• 20 DEC 05

    Environmental concerns in Israel

    http://www.israelnationalnews.com/news.php3?id=95010 Annual Report Documents Increased Environmental Concerns 13:52 Dec 18, ’05 / 17 Kislev 5766 (IsraelNN.com) An annual environmental study presented to President Moshe Katsav paints a discouraging picture regarding environmental realities. The report states that a growing number of Israelis no longer trust the integrity of tap water and 72% of the population drinks

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    • 17 DEC 05

    Mobile phone mast is felled in U.K.

    http://www.expressandstar.com/articles/news/es/article_84450.php Mobile phone mast is felled Dec 16, 2005 An 80ft phone mast has been chopped down by “professional” saboteurs in the middle of the night, causing damage running into thousands. Specialist cutting equipment was used to topple the mast – as high as three double-decker buses – which narrowly missed a road as it

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    • 15 DEC 05

    More on depression and EMR

    From Alfonso Balmori: On this topic see also: 1) Environmental power-frequency magnetic fields and suicide. Perry FS, Reichmanis M, Marino AA, Becker R, 1:Health Phys. 1981 Aug;41(2):267-77. 2) Reichmanis, M., Perry, F. S., Marino, A. A., and Becker, R. O. 1979.Relation between suicide and the electromagnetic field of overhead power lines. Physiol. Chem. Phys. 11:395-403.

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    • 15 DEC 05

    Comments on depression and EMR

    From Betty Vanables: Hi Don, a little more on depression your readers might find of interest Regards, Betty DEPRESSION AND EMR From files of the EMR Safety Network Int’l A female, mid sixties, had experienced bouts of depression over a number of years which were attributed medically to her disturbed sleep and personal problems. Though

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    • 14 DEC 05

    Here’s the study!

    From Iris Atzmon: Bioelectromagnetics. 2005 Nov 22; [Epub ahead of print] Do ambient electromagnetic fields affect behaviour? A demonstration of the relationship between geomagnetic storm activity and suicide. Department of Clinical and Biomedical Sciences-Barwon Health, University of Melbourne, Geelong, Australia. The relationship between ambient electromagnetic fields and human mood and behaviour is of great public

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    • 14 DEC 05

    More on that Australian study on depression and geomagnetic storms

    The following article from The Times of India is a better reporting of that Australian study on depression and geomagnetic storms between 1968 and 2002. I contacted the Irishhealth.com for the reference for their story and all they could say was thay they had deleted it! The Times of India: (Sent by Robert Reidlinger) Mobile

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    • 13 DEC 05

    Aust study uses mobiles to monitor teen depression!

    While searching for the Australian study mentioned in the last message I came across another Australian study reported in May of 2005. This is NOT the study referred to in the last message but is interestingly relevant. Now if teenager’s cell phone use is linked to depression what will this study find? Could be interesting.

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    • 13 DEC 05

    EMF influences on depression

    Following is an article from irishhealth.com reported by Sylvie in France about an Austalian study! I have not heard about this study but here is what the Irish are saying about it. While we are on the topic, about a year ago I had the opportunity to ask Yuri Grigoriev, chairman of the Russian National

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    • 12 DEC 05

    Dutch Conference on Urban Health

    http://www.epha.org/a/2022 The Municipal Health Service of Amsterdam, part of Netherlands Association for Community Health Services (EPHA”šs member) organises the 5th annual International Conference on Urban Health (ICUH) on 25-28 October 2006 in Amsterdam. The conference will concentrate on Population mobility and its effect on urban health. It will consist of plenary lectures, parallel sessions, workshops,

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    • 08 DEC 05

    Second opinion on gallery cancer link

    The Sydney Morning Herald Second opinion on gallery cancer link By Joyce Morgan Arts Editor December 5, 2005 AN environmental health expert will visit the National Gallery of Australia this week to look at whether there is any connection between cancer cases among security staff and the workplace. Associate Professor Malcolm Sim, the head of

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