• 18 SEP 05

    Marching to the drums of madness

    Marching to the drums of madness Comments from Nick Possum’s Blog “Whispers from the mean streets” http://www.brushtail.com.au/drums_of_madness.html 1 May 2004 There was something eerily familiar about the photos of the maltreated Iraqi POWs. I looked again at the snap of the prisoner standing on a box. He was holding electrical leads in his outstretched hands,

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Democrats Voted Out of Baptist Church

    Democrats Voted Out of Baptist Church The Associated Press http://www.truthout.org/docs_2005/050705Z.shtml Saturday 07 May 2005 Waynesville, N.C. – Some in Pastor Chan Chandler’s flock wish he had a little less zeal for the GOP. Members of the small East Waynesville Baptist Church say Chandler led an effort to kick out congregants who didn’t support President Bush.

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Jesus, Jihadis, and the Red-State Blues

    Jesus, Jihadis, and the Red-State Blues By Steve Weissman t r u t h o u t | Perspective http://www.truthout.org/cgi-bin/artman/exec/view.cgi/24/5479 Thursday 29 July 2004 In this week of John Kerry’s nomination, we should all give President Bush his due. Iraq boils up in his face. Over half his fellow Americans now think his war wrong-footed,

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    • 18 SEP 05

    How Evangelical Christians Are Creating an Alternative Universe of Faith-Based News

    Stations of the Cross: How Evangelical Christians Are Creating an Alternative Universe of Faith-Based News By Mariah Blake The Columbia Journalism Review http://www.cjr.org/issues/2005/3/blake-evangelist.asp It’s the first Tuesday of April. In Washington, D.C., the magnolia trees are blooming, tourists crowd the sidewalk cafés, and Congress has just returned from its spring recess. CBN News has chosen

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Christian Emphasis on Evangelism at Heart of Air Force Academy Scandal

    Christian Emphasis on Evangelism at Heart of Air Force Academy Scandal By Steve Rabey Religion News Service http://www.beliefnet.com/story/167/story_16786_1.html Colorado Springs, Colo., June 2 – There’s “a heck of a battle” going on at the Air Force Academy, says legendary football coach Bobby Bowden. The problem is deciding who started it. Bowden and other evangelicals rallying

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Air Force Cadets See Religious Harassment

    Air Force Cadets See Religious Harassment http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2005/04/19/national/w111447D80.DTL By ROBERT WELLER, Associated Press Writer Tuesday, April 19, 2005 Less than two years after it was plunged into a rape scandal, the Air Force Academy is scrambling to address complaints that evangelical Christians wield so much influence at the school that anti-Semitism and other forms of religious

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Air Force to Probe Religious Climate at Colorado Academy

    Air Force to Probe Religious Climate at Colorado Academy http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2005/05/03/AR2005050301499.html By Alan Cooperman Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, May 4, 2005; Page A03 The Air Force said yesterday it is creating a task force to address the religious climate at the U.S. Air Force Academy, following allegations that its faculty and staff have pressured cadets

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Inside America’s Most Powerful Megachurch

    Soldiers of Christ: Inside America’s Most Powerful Megachurch By Jeff Sharlet Harper’s Magazine http://www.harpers.org/SoldiersOfChrist.html Thursday 26 May 2005 They are drawn as if by magnetic forces; they speak of Colorado Springs, home to the greatest concentration of fundamentalist Christian activist groups in American history, both as a last stand and as a kind of utopia

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Part V: America’s Religious Right – Saints or Subversives?

    This is part 5 of a 5-part series. Part I: The Lure of Christian Nationalism Part II: Hang Ten and Fight! Part III: A Deadly Culture of Life Part IV: Pie in the Sky Part V: “The Ayatollah of Holy Rollers” America’s Religious Right – Saints or Subversives? By Steve Weissman t r u t

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Part IV: America’s Religious Right – Saints or Subversives?

    This is part 4 of a 5-part series. Part I: The Lure of Christian Nationalism Part II: Hang Ten and Fight! Part III: A Deadly Culture of Life Part IV: Pie in the Sky Part V: “The Ayatollah of Holy Rollers” America’s Religious Right – Saints or Subversives? By Steve Weissman t r u t

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Part III: America’s Religious Right – Saints or Subversives?

    This is part 3 of a 5-part series. Part I: The Lure of Christian Nationalism Part II: Hang Ten and Fight! Part III: A Deadly Culture of Life Part IV: Pie in the Sky Part V: “The Ayatollah of Holy Rollers” America’s Religious Right – Saints or Subversives? By Steve Weissman t r u t

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Part II: America’s Religious Right – Saints or Subversives?

    This is part 2 of a 5-part series. Part I: The Lure of Christian Nationalism Part II: Hang Ten and Fight! Part III: A Deadly Culture of Life Part IV: Pie in the Sky Part V: “The Ayatollah of Holy Rollers” America’s Religious Right – Saints or Subversives? Part II By Steve Weissman t r

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    • 18 SEP 05

    Part 1: America’s Religious Right – Saints or Subversives?

    This is part 1 of a 5-part series. Part I: The Lure of Christian Nationalism Part II: Hang Ten and Fight! Part III: A Deadly Culture of Life Part IV: Pie in the Sky Part V: “The Ayatollah of Holy Rollers” America’s Religious Right – Saints or Subversives? By Steve Weissman t r u t

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    • 18 SEP 05

    “Off topic” category added to this list

    NOTICE: I have created a new category for my blog that has nothing to do with the EMF issue but is very much a political issue of vital importance to Australia for the next federal elections and as such, the new category is meant to be a file for future reference. Listings to this category

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    • 13 SEP 05


    Some of my previous messages sent by Lloyd Morgan who is the Director of the Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States gave the mistaken impression that his comments represented the opinions of the Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States. This was my error as all messages from Lloyd Morgan were his

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    • 06 SEP 05

    Melbourne EMF conferences in November

    esaa EMF SCIENTIFIC WORKSHOP 2005 The annual esaa EMF Scientific Workshop for 2005 is being held this year as part of the annual Australian Radiation Protection Society (ARPS) Conference which is also being held in Melbourne. The Scientific Workshop will take place on the morning of Wednesday 16 November at Rydges Hotel, Melbourne. The guest

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    • 05 SEP 05

    Comments from Lloyd Morgan re. Message # 202

    Please note that a message from Lloyd Morgan has been posted to this list. He is replying to message #202, adding to the comments from Power Watch on the acoustic neuroma study and makes some very important observations. I have not sent it out via e-mail because of highlighted comments from Mr. Lloyd that would

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    • 05 SEP 05

    Commentary from Lloyd Morgan

    Dear EMFacts community, Please see my various comments within the text below (in bold itallics). Best regards to all, Lloyd Morgan Director, Central Brain Tumor Registry of the United States [For identification purposes only. All statements are mine and mine alone and do not represent positions or opinions if the Central Brain Tumor registry of

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    • 05 SEP 05

    The real reason for ICNIRP hegemony

    Notice from Tower Sanity (Australia): Concerned citizens According to Telstra’s Annual Report 2004, Innovation Everywhere (on pages 12 -13 (soft copy)/pages 10-11 (hard copy) under the heading Risk Factors) http://www.telstra.com.au/abouttelstra/investor/docs/companyoverview.pdf : “The establishment of a link between adverse health effects and electromagnetic energy (EME) could expose us to liability or negatively affect our operations The

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    • 05 SEP 05

    Power Watch analysis on that acoustic neuroma study

    The analysis by PowerWatch, http://www.powerwatch.org.uk : British Journal of Cancer advance online publication 30 August 2005; doi:10.1038/sj.bjc.6602764. Mobile phone use and risk of acoustic neuroma: results of the Interphone case-control study in five North European countries The media widely and incorrectly reported that the largest ever study into mobile phone use and brain cancer showed

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