• 05 DEC 05

    Breast cancer & powerlines-Roger Santini

    From Robert Reidlinger: BREAST CANCER IN WOMEN, HIGH-VOLTAGE POWER LINES AND MELATONIN by Roger Santini [National Institute of Applied Sciences – Laboratory of Biochemistry Pharmacology, 20, Av. A. Einstein-69621 VILLEURBANNE (France).] http://www.bioelectromagnetics.org/newsletter/news144.html#santini In a recent study, Feychting et al. (1) observe that among estrogen receptor-positive women (younger than 50 years) the relative risk for breast

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    • 05 DEC 05

    The Royal Society: Twilight for the Enlightenment?

    From Dr Paul Stevens, the medicalrenaissance group: Twilight for the Enlightenment? Lord May of Oxford, the outgoing president of the Royal Society (the UK’s academy of science) has criticised fundamentalist religion in his anniversary speech. May begins with an explanation of Enlightenment values: What are these values? They are tolerance of diversity, respect for individual

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    • 05 DEC 05

    Additions to the Breast cancer file on this list

    From Andy Davidson Don Just a couple of articles that when read together might make sense? Sorry; still batting on about EMR inducing nitric oxide, and it still keeps stitching things together. All I need is a full-time researcher to help me! Andy http ://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/entrez/query.fcgi?cmd=Retrieve&db= pubmed&dopt=Abstract&list_uids=16315602&query_hl=1 Effects of ELF magnetic fields on protein expression profile

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    • 30 NOV 05

    Recording of Olle Johansson interview

    Notice from Robert Reidlinger: Following on from last Sunday’s weblog #330 message about an interview with Olle Johansson and Doug Loranger in Canada, a recording of that interview is now on-line for one week. http://www.kpfa.org/archives/index.php?arch=11398 Your Own Health and Fitness Tuesday, November 29th Researcher Olle Johansson, MD, associate professor in the Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska

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    • 29 NOV 05

    Teddy bear mobile ‘puts 4-year-olds at risk from radiation’

    Teddy bear mobile ‘puts 4-year-olds at risk from radiation’ By Nic Fleming, Medical Correspondent (Filed: 29/11/2005) http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/11/ 29/nfone29.xml&sSheet=/portal/2005/11/29/ixportal.html A teddy bear-shaped mobile phone aimed at children as young as four was launched yesterday. Article supplied by Sylvie The new Teddyfone “˜is a response to clear demand in the market”™ The manufacturers of the Teddyfone claimed

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    • 28 NOV 05

    Over 40 Netherlands councils delaying tower permits

    From Frans van Velden: In Haaksbergen, The Netherlands, county officials have prevented provider KPN to install UMTS (3G) antennas in a new mast. The inhabitants of Haaksbergen are strongly against UMTS. The municipality of Haaksbergen right now does not give permits anymore. The KPN mast was placed 4,5 metres away from the site according to

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    • 28 NOV 05

    Direct Action against towers in the Netherlands

    Author: Frans van Velden Information about this press article: fransp@dds.nl Activist will chain himself to UMTS (3G) antenna installation fence 27 november 2005 – An activist against UMTS (3G) is ready to chain himself to an antenna installation fence tomorrow morning. He says his group will be satisfied only when UMTS is absolutely banned from

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    • 27 NOV 05

    Two on-line interviews on Wi-Fi and BPL

    From A. Shivani Doug Loranger (founder of San Francisco Antenna-Free Union–SNAFU) will be appearing along with Dr. Olle Johannson of Sweden’s prestigious Karolinska Institute on Layna Berman’s “Your Own Health and Fitness” radio program (http://www.yourownhealthandfitness.org) on Tuesday, Nov. 29 from 1-2pm Pacific Standard Time on KPFA radio to discuss the health issues related to Wi-Fi

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    • 27 NOV 05

    Breast cancer and radiofrequency exposure

    At the end of my October 1997 Senate paper (last message) I briefly mentioned evidence that suggests that malignant breast cancer tissue is far more sensitive to RF/MW than other types of cancerous tissue (reproduced below). This is one thing that Dr. John Holt from West Australia (do a Google search) has stressed as an

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    • 26 NOV 05

    Part 2: Breast Cancer, Tamoxifen and EMFs

    Following on from Louis Slesin’s message on Breast Cancer, Tamoxifen and EMFs, below is the link to an old paper that I wrote on this subject that was published in Hansard, 27 October 1997. Looks like now is the time to dust it off for a major re-write…. Don The Breast Cancer/EMF connection: Melatonin, Tamoxifen,

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    • 26 NOV 05

    Breast Cancer, Tamoxifen and EMFs (Part 1)

    Note: I have added a new category to this list ” Breast cancer and EMFs”. The following is the first listing in that category. From Microwave News: Dear Colleagues: How often have you been told that there are no biological effects of weak EMFs that can be replicated in more than one lab? Like much

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    • 25 NOV 05

    Better Environment, Healthier People

    http://www.hpa.org.uk/hpa/news/articles/press_releases/2005/051122_EAreport.htm Press Statement 22 November 2005 Environment Agency report on Environment and Health The Health Protection Agency welcomes the publication of the Environment Agency’s (EA) report Better Environment, Healthier People (1). It recognises the impact of the environment on health and well-being and in particular the effects of flooding and climate change, poor air quality,

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    • 23 NOV 05

    Correction to Olle Johansson’s notice

    For some reason the link to the Canadian TV programs that Olle provided did not come out fully on my message. The full url is: v2/decouverte/niveau2_5587.shtml It’s the same site as given by Louis Slesin. Don

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    • 23 NOV 05

    Microwave News on Canadian TV programmes

    Dear Colleagues: Radio (TV) Canada’s news program “Decouverte” [Discovery] broadcast a two-part news show on EMFs last Sunday (Nov.20) evening. You can watch both shows on Radio Canada’s Web site: http://radio-canada.ca/actualite/v2/decouverte/niveau2_5587.shtml# The first part is on cell phones and kids and their risk of developing acoustic neuromas and brain tumors. Also cited is the University

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    • 23 NOV 05

    Canadian TV programmes on EHS & Cellphones

    From Olle J0hansson: Dear All, Here is the web link to the video files of the two CBC TV programmes – about health effects of mobile telephony as well as the impairment electrohypersensitivity – that was aired yesterday in Canada: v2/decouverte/niveau2_5587.shtml Best regards Yours Olle (Olle Johansson, assoc. prof. The Experimental Dermatology Unit Department

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    • 22 NOV 05

    Russian precautionary actions and children’s use of cellphones

    It is interesting to compare the following message from Russia to the last one sent out on this list. The researchers at the Australian Centre for Radiofrequency Bioeffects Research (ACRBR) conducting that 3 year study on kids and cell phone use should be talking to these guys! In fact there should be some direct collaboration

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    • 22 NOV 05

    Three years to see if mobiles hurt kids

    In the USA last year, The EPA came under fire because of its proposed “Children”™s Environmental Exposure Research Study” (CHEERS) that proposed exposing children to household chemicals that are known to be toxic to see the health effects on the kids over a two year span. I believe that proposal was finally cancelled due to

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    • 21 NOV 05

    Canada Health Official Warns Consumers to Limit Cell Phone Use

    From mast-victims.org: Sounding Circle: Canada Health Official Warns Consumers to Limit Cell Phone Use http://soundingcircle.com/newslog2.php/__show_article/_a000195-000804.htm Canada Health Official Warns Consumers to Limit Cell Phone USe 0 comments 16 Jul 2005 @ 06:32, by Raymond Powers Canada Health Official Warns Consumers to “Limit Cell Phone Use” Especially by Children The Toronto Star July 12, 2005 Limit

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    • 21 NOV 05

    WHO conference impressions, Melbourne 17 Nov.

    WHO EMF PROJECT IMPRESSIONS MELBOURNE 17 NOVEMBER. Written by Rowan Campbell in Melbourne I attended the WHO regional workshop on RF, health effects and policy options, at Swinburne University Melbourne 17th November, and make a report. Unfortunately I missed the opening address of Michael Repacholi, and arrived to about 120 people during the presentation of

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    • 20 NOV 05

    The People’s Will initiative in Sweden

    From Omega News: People’s Will: Vote against 3G and TETRA in Sweden’s national election 2006 See under: http://www.folketsvilja.se/peoplewill.html According to an inquiry made by the Swedish Emergency Management Agency in 2004 regarding the third generation mobile wireless telephony, 3G (UMTS), a great majority of the Swedish population lack an understanding about it’s technical merits and

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