• 03 MAY 05

    A cellphone to calm your restless baby?

    A Way to Calm Fussy Baby: ‘Sesame Street’ by Cellphone By DOREEN CARVAJAL International Herald-Tribune April 18, 2005 ANNES, France – When a toddler’s wails soar to piercing volume, do you shake the baby rattle or dangle the mobile phone? An unlikely group of entertainment companies is betting on the mobile phone. The target customers

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    • 03 MAY 05

    Red blood cells lump by mobile phone

    Two students in Germany have shown that cell phone research doesn’t necessarily have to cost millions. I don’t see however how a 20 second cell phone call can have such an effect on blood but if the samples were taken from the earlobe and fingertip immediately against the phone perhaps so. Taken from the original

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    • 01 MAY 05

    On EMF Protective Devices

    On a regular basis I am asked to comment on an EMF protective device or another on whether they work or not, occasionally I am asked if they are a good product to start selling, and less occasionally I am offered a good deal to become a device seller myself! I usually respond by sending

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    • 01 MAY 05

    DU Nano Particles pose major health hazard

    Several weeks ago it was mentioned in the Australian media that replacement Australian troops about to be deployed to Iraq were being warned to stay well away from old destroyed Iraqi tanks and other military weaponry because of the danger of DU dust contaminating the wrecks. No such warnings however to the Iraqi kids who

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    • 23 APR 05

    Five Studies Showing Ill-Health Effects From Masts

    Document produced by Dr Grahame Blackwell 21 Feb 20051 1. Study of the health of people living in the vicinity of mobile phone base stations. Santini et al. Pathol Biol (Paris) [Pathologie Biologie (Paris)] 2002; 50: 369 – 73 Found significant health effects on people living within 300 metres of mobile phone base stations. Conclusions

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    • 09 MAR 05

    Tobacco Science

    UCSF report says Philip Morris influenced scientific article Firm suggested to writer that link between SIDS, secondhand smoke be downplayed – Alex Barnum, Chronicle Staff Writer Monday, March 7, 2005 Researchers at UCSF reviewing once-secret industry documents have detailed an elaborate effort by a leading tobacco company to raise doubts among doctors and public health

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