• 05 APR 06

    Mobile microwave ovens on the information superhighway

    From Eileen O’Connor: National Express trials in-coach Wi-Fi Information superhighway By John Leyden Published Friday 10th March 2006 10:01 GMT http://www.theregister.co.uk/2006/03/10/coach_wi-fi_trial/ UK coach firm National Express has launched a trial which has seen Telabria’s mSystem mobile Wi-Fi hotspots installed on coaches between London and Cambridge. The scheme means travellers on the National Express’s 010 London

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    • 04 APR 06

    RCR News reports on Hardell study

    From Karl Polzer: I found the wording of this story amazing. This is from a publication that is read and purchased largely by the wireless industry “” not to environmental activists. The writer, Jeff Silva, reports on the Hardell team”™s latest published study finding an increased risk in malignant brain tumors and notes that the

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    • 04 APR 06

    Electrosensitivity in Canada

    From Magda Havas: Hello everyone, I don’t know if you are aware of what is happening in Canada about EHS but let me tell you the country is buzzing. On Tuesday (March 28) Martin Mittelstaedt wrote a feature article for the Globe and Mail (a well respected National newspaper) about a man who is EHS.

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    • 01 APR 06

    More on the latest Swedish cell phone study

    Study: Tumor Risk from Cell Phones http://www.betanews.com/article/Study_Tumor_Risk_from_Cell_Phones/1143823783 By Nate Mook, BetaNews March 31, 2006, 11:49 AM Researchers at the Swedish National Institute for Working Life issued a report this week disputing two earlier studies that claimed cell phone use has no correlation to increased brain tumor risk. The Swedish study found that long-term mobile phone

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    • 01 APR 06

    Heavy cell phone users face a 240% increased risk of tumours

    From Iris Atzmon: Swedish researchers find link between cell phones and brain tumors 3/31/2006 12:02:08 PM, by Nate Anderson http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20060331-6502.html Be afraid. Be very afraid. That’s the message from the Swedish National Institute for Working Life, which has just completed a massive study on the cancer risks from cell phone use. Their results, which appear

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    • 30 MAR 06

    UN/WHO accused of ignoring 500,000 Chernobyl deaths

    From Iris Atzmon: UN accused of ignoring 500,000 Chernobyl deaths · Atomic agency says toll will not exceed 4,000 · Doctors ‘overwhelmed’ by cancers and mutations John Vidal, environment editor Saturday March 25, 2006 The Guardian http://www.guardian.co.uk/ukraine/story/0,,1739339,00.html Also see: http://observer.guardian.co.uk/magazine/story/0,,1738134,00.html United Nations nuclear and health watchdogs have ignored evidence of deaths, cancers, mutations and other

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    • 29 MAR 06

    Does power corrupt?

    From Magda Havas: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20060328.wxelectricity28/BNStory/Science/home Does power corrupt? MARTIN MITTELSTAEDT From Tuesday’s Globe and Mail, posted 28/03/06 Kevin Byrne is a man in the prime of his life who feared he had an old man’s problems. Last summer, he was devastated by chronic back pain and thought his hips were about to give out. “I’m thinking,

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    • 28 MAR 06

    3G industry rights supplant democracy in the UK

    http://www.mastsanity.org/media/49media-angergrows-0306.htm Mast Sanity press release “” 1st March 2006 Anger Grows as the health of the nation is threatened and freedom of information denied as OFCOM, DTI and ODPM hide behind a wall of conspiracy, misinformation and lies. STOP PRESS “” 2 March 2006 The ODPM have released the ARUP today The ODPM, in collusion

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    • 27 MAR 06

    UK Navy adapts sonar to protect whales

    From Katharina Gustavs: The Sunday Times March 26, 2006 Navy adapts sonar to protect whales Steven Swinford NAVY warships are to be equipped with a £2.5m scanning system to spot marine mammals after post-mortem tests linked the death of beached whales to military sonar. Advanced software will be used to adapt the ships”™ sensors to

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    • 26 MAR 06

    Question for this list- 3G antenna’s effect on property values

    Hi All I have been contacted by a property developer in Melbourne concerned that his superannuation investment, a building housing a child’s Day Care Centre will be adversely effected by a neighbouring property owner being offered a cash incentive to allow Telstra to erect a 3G facility on the roof of the building in front

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    • 23 MAR 06

    Did Chernobyl kill 1,000 British babies?

    From Iris Atzmon: Chernobyl killed 1,000 British babies Thursday, 23rd March 2006, 08:59 Category: Healthy Living http://www.lse.co.uk/ShowStory.asp?story=YW2323740Q&news_headline=chernobyl_killed_1000_british_babies ———————————————————————— LIFE STYLE EXTRA (UK) – More than 1,000 British babies may have died as a result of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster 20 years ago, an expert claims today (thur). On the eve of the 20th anniversary of

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    • 22 MAR 06

    Notice from ElectroSensitivity-UK

    From Rod Read (ElectroSensitivity-UK ) Dear Don Maisch, Please find attached and please circulate Rod ElectroSensitivity-UK (registered charity 1103018) assisted by The Foyle Foundation. Rod Read M.Phil.,(Cantab), Dip Psych Couns., Cert.Ed. director A new organisation supporting sufferers and educating the public in recognition of this sensitive reaction affecting a vulnerable minority exposed to RF, microwave

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    • 22 MAR 06

    From Rod Read (ElectroSensitivity-UK) English Nature Calls Symposium on Non-Ionising Radiation Threat to Wildlife. 17/03/06 The scientific conflict over the evidence of bioeffects on humans, now generally known as electrosensitivity, or ES, the idiopathic reaction felt by a minority to radiation from microwaves, radio frequencies and all electrical devices, was broadened on Friday by concerns

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    • 22 MAR 06

    Opposition to cell towers in New York

    Park Slope Courier 03/17/2006 Critics Fight to Restrict Cell Towers By Thomas Tracy Legislation that will keep cell phone towers and antennas 500 feet away from schools is close to being passed. Photo by Ted Levin If a piece of Brooklyn-inspired legislation comes to pass, cell phone towers will begin to be placed farther and

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    • 22 MAR 06

    NOTE: Reading messages on this list

    Notice: For the easiest reading of messages on this list it is best to click on the weblog/index url link at the end of the message instead of reading the email. Besides being easier on the eye and more printable, any later changes (such as correcting my spelling errors!) are done on the weblog. Don

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    • 21 MAR 06

    Wireless Phones and Brain Tumours

    Following are a series of questions Eileen O’Connor put to Lloyd Morgan, Director of the Central Brain Tumour Registry of the United States following his recent presentation on Wireless Phones and Brain Tumours . Lloyd’s answers are in italics. Dear Eileen, I would like to answer some of your questions. First, let me direct you

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    • 19 MAR 06

    Mercury vaccines, electrosensitivity, autism, other infant disorders

    From Lyn-Louise Milnes in New Zealand: Mercury vaccines, electrosensitivity, autism, other infant disorders Here is a list of facts linking TCV vaccines containing mercury (thimerosal) to electrosensitivity and to childhood developmental problems like ADHD, tics and autism. Sadly, (1) some evidence suggests that some people may be more electro-sensitive than others, (2) high levels of

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    • 19 MAR 06

    From X-rays to Cordless Phones

    Message from Lloyd Morgan: Dear All The other day I gave a presentation, “From X-rays to Cordless Phones, Radiation Causes Brain Tumors,” on a conference system being evaluated by The Brain Trust (www.braintrust.org). If you would like to hear this presentation go to < http ://breeze14246184.breezecentral.com/p26758736/ > The recording will be taken off sometime on

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    • 15 MAR 06

    Is “Mast Hysteria” a deadlier threat than “Bird Flu”?

    Here’s an interesting article from The New York Sun written by one Andrew Wolf who displays a level of ignorance and bias all too common in the US press the past few years. With his skill with words Andrew should be working for the White House press. Andrew sees no value in doing a little

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    • 14 MAR 06

    Canadian Uni concerned over Wi-Fi Safety (Part III)

    From Cindy Sage on the Lakehead University Wi-Fi decision: Letter to the Editor February 24, 2006 Globe and Mail Letters@globeandmail.com Fred Gilbert, President of Lakehead University made a sound judgment call in deferring deployment of WI-FI wireless technology on campus. Although he can anticipate industry flack for it, his decision is supported by a growing

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