• 24 OCT 05

    Corporate Corruption of Science and more

    HIGHLY recommended reading: The International Journal of Occupational And Environmental Health, Special Issue, Volume II, Number 4, October – December 2005 http://www.ijoeh.com/ “A NOTE ON THIS ISSUE: The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) budget provides less research and training funding to occupational health and safety with each succeeding year, while at the

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    • 24 OCT 05

    Mobile phones can trigger eye damage, fear scientists

    From Olle Johansson: Dear All, Please, find some interesting reading: Mobile phones can trigger eye damage, fear scientists http://telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/08/07/nmob07.xml&sSheet=/n ews/2005/08/07/ixhome.html (Text reproduced below) Best regards Yours Olle (Olle Johansson, assoc. prof. The Experimental Dermatology Unit Department of Neuroscience Karolinska Institute 171 77 Stockholm Sweden) Mobile phones can trigger eye damage, fear scientists By Peter Zimonjic

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    • 21 OCT 05

    Mobile phones can affect sleeping brains

    Mobile phones can affect sleeping brains – but what’s it mean? October 12, 2005 – 4:27PM Mobile phone use can affect a person’s brainwaves even when the handset is switched off and the user is asleep, Australian research suggests, admitting they don’t know what that means. Neuroscientist Sarah Loughran studied the brainwave patterns of 50

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    • 12 OCT 05

    Telstra forgets about risk warnings in sell-off

    The following letter-to-the-editor was published in late September of this year in the St George-Sutherland Shire Leader, apparently the community newspaper with the bigest coverage in Sydney. It is about the forthcoming government sell of of the remainder of Telstra and Anne makes a very important point. Telstra did not respond to it for obvious

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    • 11 OCT 05

    WHO phone cancer link misreported

    Here’s an excellent article from the Haaretz newspaper in Israel on how the WHO Cell phone cancer link was misreported. By Tamara Traubman http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/631007.html The world’s approximately 1 billion cellular telephone users received good news at the end of August: new research showed the devices did not increase the chance of cancer, even among those

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    • 08 OCT 05

    God speaks with George Bush

    George Bush: ‘God Told Me to End the Tyranny in Iraq’ By Ewen MacAskill The Guardian UK Friday 07 October 2005 President told Palestinians, God also talked to him about Middle East peace. George Bush has claimed he was on a mission from God when he launched the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq, according to

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    • 06 OCT 05

    Court victory is a first for cell-phone programmers

    From Eileen O”™Connor and others: Court victory is a first for cell-phone programmers http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/local/southflorida/sfl-otumor02oct02,0,3048495,print.story?coll=sfla-home-headlines By Nancy McVicar Health Writer October 2, 2005 Sharesa Price thought it was just another in a series of sinus infections. Her head and eyes hurt, and she was vomiting. But then Price had a seizure, and a brain scan found

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    • 05 OCT 05

    Uncertainty on long-term cell phone use

    From Sylvie http://www.sun-sentinel.com/features/health/sfl-rxcell02oct02,0,5528254.story?page=3&track=mostemailedlink Officials at odds over the long-term effects of cell phone use By Nancy McVicar Health Writer Posted October 2 2005 Cell phones now come in child-sized versions, some inpink for girls, some with cartoon themes designed toappeal to boys and girls alike. But before you buy a wireless phone for your child’s

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    • 05 OCT 05

    Analysis of Repacholi testimony

    From Mast Sanity/Iris Atzmon about the article “Testimony of Michael Repacholi” listed on Omega News: http://omega.twoday.net/stories/1031477/ Testimony of Michael Repacholi Would you kindly notify your email list of the following; An analysis of testimony given in 1989 by the WHO boss of electromagnetic fields, Michael Repacholi, can be found at http://ortho.sh.lsuhsc.edu/Faculty/Marino/Comments/RepacholiTestimony.html Thanks Andy Andrew A.

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    • 03 OCT 05

    Report links chemical exposures to cancers

    Sent by Sylvie in France: N E W S R E L E A S E September 19, 2005 Contact: Patti McCafferty, 978-934-3238, patricia_mccafferty@uml.edu UMass Lowell Report Links Environmental and Occupational Exposures to Cancers http://www.sustainableproduction.org/pres.shtml LOWELL “” The University of Massachusetts Lowell today released a report that links dozens of environmental and occupational exposures to

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    • 02 OCT 05

    A meeting with the UK Solicitor General

    Report from Eileen O”™Connor-EM Radiation Research Trust (UK) on her meeting with Mike O”™Brien QC MP Minister – Solicitor General on 1 October 2005. I attended a meeting with Mike O”™Brien along with a member of his Warwickshire Constituency. I was invited to represent the Coleshill and Curdworth Community. Mike gave up a generous hour

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    • 02 OCT 05

    Microwave News update on WHO industry links

    From Louis Slesin: Dear Colleagues: We have received more documents that spell out the cozy relationship between the WHO and the electric utility industry. Check out the most recent posting on the Microwave News Web site. Go to: http://www.microwavenews.com/fromthefield.html#partners Best, Louis Slesin Louis Slesin, PhD Editor, Microwave News A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation Phone: +1

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    • 30 SEP 05

    NEWS FLASH from Microwave News: Chinese scientists find DNA breaks

    Dear Colleagues: Chinese scientists have joined the growing number of researchers who have found that relatively low-power RF radiation can lead to DNA breaks. Check out the latest posting on the Microwave News Web site. Go to: http://www.microwavenews.com/fromthefield.html#chinadna Best, Louis Slesin P.S. Access to all the information on our Web site is freely available to

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    • 29 SEP 05

    Cyprus study by Professor Alan Preece

    Message from Eileen O’Connor, EM-Radiation Research Trust www.radiationresearch.org Hot off the press Cyprus study by Professor Alan Preece you can get a copy on: http://www.phy.bris.ac.uk/research/track_analysis/ElectricMagneticFields.htm It’s so obvious; the symptoms reported are due to exposure from the masts rather than anxiety. Good study by Professor Preece, well done. Eileen O’Connor EM-Radiation Research Trust www.radiationresearch.org Executive

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    • 28 SEP 05

    Epilepsy and RF/MW exposure (2 items)

    Two items on this posting: 1) Translated paper by Santini, et al on electromagnetic fields and epilepsy. 2) UK newspaper article about increased seizures in 12 year old girl after a Tetra mast installed near her school. ********************************************************************** 1) Electromagnetic field and Epilepsy Richard GAUTIER, Louis GOUGEON, Roger SANTINI www.csif-cem.org le 04/06/2003 Epilepsy is a

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    • 28 SEP 05

    Conference notice: Ethical Aspects of Risk

    Conference Ethical Aspects of Risk 14-16 June 2006 Philosophy Department, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Keynote speakers: Ruth Chadwick University of Lancaster Douglas MacLean University of North Carolina Kristin Shrader-Frechette University of Notre Dame Paul Slovic Decision Research, Oregon Technology has advanced human well being in a myriad of respects, such as energy, communication

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    • 27 SEP 05

    Exorcising the ghosts of Chernobyl

    Spinning the Chernobyl disaster Now that the world is waking up to the fact that the age of cheap oil is well and truly over, and that the Greenhouse effect is here to stay, the promotion of nuclear power as an energy solution is back on track with the nuclear industry (How to pour nuclear

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    • 27 SEP 05

    London conference: Trust in experts

    Taking Stock of Trust ESRC SCARR network and CARR centre, LSE Rosebery Hall, London, 12 December 2005. Participation by pre-booking only. Early Bird price (to October 21): £15 After October 21: £25 Full details at: http://www.kent.ac.uk/scarr/events/trustcontext.htm Trust and social progress Professor Lord Layard, Centre for Economic Performance, LSE Trust, travel and proximity Professor John Urry,

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    • 26 SEP 05

    The continuing saga of electrosensitivity in the UK

    From Mast Sanity The Sunday Mail UK 25 September 2005 THE HUMAN AERIALS ELECTRICAL STORM One in 20 Scots are victims of radio waves from police masts # Fury as 1000 new pylons are erected all over Scotland By Julia Hunt ONE in 20 Scots is at risk from a crippling illness triggered by electromagnetic

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    • 25 SEP 05

    IMPORTANT London conference on 29-30 October

    As the microwave health issue continues to heat up in the UK with the draconian actions of the Telcos to squash community rights – and Michael Repacholi and his WHO continue to subvert science for the industry, the following conference comes at an opportune time. I suggest that this conference should be widely attended by

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