• 14 MAR 06

    Canadian Uni concerned over Wi-Fi Safety (Part II)

    Following are comments on Lakehead University’s Wi FI decision (last message) from Gerry Blackwell from Wi-FI Planet. www.wi-fiplanet.com/columns/article.php/3591071 WLAN Sickness: Rubbish or Reasonable? March 13, 2006 Dr. Frederick Gilbert, president of Lakehead University in Thunder Bay, Ontario, Canada, says he first made the decision to avoid using wireless technology on his campus seven years ago.

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    • 14 MAR 06

    Canadian Uni concerned over Wi-Fi Safety (Part I)

    Health concerns limit wireless Internet at Lakehead University Concordia, Carleton and others debate the dangers of EMF transmissions 1/23/2006 5:00:00 PM by Kathleen Sibley http://www.itbusiness.ca/it/client/en/home/News.asp?id=38093&PageMem=1 There are many benefits to studying at Lakehead University. Ubiquitous wireless Internet access, however, isn”™t one of them. That”™s because president Fred Gilbert won”™t allow it until he”™s satisfied EMF

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    • 09 MAR 06

    NOW magazine: Wi-FI’s electric shock

    Message from Martin Weatherall: Hello all, Here’s a link to a great story in Tomorrow’s Now Magazine: http://www.nowtoronto.com/issues/2006-03-09/news_story.php Wi-Fi’s electric shock Wireless Net hoopla masks growing concern over frequency pollution By ADRIA VASIL There’s something lonely about parties. Especially if you’re one of the few who isn’t celebrating. And as laptop lovers citywide rejoice in

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    • 07 MAR 06

    Science communication in the UK hits a low note

    Science communication in the UK hits a low note Commentary By Don Maisch March 6, 2006 Concerned over how controversial science issues are being communicated to the public in the British media, the Social Issues Research Centre (SIRC) and the Royal Institution of Great Britain , under the Directorship of Baroness Susan Greenfield (who is

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    • 05 MAR 06

    Protecting Workers from the Known and Emerging Health Risks of Non-ionizing Radiation

    Following is a presentation from Dr. Joseph Bowman given on Feb 23, 2006 to NIOSH’s Cincinnati employees, where Dr. Bowman lays out what NIOSH wants to do to keep RF education and research alive in the US. Not an easy task in the current neo-conservative environment where anti-regulation forces abound. Coming from Dr. Bowman this

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    • 05 MAR 06

    The German T-Mobile report

    Eileen O,Connor from the Research Radiation Trust, UK, has sent out a pdf file of a German language report done by the ECOLOG Institute in Hannover, Germany. The report apparently is a review of the available literature on possible health impacts of telecommunications. A colleague of Eileen’s has provided a summary of the report but

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    • 03 MAR 06

    Headaches, nosebleeds from TETRA

    Sent by Iris Atzmon: For some it is more than a minor irritant. When a TETRA mast went live just a few hundred yards from Littlehamptom Primary School in Sussex in 2004, 11 children were sent home with headaches and nosebleeds. According to Mr Morrison, all the Thornwood sufferers began reporting microwave symptoms at the

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    • 03 MAR 06

    New Swedish political party formed

    From Olle Johansson: Dear All, Please, note that a new Swedish political party has been registered for the next election to Parliament. The name is “Folkets Vilja” (http://www.folketsvilja.se), and it shall act for freedom of speech for those that are concerned about health risks with 3G, TETRA, etc., and who does not want to allow

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    • 27 FEB 06

    IAFF report on cell towers on fire stations

    Sent by various readers: INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF FIRE FIGHTERS DIVISION OF OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH, SAFETY AND MEDICINE http://www.iaff18.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=news.drilldown&newsid=621 IAFF Seeks Study on Health Hazards of Cell Phone Tower Radiation April 7, 2005 – “There currently is no good scientific study that determines whether or not cell towers on fire stations are hurting our members, so a

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    • 27 FEB 06

    Offical warning on DECT phones

    From Eileen O’Connor: On 31 January, the German Federal Agency for Radiation Protection issued a press release warning against DECT phones. Here is also the link to the original site, so you can verify the source. http://www.bfs.de/bfs/presse/pr06/pr0602 German Federal Agency For Radiation Protection (Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz “” BfS) Press Release 31 January 2006 DECT “”

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