• 16 AUG 05

    Now mobile phones are promoted as a ‘learning tool”

    From Tower Sanity: Eduation tool a phone call away By Shane Green Education Editor (The Sydney Morning Herald, Australia) August 15, 2005 Schools have a blunt approach to mobile phones: ban them in the classroom. But in a radical reversal, a new push has emerged for students to use them as the learning device of

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    • 15 AUG 05

    Israeli Research: Cell Phone Radiation May Cause Visual Damage

    The following message may indicated that text messaging may not be as safe as assumed, especially if one is wearing metal framed glasses. Don ISRAELI RESEARCH: CELL PHONE RADIATION MAY CAUSE VISUAL DAMAGE In a recent scientific study conducted by a team of researchers from the Technion, a possible link between microwave radiation, similar to

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    • 15 AUG 05

    Canary bird recovers from mobile phone mast exposure

    The following message from Frans van Velden suggests some very interesting “community based” research that could be done by community groups such as “Mast Sanity” in the U.K. and “Tower Sanity” in Australia, just to name two. Example: In schools, homes and workplaces that have WiFi (WLAN) systems installed. Install a caged canary in the

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    • 13 AUG 05

    On the Non-ionizing Radiation Red Herring

    Response to Lloyd Morgan’s message from Iris Atzmon: Don, Lloyd wanted responses from the public, I think it would be very interesting for him to read what Dr. Robert Kane has written about the ionizing/ non-ionizing and the mechanism, Lloyd and Kane complement each others messages: http://www.emfbioeffects.org/images/RedHerring.doc Regards, Iris. Note: Robert Kane is the author

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    • 12 AUG 05

    Austrian doctor’s group warns of excessive mobile phone use by children

    Sent by Robert Reidlinger: Vienna Doctor’s Chamber (Wiener Ärztekammer) warns of excessive mobile phone use by children. Data for the cancer risk from mobile phone radiation are increasing: new catalogue of guidelines advises cautious contact with mobile phones. Wien (OTS) – The Vienna Doctor’s Chamber (Wiener Ärztekammer) warns expressly against excessive mobile phone use especially

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    • 11 AUG 05

    A message from Lloyd Morgan re. SAR measurements

    From Lloyd Morgan To the List, I would like our activist community to consider using different units of measurements when discussing the power absorbed by our brains when using a cellphone. This is referred to as Specific Absorption Rate or SAR. Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) when discussed as total energy absorbed over time is Specific

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    • 09 AUG 05

    Reasons to petition to remove Mike Repacholi

    “Initiative Omega” has started a petition calling for Dr Jong Wook Lee, Director-General World Health Organization (WHO) to remove Dr. Mike Repacholi as General Coordinator for the WHO’s “International Electromagnetic Fields Programme”. The chances of that happening are about as remote as the US pulling out of Iraq as long as there’s a barrel of

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    • 08 AUG 05

    Further on Hardell, Mild, Carlberg studies

    Sourced by Iris Atzmon 1: Environ Res. 2005 Jul 12; [Epub ahead of print] Related Articles, Links Case-control study of the association between the use of cellular and cordless telephones and malignant brain tumors diagnosed during 2000-2003. Hardell L, Carlberg M, Mild KH., Department of Oncology, University Hospital, SE-701 85 Orebro, Sweden; Department of Natural

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    • 06 AUG 05

    Three papers from Hardell

    From Lloyd Morgan Date: Fri, 5 Aug 2005 13:03:55 EDT If you haven’t seen the latest from Hardell et al., there are 3 important papers. One in Neuroepidemiology (June), one in Environmental Research (July) and one in Int Environ Occup Health (July). The first 2 report on brain tumors with ORs as high as 9.9,

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    • 05 AUG 05

    Curbing the Influence of the Drug Industry: A British View

    Sent by Milt Bowling: PLoS Medicine, Volume 2 | Issue 9 | SEPTEMBER 2005 Essay The Essay section contains opinion pieces on topics of broad interest to a general medical audience. Curbing the Influence of the Drug Industry: A British View A recent report from politicians in Britain recommends a fundamental review of drug development,

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    • 04 AUG 05

    Microwave News on Repacholi’s precautionary policy

    For the first time I must strongly disagree with Louis Slesin, editor of Microwave News, when he suggests sending Mike Repacholi back to Australia. Hey – I live there! May I suggest an alternative destination. In the centre of Fallugia, dressed in a US General’s uniform. Knowing Mike however, he would probably talk his way

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    • 03 AUG 05

    On the infallibility of ICNIRP

    While the ICNIRP Guidelines are being promoted internationally as the final word in expert EMF standard setting, – as an “unprobabilistic body of sure and certain knowledge” that is beyond question, doubts continue to be expressed about the validity of these guidelines, such as by the Canadian Sierra Club (previous message). In response to the

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    • 02 AUG 05

    Sierra Club of Canada calls ICNIRP guidelines “among the worst in the world”

    Canadian Deputy Health Minister questions link between cancer rates and electricity The Independent (Canada) August 1, 2005 In three letters to government officials dated July 18, deputy Health minister John Abbott reveals his department takes the potential health risk of overexposure to electromagnetic fields (EMFs) seriously. In letters to George Anderson, deputy minister Department of

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    • 02 AUG 05

    ALGA criticises “new” rules on towers

    New rules on towers August 2, 2005 New rules for locating mobile phone towers announced last week don’t go far enough, says the Australian Local Government Association. The federal Communications Minister, Helen Coonan, announced the measures, including improved community notification, more public education, improving the look and design of towers and independent audits of electromagnetic

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    • 31 JUL 05

    Govt urged to ban mobile phone towers near schools

    From Tower Sanity in Sydney Australia: Concerned parents and citizens Please find attached today’s online ABC News “Govt urged to ban mobile phone towers near schools” and motion/action item (that was slightly amended at the conference yesterday) that was presented and wonderfully debated for a good 30 minutes and supported almost unanimously. Well done and

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    • 29 JUL 05

    Assessment of ELF fields in urban environments in Spain

    [See my comments following] http://www.terra.es/personal/kirke1/noti67/epdf.htm Exposure assessment of ELF magnetic fields in urban environments in Extremadura (Spain). Paniagua JM, Jimenez A, Rufo M, Antolin A. Departamento de Fisica, Escuela Politecnica, Universidad de Extremadura, Caceres, Spain. email: paniagua@unex.es We present the results of a study of the extremely low frequency (ELF) magnetic fields in urban environments

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    • 28 JUL 05

    Aust. Initiatives to address concerns over phone towers

    Media Release Senator the Hon. Helen Coonan Minister of Communications, Information technology and the Arts 27 July 2005 Initiatives to address concerns over phone towers The Minister for Communications, Information Technology and the Arts, Senator Helen Coonan, today announced a package of initiatives to improve the way mobile phone towers are deployed. “I am aware

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    • 25 JUL 05

    German Doctors unite on RF health effects

    For full report see: http://www.powerwatch.org.uk/news/20050722_bamberg.asp 22/07/2005 – German Doctors unite on RF health effects from masts Summary: A number of German doctors are combining together to put forward their observations of adverse health effects from pulsed high-frequency EMFs (microwave) to the Prime Minister, Dr. Edmund Stoiber. The health effects include headaches, tiredness, inability to concentrate

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    • 24 JUL 05

    Kids’ cellphone use in spotlight (Toronto Star)

    From Robert Reidlinger: Kids’ cellphone use in spotlight Officials agree questions call for use of caution Tyler Hamilton and Robert Cribb Toronto Star, 7/09/05 Public calls for greater caution around children’s use of cellphones are emerging for the first time in Canada as scientists raise questions about the impact of radio frequencies on young heads

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    • 24 JUL 05

    Cell phone use and brain tumor development (CNN)

    From Sage Associates: CNN interviewed Keith Black, MD – head of the neurosurgery at Cedars Sinai Hospital in LA – on brain tumors and cell phone use. You can see the video itself at: www.CNN.com/video and scroll down to Health. The segment is “Cell Phone Use – Cancer Ties Explored” Transcript of segment on cell

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