• 04 SEP 05

    The Bizarre foundations of “Spiked”

    Following the last message on the mis-reporting of cell phone research by “Spiked” I was send a few links to follow up on about the journalistic credentials and foundations of this group. A visit to gmwatch and a search of ‘Spiked’ there, provides interesting detail of the names and faces, as well as their agenda

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    • 03 SEP 05

    Spinning of the Interphone study from “Spiked”

    It did not take long for the spin merchants to come out proclaiming that the latest Interphone study ( see message # 194 ) proves mobiles are safe. Following is an inventive article from Jennie Bristow from “Spiked”, an on-line publication that looks suspicially like it was created to support whatever industry is willing to

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    • 01 SEP 05

    Part 3: The Lonn study: commentary from Sam Milham

    Letters to the Editor American Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 162, No. 6, August 17, 2005 A cursory glance at the recent paper in the Journal by Lonn et al (1) reveals that, in tables 2-4, only four of 136 calculated odds ratios are above 1.0. If there is no relation between cell phone use and

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    • 01 SEP 05

    Part 2: The Lonn study, commentary from Lloyd Morgan

    Letters to the Editor American Journal of Epidemiology Vol. 162, No. 6 2005 The recently published study by Lönn et al. (1) is flawed in many ways. In a broad overview, too few cases were included to enable the authors to find an increased risk for a reasonable latency time at the brain location where

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    • 01 SEP 05

    Part 1: The Lonn study: no connection with mobile phone use and cancer. Really?

    Here’s the abstract of another recent mobile phone study where the authors “conclude that the data do not support the hypothesis that mobile phone use is related to an increased risk of glioma or meningioma.” Am J Epidemiol. 2005 Mar 15;161(6):526-35. Long-term mobile phone use and brain tumor risk. Lonn S, Ahlbom A, Hall P,

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    • 01 SEP 05

    Abstract of acoustic neuroma study

    British Journal of Cancer advance online publication 30 August 2005; doi:10.1038/sj.bjc.6602764 Mobile phone use and risk of acoustic neuroma: results of the Interphone case-control study in five North European countries M J Schoemaker1, A J Swerdlow1, A Ahlbom2,13, A Auvinen3,10, K G Blaasaas4, E Cardis5, H Collatz Christensen6, M Feychting2, S J Hepworth7, C Johansen6,

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    • 01 SEP 05

    New study on acoustic neuromas and cell phone use

    Here’s some good news for theTelcos spin factories: “No brain cancer link to mobile phones, study says” Watch the spinning of media articles coming out proclaiming the old ‘mobiles proven safe’ line. More justification for Motorola’s call to end all future research. Note however, that Swerdlow is not saying there is no risk, just no

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    • 30 AUG 05

    Stay tuned, wireless broadband’s the way to go!

    From Anne Wagstaff: Stay tuned, wireless broadband’s the way to go August 29, 2005 The Sydney Morning Herald Margot Saville looks at the three companies that dominate the market. Workers beware – there’s a new way for the boss to contact you 24/7. It’s being marketed as a product that frees you up to work

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    • 27 AUG 05

    Radioactive Wounds of War

    Radioactive Wounds of War By Dave Lindorff In These Times Thursday 25 August 2005 Tests on returning troops suggest serious health consequences of depleted uranium use in Iraq. Gerard Matthew thought he was lucky. He returned from his Iraq tour a year and a half ago alive and in one piece. But after the New

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    • 24 AUG 05

    Question on EMF as air pollution

    Penny Hargreaves has sent the following question to this list. Any replies send directly to < pahargreaves@ihug.co.nz > please. Don Transpower New Zealand( power lines) is trying to persuade the NZ authorities that electromagnetic radiation cannot legally be classified as air pollution – transpower advisers are trying to have written in to legal plans that

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    • 23 AUG 05

    Rationale for China EMF Exposure Standards

    Note: I have created a new category for this list titled “Alternatives to ICNIRP Hegemony”. The following is the first listing in this category. Don Discussion on Rationale for China EMF Exposure Standards. Huai Chiang, Zhengping Xu. Bioelectromagnetics Lab, Zhejiang University School of Medicine Hangzhou 310031, China Paper presented at the Third International EMF Seminar,

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    • 20 AUG 05

    NOTICE: Announcing The Canadian SWEEP Initiative

    Public Notice from The Canadian SWEEP Initiative” WHAT IS SWEEP? WHO IS SWEEP? The Canadian SWEEP Initiative (for Safe Wireless, Electric and Electromagnetic Policy) is now entering it’s third month in existence. We are an umbrella organization, similar in structure to the Clean Air Coalition, and intend to serve as a forum for broad-based education

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    • 20 AUG 05

    Olle Johansson et al references now available

    A complete listing of Olle Johansson et al papers has been added to this site. The url is: References for Olle Johansson et al papers Don

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    • 20 AUG 05

    References for Olle Johansson et al papers

    Wang L, Hilliges M, Jernberg T, Wiegleb-Edstrom D, Johansson O, “Protein gene product 9.5-immunoreactive nerve fibres and cells in human skin”, Cell Tissue Res 1990; 261: 25-33 Johansson O, Hilliges M, Bjornhagen V, Hall K, “Skin changes in patients claiming to suffer from “screen dermatitis”: a two-case open-field provocation study”, Exp Dermatol 1994; 3: 234-238

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    • 20 AUG 05

    Olle Johansson et al paper on standardization of skin biopsies

    For the attention of this list (From Olle Johansson): A lot of a scientist’s work is about standardization, controls, “check-ups”, etc. Such work is very time-consuming, very accurate and detailed, but is rarely published. However, right now we have actually been able to publish a very important paper, dealing with the standardization of skin biopsies

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    • 19 AUG 05

    San Francisco plans to wireless WiFi

    Newsom seeks aid in getting city online By Guy Ashley CONTRA COSTA TIMES SAN FRANCISCO-Laptop computers and personal digital assistants are as essential as frothy cappuccino in this city, so it only makes sense for San Francisco to launch a bold initiative to make wireless Internet access available from every park bench, office tower and

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    • 18 AUG 05

    Info. on WLAN (WiFi) wireless systems

    More on WLAN (WiFi) systems from Tony Palanca from Tower Sanity: www.linksys.com The attached URL from the worlds leading home wireless network provider (linksys) has new solutions that provide broadband connectivity 500 meters from the “little tower” that you buy. This wireless LAN/router costs a couple of hundred dollars and is designed to be set

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    • 18 AUG 05

    Mobiles aimed at under-8s set for return to high street

    From Mast Sanity: link to article on MYMO in Sunday Telegraph today. http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jhtml?xml=/news/2005/08/14/nkidmob14.xml Mobiles aimed at under-8s set for return to high street By Nina Goswami (Filed: 14/08/2005) A mobile telephone aimed at primary schoolchildren but withdrawn by the main distributor eight months ago because of health fears continues to be sold in Britain. Health

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    • 16 AUG 05

    Spanish paper on RF effects on birds

    Translation of the summary: Posibles Efectos De Las Ondas Electromagneticas Utilizadas En La Telefonia Inalambrica Alfonso Balmori Ardeola 51(2), 2004, 477-490 Summary – Possible effects of the electromagnetic waves used in th ewireless telephony on wildlife. A bibliographical revision of the possible effects of the waves used in the wireless telephony on animals is presented

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    • 16 AUG 05

    More on the “Canary” story

    From: Iris Atzmon I received interesting & important posts in response to the Canary story (that was sent by Frans van Velden from the Neatherland), It is interesting to note that in Osafia, the Druz village that removed anetnnas because of more than 200 cancer cases (15 new cancer cases were diagnosed only last month),

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