• 01 JUL 05

    Anti-phone mast group fears pupils already sick

    Anti-phone mast group fears pupils already sick (provided by Sylvie) nlnews@archant.co.uk 29 June 2005 MUSWELL Hill Against the Masts campaigners are to carry out a survey of children in the area to see if they are suffering from radiation sickness. Campaign leaders, whose children go to schools and nurseries near the 3G mast in Grand

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    • 26 JUN 05

    Correlation found between mobile phone masts and sleep disturbances

    From: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/newssearch.php?newsid=23610 And: http://www.mast-victims.org/index.php?content=news&#nrpbes Correlation found between mobile phone masts and sleep disturbances 18 Jun 2005 “We have found that people who are very electrosensitive in the evening, do not sleep well in the night”. Prof. dr. Norbert Leitgeb of the Technical University of Graz in Austria told it to a journalist of the Grazer

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    • 25 JUN 05

    News on brain tumors and wireless phones

    Following is an article sent by Marne Glaser from the EMR Network, Chicago, USA on the latest breaking news from the telecom industry newspaper “RCR News” on yet another study from Sweden linking wireless phone radiation to brain tumors. For more information on wireless health research, contact: Marne Glaser EMR Network-Chicago 773 338 0248 Study

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    • 24 JUN 05

    Qld. Planning & Environmental Court sets 4 mG level

    For those groups fighting inappropriate siting of power transmission lines, the following 2002 decision from the Planning & Environmental Court of Queensland (Australia) is a useful document. Citation: Energex Ltd. v Logan City Council & Ors [2002] QPEC 001 Delivered on: 11 January 2002 Exerpt from pages 19-20: ” (g) The existing overhead 11 kV

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    • 21 JUN 05

    (Off Topic) Confessions of an economic hitman

    The Confessions of an economic hitman On Monday, June 20th, Australia”™s Radio National program, In the National Interest, aired a Terry Lane interview with John Perkins about his best selling book “The Confessions of an economic hitman”. Although a transcript is not available for that program I found a similar interview transcript from “Democracy Now”

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    • 17 JUN 05

    EMF Conference: the 4th International Workshop on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields.

    Notice from the conference web site: http://imm.demokritos.gr/bioeffects/ Welcome to the 4th International Workshop on Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields. This five days scientific Workshop will be held in Crete island on 16-20 October 2006 and is intended to cover all areas of EMF from basic research, experimental results, modelling and simulation, Policy, Safety and Standardization

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    • 15 JUN 05

    Holland to set 0.4uT limit for new HVTLs

    NEWS FLASH! While the so-called experts in Israel, New Zealand and Australia mindlessly mouth the ICNIRP mantra that 100 uT (1000mG) is somehow acceptable. The Dutch Ministry of Housing, Spatial Planning and the Environment is leading the way by applying a real precautionary policy by setting a 0.4 uT (4 mG) exposure limit for new

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    • 15 JUN 05

    Israeli expert committee on powerlines

    Following is a report from Israel on yet another self styled WHO clone “expert committee” making all the usual noises about powerline magnetic fields. * Note where ICNIRP apparently admits that their guidelines are only for acute short term exposures. * There’s the old WHO/ICNIRP claim that the epidemiological studies and/or, labratory tests are defined

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    • 14 JUN 05


    Just noticed – As for my earlier message “Tower protests increasing in Australia” it turns out that Beaconsfield is in Fremantle, West Australia and not Sydney New South Wales!!!! There IS a Beaconsfield in NSW but that wasn’t it! Oops! A slight error but at least I got the continent right! Will correct the post

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    • 14 JUN 05

    Santa brings 3G to New Zealand

    While we see increasing protests in NSW over the rollout of 3G technology, Santa is bringing it all to New Zealand before Christmas – just in time for families to buy the the latest in 3G gadgetry – especially for the kiddies. Watch for a heavy advertising blitz to hit the islands in November. With

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