • 15 MAY 06

    RMIT comments from Panayis Zambellis (UK):

    Note that further comments from Panayis Zambellis about the RMIT cell tower controversy have been posted at: Important comments on the RMIT cell tower case Scroll down to comment #7. Don

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    • 14 MAY 06

    Microwave News on RMIT

    From Microwave News: Dear Colleagues: A brain tumor cluster in Melbourne, Australia, is under investigation. Some are blaming mobile phone towers, while some are worried about exposures to other types of EMFs. Still others say it is all a sad coincidence. We have posted a short item on our Web site, http://www.microwavenews.com We encourage you

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    • 14 MAY 06

    Still more comments on RMIT

    Last night several more relevant comments about the RMIT brain tumour / cell tower controversy came in and have been included on message # 460. Go to: http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/?p=460 Don

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    • 14 MAY 06

    Addition to last message

    An additional comment from Paul Doyon has been added to the last message. See: Important comments on the RMIT cell tower case Don

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    • 14 MAY 06

    Important comments on the RMIT cell tower case

    Following a message I sent out on the bioelectromagnetics list on the RMIT building controversy, several comments were posted that are quite relevant to the case and dispute the understanding that being directly underneath a cellphone antenna facility means the RF/MW levels are minimal. As one technician said to me just yesterday: “If you have

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    • 13 MAY 06

    RMIT brain tumour controversy: perhaps its not the antennas

    As for the phone tower cancer fears at the Melbourne Australia RMIT building I have to suggest that it is premature to point the blame at the cell phone towers on top of the RMIT building. The TV aerial shots of the building roof show the antennas mounted on a very tall and substantial equipment

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    • 12 MAY 06

    More on RMIT brain tumour controversy

    From The Age Melbourne, May 12, 2006: Phone tower cancer fears http://www.theage.com.au/news/national/phone-tower-cancer-fears/ 2006/05/11/1146940676777.html A SPATE of brain tumours among staff has forced RMIT University to close part of its business school and test for radiation emissions from rooftop phone towers. As staff reacted with shock, the university yesterday shut the top two floors of the

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    • 11 MAY 06

    BREAKING NEWS: Brain tumour cases prompt uni building closure

    From ABC Online: http://www.abc.net.au/news/newsitems/200605/s1636462.htm Thursday, May 11, 2006. 5:26pm (AEST) Brain tumour cases prompt uni building closure Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) has launched a second health and safety investigation in just five years, after seven staff members from the University’s Bourke Street campus were diagnosed with brain tumours. Five of the cases are

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    • 09 MAY 06

    More on the Lakehead University wireless controversy

    National Post (The Financial Post) (Canada) March 8, 2006 Wednesday All but Toronto Edition Small school sparks wireless furor BYLINE: Anne Marie Owens, National Post SECTION: NEWS; Pg. A1 DATELINE: THUNDER BAY, Ont. THUNDER BAY, Ont. – Fred Gilbert is a renowned scientist, an innovative administrator, and an impassioned advocate of the technological advances required

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    • 07 MAY 06

    EMFacts Domain name expired!

    Just to let everyone know for the two last days my Domain name had expired (Oops, thats what happened to Stewart Fist!) so any messages to me would have bounced back. All is well now as I have just renewed it to 2008. Good thing Motorola was napping! Any messages sent to me since last

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    • 04 MAY 06

    Important message from Microwave News

    Dear Colleagues: Microwave News has launched a new Web site. Same address, http://www.microwavenews.com , but a whole new look. Redesigning these pages took much longer than expected –that’s why you haven’t heard from us in a long time. The new site will make it easier for us to post spot news, as well as to

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