• 18 SEP 05

    Dirty dealings by Hutchison

    Hutchison in the UK shows how low the industry will stoop in order to destroy those who oppose them. And forget about the British legal system which only listens to industry pseudo-science and not what is happening to its citizens. What will they dream up next? Sue people for even daring to claim that 3G

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Bush’s Holy War on Nature

    Left Behind: Bush’s Holy War on Nature By Chip Ward TomDispatch.com http://www.tomdispatch.com/index.mhtml?pid=22312 Thursday 15 September 2005 Hurricane Katrina showed us how difficult it has become to distinguish between natural disasters and man-made ones. First, the Army Corp of Engineers decides it can build a better river than Mother Nature and in the process deprives the

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Hillsong: Songs of praise – and politics

    Hillsong: Songs of praise “” and politics http://sunday.ninemsn.com.au/sunday/cover_stories/transcript_1811.asp July 3, 2005 JANA WENDT: The word ‘church’ hardly seems to describe Hillsong, which looks more like a convention centre for God’s delegates. Today its 18,000 Pentecostal Christians represent the largest congregation in Australia. BRIAN HOUSTON, HILLSONG CHURCH: Perhaps the reason why we’ve been effective and have

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Costello addresses Hillsong congregation

    Australian Broadcasting Corporation TV PROGRAM TRANSCRIPT LOCATION: http://www.abc.net.au/lateline/content/2005/s1406779.htm Broadcast: 04/07/2005 Costello addresses Hillsong congregation Reporter: Tony Jones TONY JONES: I spoke with Treasurer Peter Costello a short time ago just outside the Sydney Superdome, after his address to the congregation. Peter Costello, thanks for joining us. A big reaction again. Do you feel a bit

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    • 18 SEP 05

    FYI: The Origins of the Pentecostal Movement

    From the Holy Spirit Research Center http://www.oru.edu/university/library/holyspirit/pentorg1.html The Origins of the Pentecostal Movement by Vinson Synan, Ph.D. (Formerly Director of the Holy Spirit Research Center; now Dean, the School of Divinity Regent University) Introduction 19th Century Holiness Movement Origins of Pentecostalism American Pentecostal Pioneers Missionaries of the One-Way Ticket Neo-Pentecostals and Charismatics ———————————————————————— Introduction The

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Plan To Push Religious Right’s Controversial Political Agenda

    Americans United Exposes Congressional Leaders” Plan To Push Religious Right”s Controversial Political Agenda http://www.churchofreality.org/phpbb/viewtopic.php?t=59 The Family Research Council, a Washington-based Religious Right group, held a closed-door “Washington Briefing” March 17-19, 2005. During the event, House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-Texas) and Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) addressed attendees and pledged that Republican leaders in

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Educating America’s Christian Right

    BBC News UK Edition Wednesday, 2 March, 2005, 16:57 GMT http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/programmes/crossing_continents/4311709.stm By Mark Alden BBC Radio 4’s Crossing Continents Energised by last year’s election victory which mobilised their vote, Christian conservatives have been confidently pushing a moral agenda which puts education at the heart of a battle to change US culture. Patrick Henry students are

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Christian evangelicals are plotting to remake America in their own image

    The Crusaders From the Rolling Stone http://www.rollingstone.com/politics/story/_/id/7235393?rnd= 1119683189844&has-player=unknown Christian evangelicals are plotting to remake America in their own image By BOB MOSER Apr 07, 2005 It’s February, and 900 of America’s staunchest Christian fundamentalists have gathered in Fort Lauderdale to look back on what they accomplished in last year’s election — and to plan what’s

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    • 18 SEP 05

    The Anti-Christ and I

    The Anti-Christ and I By Steve Weissman t r u t h o u t | Perspective Wednesday 08 June 2005 Satan rules, at least according to many of my fellow Americans. In recent surveys, over two-thirds of those polled said they believed the devil to be real, whether with or without horns and a

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Fundy pseudo science

    The following was written in 1996 and is still posted on the biblebelievers web site. It is a fairly illustrative example of the sort of pseudo-science babble that is promoted by the religious right in America. For instance note where the author claims that Global warming is a myth and actually the world is getting

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