• 08 JUN 18

    With Bees Scarce, A Drone Pollinates A New York Apple Orchard

    From Futurism.com

    By Dan Robitzski, June 7, 2018

    Gather ‘round! Let me tell you the story of Droney Appleseed.

    You see, in the 21st century, bee populations were dying off because everyone was using too many toxic pesticides. Farmers were starting to notice that the fuzzy little workers were starting to vanish because their crops weren’t getting pollinated. Boy, was everyone in a real pickle then! Thankfully, Droney Appleseed came to the rescue, flying over the farmland and spraying pollen wherever it went.

    OK, so, we’re probably not ready to make children’s books about this stuff quite yet. But! An apple orchard was just pollinated by a drone for the first time. SNIP

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    • 06 JUN 18

    Will the coming Internet of Things prove to be a Hacker’s heaven? Consider….

    When Jamie Summitt woke up one Wednesday morning and saw the baby video monitor pointed right at her, she wasn’t worried.

    Yes, it had moved since the South Carolina stay-at-home mom fell asleep. But she assumed it was her husband, Kevin, checking in on her from work using the smartphone app that controls the camera.

    That night, as the family ate dinner and the baby slept, her smartphone alerted her that the camera was being moved again.

    “I looked over on my phone and saw that it was slowly panning over across the room to where our bed was and stopped,” Summitt tells NPR. It was pointing to the spot where she breastfed her son, Noah, several times a day. The camera paused on the empty bed, then moved back to the bassinet. SNIP…

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    • 04 JUN 18

    Chinese Telcos with ties to the Chinese government now aiming to roll out 5G in Australia

    As reported by the Financial Review, two Chinese telecommunications companies ZTE and, Huawei, with ties to the Chinese government are now tendering to roll out Telstra’s 5G network in Australia, among other things. Considering that 5G is supposed to be the future communications hub will allow the Internet of Things, and a future Australian autonomous vehicle network, etc., is it wise to risk giving the Chinese government a “back door” to controlling all this? China’s aggressive moves in the South China Sea should be sufficient to ban these companies altogether from having any role in building Australia’s infrastructure… but then it seems in Australia the Renminbi rules the day. Read on…..

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    • 31 MAY 18

    Roll out of 5G wireless service is ‘a massive health experiment,’ public health expert warns

    Natalie Rahhal, Daily Mail, May 29, 2018

    The roll out of 5G wireless service is ‘a massive health experiment,’ public health expert warns as cell companies install 800,000 towers across the US
    The latest generation of wireless service – 5G – is being rolled out across select cities in the US
    Networks will transmit data 100 times faster using shorter radiation waves
    The new network will require 800,000 new ‘small cell’ towers
    Some research has suggested that cell phone radiation may be carcinogenic
    The new millimeter waves used in 5G have hardly been studied and introducing them constitutes an ‘experiment,’ warns a public health professor

    Wireless carriers are constructing cell towers a stronger, faster 5G network, but some experts warn that the updated service’s health effects are unknown and potentially dangerous… SNIP

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    • 31 MAY 18

    Electromagnetic radiation from power lines and phone masts (including 5G) poses ‘credible’ threat to wildlife, report finds

    The Telegraph

    By Sarah Knapton, Science Editor


    18 May 2018 • 12:01am Electromagnetic radiation from power lines, wi-fi, phone masts and broadcast transmitters poses a ‘credible’ threat to wildlife, a new report suggests, as environmentalists warned the 5G roll out could cause greater harm. An analysis of 97 studies by the EU-funded review body EKLIPSE concluded that radiation is a potential risk to insect and bird orientation and plant health. However the charity Buglife warned that despite good evidence of the harms there was little research ongoing to assess the impact, or apply pollution limits. The charity said ‘serious impacts on the environment could not be ruled out’ and called for 5G transmitters to be placed away from street lights, which attract insects, or areas where they could harm wildlife. Matt Shardlow, CEO of Buglife said: “We apply limits to all types of pollution to protect the habitability of our environment, but as yet, even in Europe, the safe limits of electromagnetic radiation have not been determined, let alone applied. “There is a credible risk that 5G could impact significantly on wildlife, and that placing transmitters on LED street lamps, which attract nocturnal insects such as moths increases exposure and thereby risk. “Therefore we call for all 5G pilots to include detailed studies of their influence and impacts on wildlife, and for the results of those studies to be made public.” SNIP

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    • 23 MAY 18

    Leszczynski presentations in Australia, May 2018

    Preliminary notice from Dariusz Leszczynski:

    Presentations on the 5G millimeter-waves and on the Precautionary Principle at the EMERG meeting at ARPANSA in Melbourne and at the AOCRP-5 congress in Melbourne.

    Reports from the both meetings and slides of presentations by other speakers will be published in mid-June 2018. (title slides only below) … SNIP

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    • 21 MAY 18

    Alzheimer’s The Number One Killer: Prevention and Reversal of Cognitive Decline Paperback – May 14, 2018

    New book on Alzheimer’s Disease by Tenzin Dawa PhD (Author)

    From Amazon:

    There are 5 million Americans with Alzheimer’s disease, 30 million in the world. 99% of 75 million Americans don’t know that they are positive for the allele ApoE4 which is carried by two-thirds of Alzheimer’s patients. – 45 million of young Americans today, about 15% of the population, do not know they are destined to get Alzheimer’s disease during their lifetime, bankrupting Medicare, if no prevention is instituted. Alzheimer’s was a rare disease before the beginning of the modern consumer society and introduction of processed and fast foods, and all these conveniences of transportation and combustion engines and turbines, and, most of all, communication by pulsing microwaves used in mobile phone and TETRA communications impacting our brain cells and tissue, destroying them. We will eventually, perhaps in 30 to 50 years, have killed a sufficient number of our children, youth, grown-ups, particularly in the heavy polluted metropolitan areas of New Delhi, Mumbai, Beijing, Shanghai, Manila, Jakarta, Cairo, London, New York, Chicago and Los Angeles, and other metropolises, creating an unmanageable backlog of Alzheimer’s patients, burgeoning cost of medical care which is bankrupting private and socialized health care insurers…SNIP

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    • 08 MAY 18

    Show Me the Studies!

    From Louis Slesin, Microwave News
    Show Me the Studies! “The Nation” Resurrects an Old Controversy

    George Carlo is back. … Again.

    He has a leading role in an exposé in The Nation magazine, where he is portrayed as the inside man who was hired to run a $25 million health research project for the telecom industry and was later fired when he found out that cell phones present a cancer risk. At least that’s what Carlo wants you to believe. The truth is a lot messier and a lot less favorable. I revisit this old story because two seasoned reporters for The Nation call my views “preposterous.” Read my challenge for Carlo to settle the dispute by releasing a list of the 50 studies he says he sponsored during the 1990s here. And read my (second) response to The Nation here.

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    • 03 MAY 18

    Emerging possibility for a meticulous, impartial review of the EMF science at the WHO

    From Dariusz Leszczynski


    Over the recent years, there were numerous complaints about the reliance of the WHO EMF Project solely on the opinions of the ICNIRP. In fact, the WHO EMF Project could be considered as “front” for the opinions of ICNIRP.

    It seems the World Health Organization has taken a notice of the complaints and took some action.

    WHO EMF Project is preparing a very important document – the Environmental Health Criteria for the RF-EMF (EHC RF-EMF). This document will evaluate all scientific evidence concerning biological and health effects of RF-EMF emitted by all types of the wireless communication devices, including cell phones, cell towers and wi-fi routers… SNIP

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    • 30 APR 18

    Ladybird beetles swarm on radio tower in South Australia

    Millions of ladybirds are massing under a remote radio tower near Mount Burr in South Australia, with the location also attracting visitors keen to see the unusual sight. Steve Chapple came across the mass and was taken aback by his find. “I’ve always been astounded by the numbers out there but this year was just phenomenal,” he said. “They’re four inches deep and the base of the tower is about five metres by five metres, so you’d have to talk in the millions. “This is the first year that the netballers at Mount Burr have them landing on them and poles during their game. “They’re there all day. “They swarm during the middle of the day and then they land back in the crevasses, the cracks, the pipes during the dark.”..SNIP

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    • 25 APR 18

    Article from Bob Vaughan, alternativemedicine.org


    Industry Lies

    Wireless industry claims there is no increase in brain tumors so there is no problem with cell phones. But it is a big lie. For example, a very famous politician John McCain just got a brain tumor. You can see a big scar on the left side of his head, just where he usually holds his mobile phone.

    So the government lies and claims there is no increase in cancer, tumors caused by mobile phones. The reality is there is a significant increase in Glioblastomas which are very deadly.

    For the overall head, there has not been an increase in brain tumors since 2006 when the wireless was introduced. But in the three areas of the brain that get the most cell phone radiation which is your frontal lobe, temporal lobe in your cerebellum increase is significant which shows the study that was done by USC that was done 15 years before 2006…SNIP

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    • 21 APR 18

    5G and wireless safety at the AOCRP-5 in Melbourne, Australia

    From Dariusz Leszczynski:

    The 5th Asian and Oceanic IRPA Regional Congress on Radiation Protection will take place on May 20 – 23, 2018 in Melbourne, Australia. Substantial part of the program will be devoted to the deployment and safety of the 5G networks and to the safety of the wireless communication in general.

    I will be there presenting and my report from the conference will be published in June 2018.

    The full program of the conference (as of April 18, 2018) is available here…SNIP

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    • 10 APR 18

    “Clear Evidence” of Cancer Risk, Say Pathologists (NTP)

    From Louis Slesin, Microwave News:
    “Clear Evidence” of Cancer Risk, Say Pathologists
    Why Peer Reviewers and NTP Saw Same Animal Data Differently

    Yes it did, no it didn’t, yes it did. Did cell phone radiation cause higher rates of cancer in rats –or not? It all depends how you look at the data.

    Two weeks ago, a panel of pathologists and toxicologists completed a detailed review of the National Toxicology Program’s $25 million cell phone study and decided that there was “clear evidence” that both GSM and CDMA radiation can lead a rare tumor in the heart of male rats.

    This was the same conclusion that the NTP had reached in May 2016, before reversing itself two months ago.

    All in all, the panel recommended that the NTP upgrade seven of its findings on cell phone cancer risks, including for brain tumors.

    We went to North Carolina for the peer review meeting. In our latest story, we explain each side’s reasoning and how the panelists became convinced that the risk appears to be real… SNIP

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    • 05 APR 18

    Did wi-fi hotspots bring down Russian mail drone?

    Someday, in the future, our skies will be full of whirring machines delivering anything we could ever want or need, from medical supplies to pizzas to the latest item from our Amazon overlords.That day is not today.
    On Monday, Russia’s postal service tested a delivery drone in the city of Ulan-Ude, Siberia. Instead, though, the drone crashed violently into a wall of nearby building, turning the UAV into a mess of jumbled parts… SNIP

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    • 30 MAR 18

    The Nation: How Big Wireless Made Us Think That Cell Phones Are Safe: A Special Investigation

    Excerpt: No scientist can say with certainty how many wireless-technology users are likely to contract cancer, but that is precisely the point: We simply don’t know. Nevertheless, we are proceeding as if we do know the risk, and that the risk is vanishingly small. Meanwhile, more and more people around the world, including countless children and adolescents, are getting addicted to cell phones every day, and the shift to radiation-heavy 5G technology is regarded as a fait accompli. Which is just how Big Wireless likes it. A must read!

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    • 29 MAR 18

    News Flash on the NTP Rat study

    Excerpt: Cellphone radio-frequency waves can be decisively linked to cancer in rats, according to a national science panel meeting in Research Triangle Park on Wednesday. The scientists’ finding establishes the clearest connection of cellphone risk to humans in a major U.S. study to date.

    The scientists made their announcement at the end of a three-day meeting to review a $25 million rodent experiment conducted by the National Toxicology Center in RTP for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. The draft of the study, issued in early February, had established a weak link in some cases, but the scientific advisory panel on Wednesday said the data is more compelling and indicates greater risk than initially acknowledged.

    Wednesday’s decision is expected to change the debate over cellphone safety, and public health activists predict the results will increase pressure on federal agencies to issue safety warnings and tighten safety standards of the ubiquitous electronic device…SNIP

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    • 29 MAR 18

    Virtual Reality Can Leave You With an Existential Hangover

    From The Atlantic

    After exploring a virtual world, some people can’t shake the sense that the actual world isn’t real, either.

    Rebecca Searles, Dec,21, 2016

    When Tobias van Schneider slips on a virtual reality headset to play Google’s Tilt Brush, he becomes a god. His fingertips become a fiery paintbrush in the sky. A flick of the wrist rotates the clouds. He can jump effortlessly from one world that he created to another.When the headset comes off, though, it’s back to a dreary reality. And lately van Schneider has been noticing some unsettling lingering effects. “What stays is a strange feeling of sadness and disappointment when participating in the real world, usually on the same day,” he wrote on the blogging platform Medium last month. “The sky seems less colorful and it just feels like I’m missing the ‘magic’ (for the lack of a better word). … I feel deeply disturbed and often end up just sitting there, staring at a wall.”Van Schneider dubs the feeling “post-VR sadness.” SNIP

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    • 28 MAR 18

    Is our smart technology contributing to the Antarctic melting?

    Continuing on from the last two blogs, consider the possibility that our ‘smart’ technology is a not-insignificant contributing factor in the rapid and increasing melting of the Antarctic ice shelfs – with dire consequences for our modern high-tech world. The following article appears in the July 2017 issue of National Geographic magazine. It was first published on June 14, 2017 and updated on July 12 with news of the Larsen C break…
    The Larsen C Ice Shelf Collapse Is Just the Beginning–Antarctica Is Melting. The massive iceberg that broke off the Larsen C Ice Shelf may be a harbinger of a continent-wide collapse that would swamp coastal cities around the world.


    Seen from above, the Pine Island Ice Shelf is a slow-motion train wreck. Its buckled surface is scarred by thousands of large crevasses. Its edges are shredded by rifts a quarter mile across. In 2015 and 2016 a 225-square-mile chunk of it broke off the end and drifted away on the Amundsen Sea. The water there has warmed by more than a degree Fahrenheit over the past few decades, and the rate at which ice is melting and calving has quadrupled…SNIP

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    • 28 MAR 18

    The Wireless Cloud is an “energy monster” warming the world

    Following on from the previous message “How smartphones are heating up the planet” here is an old analysis from 2013 that also examines the energy usage of wireless technology. Their analysis apparently did not include an estimation of the additional future contribution of 5G, the Internet of Things and possibly the roll-out of smart meters. As such, it is a very conservative estimation. All heating up the planet to what end? Titled The Power of Wireless Cloud, it was prepared and published by The Centre for Energy-Efficient Telecommunications (CEET): Alcatel-Lucent, Bell Labs and University of Melbourne.
    Quote: The problem is that we’re all accessing cloud services – things like webmail, social networking and virtual applications – over wireless networks. It’s the modern way, but wireless is an energy monster; it’s just inherently inefficient.

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    • 28 MAR 18

    How smartphones are heating up the planet

    From The Conversation

    March 26, 2018


    When we think about climate change, the main sources of carbon emissions that come to mind for most of us are heavy industries like petroleum, mining and transportation. Rarely do we point the finger at computer technologies. In fact, many experts view the cyber-world of information and computer technologies (ICT) as our potential saviour, replacing many of our physical activities with a lower-carbon virtual alternative. That is not what our study, recently published in the Journal of Cleaner Production, suggests.

    Having conducted a meticulous and fairly exhaustive inventory of the contribution of ICT –including devices like PCs, laptops, monitors, smartphones and tablets – and infrastructure like data centres and communication networks, we found that the relative contribution of ICT to the total global footprint is expected to grow from about one per cent in 2007 to 3.5 per cent by 2020 and reaching 14 per cent by 2040. That’s more than half the relative contribution of the entire transportation sector worldwide. SNIP

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