• 03 MAY 06

    Keeping a Democratic Web

    Keeping a Democratic Web The New York Times | Editorial http://www.truthout.org/docs_2006/050206E.shtml Tuesday 02 May 2006 “Net neutrality” is a concept that is still unfamiliar to most Americans, but it keeps the Internet democratic. Cable and telephone companies that provide Internet service are talking about creating a two-tiered Internet, in which Web sites that pay them

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    • 01 MAY 06

    Mystery as car alarms go haywire

    From Robert Reidlinger: They will investigate complaints of malfunctioning car alarms but ignore human health complaints such as headaches , sleep disturbance,ringing and buzzing in the ears and head,fatigue,blurry vision and even cancers??? Robert ************************************************************************** “Communications regulator Ofcom has said the problem also affects other areas and says it will investigate following complaints.” Mystery as

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    • 30 APR 06

    Pylon cancer fears put £7bn blight on house prices

    From Katharina Gustavs / Eileen O’Connor: Telegraph 29 April 2006 (United Kingdom) Pylon cancer fears put £7bn blight on house prices By Nic Fleming, Medical Correspondent (Filed: 29/04/2006) Up to £7 billion will be wiped off property values if the Government accepts the advice of experts that homes should no longer be built near overhead

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    • 28 APR 06

    Telco pre-exemption moves in California – and elsewhere

    Although the following message from Libby Kelly deals with further Telco pre-emption legislative laws in California and its effect on other states, the implications for other countries cannot be ignored. It is an inexorable push by the Telcos to achieve total exemptions from local and national laws – globally. Perhaps its not beyond the realms

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    • 28 APR 06

    Health Protection Agency – EMF Discussion Group (EMFDG)

    Powerwatch News: 27/04/2006 http://www.powerwatch.org.uk/news/20060427_hpa_emfdg.asp Summary: At the personal request of Sir William Stewart, Chairman of the UK Health Protection Agency (HPA), a new discussion group has been set up to help develop suitable precautionary advice for the general public regarding exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs). The people invited to participate in this group have considerable

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    • 27 APR 06

    The Science of RFR Health Risks

    From Olle Johansson FYI: Yet another splendid interview by Layna Berman at “Your Own Health and Fitness”, KPFA FM, San Francisco Bay Area, is now on-line for one week: Tuesday, April 25th “The Science of RFR Health Risks — Olle Johansson, PhD, associate professor at the Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm,

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    • 26 APR 06

    ABC on Australian cell phone research: A case of sloppy journalism

    In reporting the latest on Australian cell phone research, journalist Alex Wilde from the ABC made an error in giving the impression that Professor Con Stough stated: Mobile phones were once thought to have a carcinogenic effect, but an international consensus found no support for this argument. I found it surprising that Professor Stough would

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    • 24 APR 06

    A free and open Internet is under seige

    Please distribute widely Some time ago the global telecommunications industry set up an organisation, abbreviated “WIN” specifically to counter activist’s Internet web sites. Now it looks like they are very close to a win by gaining control over the Internet. If the following comes to pass, kiss goodbye to all those independent EMF sites –

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    • 22 APR 06

    Notice from Olle Johansson re: articles

    Dear All, For those of you that can read and understand Norwegian and Swedish, or get automatic translations, please note the following two articles: 1) Läs gärna – i dagens (21/4 2006) nummer av den norska avisen Aftenposten – denna intervju “Plagsom el-hverdag” av Lars-Ludvig Røed: http://www.aftenposten.no/helse/article1286798.ece 2) Även undertecknad har en insändare införd idag

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    • 21 APR 06

    New “peer reviewed” paper exonerates EMF/EMR

    The ongoing controversy over mobile phones and their base stations, power frequency transmission lines, powerlines and the human health implications of EMF exposure generally, has finally been answered in a ground breaking paper just published in Archives of Diseases in Childhood – the Journal of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH). Apparently

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    • 20 APR 06

    Conference notice: EMF effects on the environment


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    • 20 APR 06

    Monitoring kids with GPS cell phones

    From Diana Barbera: Hi Don, Today’s Washington Post article (online at http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2006/04/18/AR2006041801604.html) on monitoring kids with GPS cell phones is disturbing on so many levels, not the least of which is the fact that there is no mention of the possible health effects of heavy cell phone use by children. Best, Diana Barbera www.protectschools.org Watch

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    • 20 APR 06

    Comment to BMJ article, ‘Are some people sensitive to mobile phone signals?’

    From Frans van Velden Comment to ‘Are some people sensitive to mobile phone signals?’ The article ‘Are some people sensitive to mobile phone signals?’ by Rubin c.s. was published recently in British Medical Journal (15 April 2006 in BMJ 2006;332:886-891, doi:10.1136/bmj.38765.519850.55) (to be found here: Frans van Velden MSc Rubin et al. define electromagnetic sensitivity

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    • 19 APR 06

    Skitzoid logic from the HPA

    In the following article sent along by Sylvie, note the revealing statement at the end by the chief spokesperson from U.K.s Health Protection Agency (HPA), Michael Clarke. “If there was a chronic effect, it would only become apparent after 10 or 20 years and we’ve only had about 10 years of extensive use by large

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    • 16 APR 06

    Dr David Dowson on electrosensitivity

    From the web site of Sensory Perspective: http://www.detect-protect.com/k/evidence/drguidance.htm Electrosensitivity – how to diagnose it and what advice to give your patients. DR DAVID DOWSON, A GP AND EXPERT IN ELECTRO-SENSITIVITY (ALSO KNOWN AS ELECTRO-HYPERSENSITIVITY) GIVES ADVICE TO DOCTORS Dr David Dowson is a GP and a specialist in environmental medicine in which he has conducted

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    • 14 APR 06

    DECT / Wi-Fi info leaflet now available

    From Goldsworth Residents Against the Masts http://www.nomasts.org.uk Dear All, When I asked a few weeks ago the only leaflet that was available to warn people about mobile devices was that American one “Your mobile phone is making me sick” which raved on a bit, and listed about 3 US books from Amazon.com (in the US)

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    • 14 APR 06

    U.K. Insurance Firm Offers ‘Home Blight` Insurance

    Scotsman.com Mon 23 Aug 2004 Firm Offers ‘Home Blight` Insurance By Nicky Burridge, Personal Finance Correspondent, PA News Homeowners worried about the impact noisy neighbours or a mobile phone mast would have on the value their property can take out a new insurance policy, it emerged today.Insurance broker Lucas Fettes & Partners has launched Home

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    • 08 APR 06

    Comments on FDA’s interpretation problem

    Comments from Magda Havas on FDA finding the Hardell et al studies “hard to interpret”(Message #431) : Don, I don’t understand what is so difficult to interpret. Hardell and colleagues had two mobile phone studies published this year. One dealt with benign tumours and the other with malignant tumours as follows: Hardell et al. 2006a.

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    • 07 APR 06

    FDA finds Hardell study “difficult to interpret”.

    From Louis Slesin: FDA press release April 6, 2006 Use of Wireless Communication Devices and the Risk of Brain Cancer The FDA received numerous media inquires about a recently published paper (Pooled analysis of two case-control studies on use of cellular and cordless telephones and the risk for malignant brain tumors diagnosed in 1997-2003 by

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    • 07 APR 06

    Dr. Rosalie Bertell replies to Repacholi’s spin on Chernobyl

    From Milt Bowling: Dr. Rosalie Bertell was awarded the Right Livelihood Award in 1986 for her work on radiation. She points out how unqualified Repacholi is to comment on Chernobyl, which will be no surprise to this list. cheers, Milt http://www.iicph.org/docs/bertell_response_pressrelease_chernobyl_2005.htm Rosalie Bertell responds to the 2005 WHO/IAEA/UNDP Press Release on Chernobyl by Rosalie Bertell,

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