• 06 FEB 18

    Optus to launch ‘faster’ 5G option to rival the NBN / Concerns over 5G at the Winter Olympics

    It may come as a surprise to many Australians to find that Australia’s Optus is actually a 100% owned subsidiary of Singapore Telecommunications (SingTel) since 2001. SingTel Optus is the first telco to announce an Australian 5G rollout in early 2019, to compete with the National Broadband Network (NBN). Optus will launch a fixed wireless option, accessible in metropolitan areas, expected to achieve internet speeds about 15 times faster than 4.5G. Not to be outdone in the coming mad race to install hundreds of thousands of 5G antennas across the Australian landscape, Telstra will also be offering 5G services in 2019, with Vodafone carrying out trials and claiming that 5G would support speeds equivalent to downloading an entire season of Game of Thrones in high definition in just 10 seconds.

    .. In a perfect world, wouldn’t it would be nice if, before this rollout begins in Australia, a careful independent medical analysis is undertaken to determine if there are health hazards with 5G at the coming Olympics in Korea, where Korea Telecom, Intel and Ericsson are rushing to launch one of the world’s first large-scale experiments with 5G. Unfortunately “experiments” solely means how well the technology works, not on its possible impact of human health. Perhaps the folks at ACEBR should be sent over to check it all out. That way we will reliably be assured that 5G is perfectly safe – if you understand what I mean…… Don

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    • 05 FEB 18

    Open Letter on the Electromagnetic Hyper-Sensitivity Research by Dariusz Leszczynski

    Open letter: The end of the road for EHS (IEI-EMF) provocation studies by Dariusz Leszczynski, PhD, DSc
    Comments on the open letter: The dependence of using provocation studies for research into electromagnetic hyper sensitivity (EHS) is fast becoming the preferred way to downplay the connection between telecommunications emissions and illness. It’s a convenient way to say its all in the sufferer’s mind. In Australia, Rodney Croft and his crew at ACEBR look like getting further funding from the NH&MRC to continue with yet more useless provocation research. However, where they get volunteers willing to undergo the inevitable – its just all in their mind, the nocebo effect, remains to be seen. So far they have had only 4 subjects who stayed to the end. Hardly sufficient numbers! I certainly recommend anyone who thinks they suffer from EHS to have nothing to do with this research. I find relevant here Leszczynski’s “Drawback #3. Bias introduced by fear and by reputation of the research group”. Well worth a considered read and I hope the NH&MRC research funders take note. Read on.

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    • 04 FEB 18

    Disinformation and the NTP study findings

    The Disinformation Playbook has been used for decades by corporations to delay government action on matters of great public interest that would adversely affect their income and profit. Some of the well-known examples involve the sugar industry, tobacco, oil and gas, and the National Football League. The Union of Concerned Scientists outlined the five pillars of the Playbook

    1. The Fake: Conduct counterfeit science and try to pass it off as legitimate research
    2. The Blitz: Harass scientists who speak out with results or views inconvenient for industry
    3. The Diversion: Manufacture uncertainty about science where little or none exists
    4. The Screen: Buy credibility through alliances with academia or professional societies
    5. The Fix: Manipulate government officials or processes to inappropriately influence policy

    Now consider whether or not this is relevant for the headline reporting on the NTP study in MEDPAGE TODAY… And the comment following

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    • 03 FEB 18

    NTP RF Reports Are Now Available (Louis Slesin)

    From Microwave News

    The NTP has released its two draft reports on the cancer risks associated with exposure to cell phone radiation (GSM and CDMA). These are the results of its two-year exposure studies of mice and rats. News has been tracking this project since 1999, when the FDA first requested the RF-animal studies. Access the links in the full article…

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    • 03 FEB 18

    NTP Study – Darius Leszczynski’s first impressions…

    From the blog; Between a Rock and a Hard Place


    Today, the US NTP published results of its animal study examining effects of RF-EMF on mice and rats. Both reports are quite long to read and I had no time for detailed evaluation yet. However, in my opinion, NTP study demonstrates that exposures to cell phone radiation cause biological and health effects in animals. This confirms that biological and health effects in humans are possible.

    The most significant finding, in my opinion, is the development of gliomas in exposed animals. SNIP…

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    • 31 JAN 18

    ACEBR’s Rodney Croft comes under attack for his misrepresentation of the NTP study.

    Expert Reaction to Rodney Crofts Criticism of the National Toxicology Program Findings

    Dr. Rodney Croft, Director of the Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research at the University of Wollongong has stated a “number of criticisms” to the findings of the National Toxicology Program study. His criticisms included his statements “that the rats treated with RF lived longer than the controls…the controls did not have ‘any’ tumours… and the lack of clear dose-response relationships. He concluded that “the NTP report does not provide reason to move from the current scientific consensus that mobile phone-like exposure does not impact health.” Read Rodney Croft’s Reaction to the NTP here.

    January 3, 2018: Dr. Ron Melnick has provided a response to the comments made by Rodney Croft. Read on…

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    • 30 JAN 18

    NTP: RF Cancer Reports due February 2 (Microwave News)

    NTP: RF Cancer Reports due February 2
    Peer Review Meeting To Be Held March 26-28

    Further details and links for more information are on our Web site.

    For those of you who are not yet following Microwave News on Twitter, I encourage you to join us there for additional news bulletins.

    Louis Slesin, PhD
    Editor, Microwave News

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    • 28 JAN 18

    A message from Stop Smart Meters New Zealand

    From Katherine Smith:

    Dear Friends,

    Latest updates from www.stopsmartmeters.org.nz .Ongoing access to safe landline phones in many parts of New Zealand is now threatened. Please read this important action alert email and help us save this tried and true technology. Kia ora and welcome to the latest newsletter from Stop Smart Meters NZ

    We have important news to share with you:

    1) New legislation could phase out access to safe copper-based landline phones (and phase out inexpensive hardwired internet access) for many New Zealanders.

    Submissions are needed NOW.


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    • 27 JAN 18

    5G: Introducing Brillouin Precursors: Microwave Radiation Runs Deep (Microwave News)

    From Microwave News, March/April 2002


    When a very fast pulse of radiation enters the human body, it generates a burst of energy that can travel much deeper than predicted by conventional models. This induced radiation pulse, known as a Brillouin precursor, is at the heart of the continuing conflict over the U.S. Air Force’s (USAF) PAVE PAWS phased array radar on Cape Cod. Brillouin precursors can also be formed by ultrawideband radiation (see also p.17) and, in the near future, by high-speed data signals. Dr. Richard Albanese, a researcher at Brooks Air Force Base in San Antonio, is concerned that the radiation from the PAVE PAWS radar entails wide-spread human exposure to Brillouin precursors. In a May 23, 2000, letter to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH), Albanese warned that this type of phased array radiation has never been tested. He has been working on Brillouin precursors for over 15 years…SNIP

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    • 27 JAN 18

    5G and phased arrays

    From Arthur Firstenberg



    by Arthur Firstenberg

    January 22, 2018

    The single most important fact about 5G that nobody is talking about is called “phased array.” It will totally change the way cell towers and cell phones are constructed and will transform the blanket of radiation which has enveloped our world for two decades into a million powerful beams whizzing by us at all times. Blake Levitt, author of Electromagnetic Fields: A Consumer’s Guide to the Issues and How to Protect Ourselves (Harcourt Brace, 1995), brought this to my attention. A mutual friend, with whom I was speaking during the campaign to defeat S.B. 649 in California, passed on a message from Blake: “5G antennas will be phased arrays; Arthur will know what that means.” And I did. SNIP

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    • 24 JAN 18

    Prolonged phone usage linked to depression among youngsters, Study finds

    From George P

    January 23, 2018

    From News Medical, an online, open-access medical information provider for healthcare professionals, medical researchers and engaged consumers.

    New research conducted at San Diego State University has shown the relationship between adolescent life satisfaction and screen time.


    The study, published in the journal Emotion, found that Teenagers who are constantly glued to their smartphones are significantly less happy.

    In order to explore this association, investigators analyzed data from the Monitoring the Future (MtF) longitudinal study–a nationwide representative survey comprising millions of U.S. 8th-, 10th-, and 12th-graders.

    In this survey, the students were asked to answer a questionnaire about the total time spent on their mobiles, computers, and tablets, as well as their direct social interactions and their happiness in general.

    On average, it was found that teenagers who spent an excessive amount of time on screen devices (using social media, playing computer games, video chatting, and messaging) exhibited lower levels of happiness than teenagers who spent more time engaging in non-screen activities such as reading magazines and newspapers, sports, and direct social interactions. SNIP

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    • 23 JAN 18

    Cancers in the head and neck are increasing in Sweden as well as glioma grade 3-4 among men 50-79 years

    From Mona Nilsson:


    Please find the latest data from Swedish Cancer Registry on the link here http://www.stralskyddsstiftelsen.se/2018/01/cancers-in-the-head-and-neck-are-increasing-in-sweden/

    Cancers in the head and the neck are increasing in Sweden according to the latest cancer incidence data from the Swedish Cancer Registry. Cancers in the thyroid and the mouth are among the cancers that have seen the sharpest rise during the last decade but also the trend for cancers of the pituitary are on the rise. Among men aged 50 -79 years malignant brain tumours, grade 3-4 are also increasing visibly. The increase of these cancers has coincided with increasing use of mobile phones during the same time period while the increasing trend of malignant brain tumours, gliomas, might be an effect of long term use of mobile phones.

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    • 16 JAN 18

    Recommended book: Healthy Home, Healthy Family: Is where you live affecting your health?

    Is your house making you sick?

    In the past 30 years, new cancer diagnoses almost tripled, hospital admissions for life-threatening allergic reactions have increased fourfold, breast cancer has doubled, male sperm count has halved, the age of puberty is declining, dementia has become synonymous with old age, environmental sensitivities are on the rise, and learning and behavioural disorders in children have skyrocketed. Could these conditions be linked to health hazards in our homes? YES!

    Beginning with the Four Dog Defense, Nicole explains the delay tactics employed by the chemical, pharmaceutical and telecommunication industries to keep their products in the marketplace and their links to the setting of regulations and exposure standards. Using the latest research (891 references), she explains how toxicants, allergens like mould, electromagnetic fields and drinking water pollutants in the built environment are associated with almost all chronic illnesses plaguing western countries. She describes why people with environmental sensitivities need to address mould, electromagnetic field and chemical exposures in their home, and the simple steps required to create a healthy, low allergy home. Now in its 3rd edition, this bestselling, hardback and full colour book, is your go-to-guide for environmental-related diseases. SNIP…

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    • 15 JAN 18

    More on CES 2018: Most Absurd Technologies To Come

    From Futurism.com

    by Patrick Caughill on January 13, 2018
    CES: Consumer Excess Show

    Each year tech nerds from around the globe converge on Sin City for the International Consumer Electronics Show (CES) to get first looks at the near future of gizmos. Walking the floor of the expo, you’re surrounded by some truly incredible tech that will certainly enhance our lives. Conversely, you can also stumble onto some earnest tech that ranges from unnecessary to downright terrifying. Here’s a collection of some of the most absurd technologies from CES 2018. SNIP…

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    • 15 JAN 18

    CES 2018: a suitcase that follows you and other stuff you don’t need

    From the Sydney Morning Herald, January 15, 2018

    CES 2018: a suitcase that follows you and other stuff you don’t need
    Ben Grubb

    CES, the tech showcase held each year in Las Vegas, highlights what are meant to be the latest and greatest advancements in technology. Things meant to make you go “whoa” many times over, at least according to this year’s official CES billboards. But as one observer remarked, this year’s felt more “no” than whoa, with wacky gadgets you don’t need and voice recognition robots that failed to understand commands or didn’t respond at all. For the most part, the show seemed to be about artificial intelligence or voice recognition being integrated into everything, from TVs and cars to fridges and toilets. All of this felt like very incremental updates to technology. It just didn’t excite. SNIP

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    • 14 JAN 18

    CTIA asks US Supreme Court to block Berkeley’s cell phone “right to know” ordinance

    Considering how the FCC has totally been taken over by the industry It will be very telling how the Supreme Court rules on this one.
    From Joel M. Moskowitz, Electromagnetic Radiation Safety, Jan 13, 2018

    The CTIA -The Wireless Association has petitioned the United States Supreme Court to hear their case against the City of Berkeley’s cell phone “right to know” ordinance.

    The CTIA argues that the ordinance forces cell-phone retailers to deliver a misleading and controversial message to customers. The city asserts that the message is “literally true”; moreover, the city has a legitimate interest in protecting the health of its residents. SNIP…

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    • 10 JAN 18

    CNBC coverage of Iphone addiction issue

    APPLE CNBC: video 3 minutes – Scott Galloway compares what would happen if a popsicle caused the same addiction as a cellphone, regulation is long overdue

    Apple Isn’t Who We Should Be Worried About: Roger McNamee On Smartphone Addiction | CNBC Published on Jan 8, 2018

    Roger McNamee, Elevation Partners, and Scott Galloway, NYU Stern School of Business, weigh in on Apple’s responsibility to combat iPhone addiction in children following an open letter to the company from shareholders at Jana Partners and CalSTRS. SNIP…

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    • 09 JAN 18

    Women with hereditary breast cancer predispositions should avoid using their smartphones, tablets and laptops at night

    From SMJ Mortazavi, Professor of Medical Physics, Visiting Scientist at FCCC, Fox Chase Cancer on Linkedin

    Breast cancer is the most common malignancy among women, both in the developed and developing countries. Women with mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes have an increased risk of breast and ovarian cancers. Recent studies show that short-wavelength visible light disturb the secretion of melatonin and causes circadian rhythm disruption. We have previously studied the health effects of exposure to different levels of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs) such as mobile phones, mobile base stations, mobile phone jammers, laptop computers, and radars. Moreover, over the past several years, we investigated the health effects of exposure to the short wavelength visible light in the blue region emitted from digital screens…SNIP

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    • 09 JAN 18

    iPhones and Children Are a Toxic Pair, Say Two Big Apple Investors

    From the Wall Street Journal

    Two activist shareholders want Apple to develop tools and research effects on young people of smartphone overuse and addiction. The iPhone has made Apple Inc. and Wall Street hundreds of billions of dollars. Now some big shareholders are asking at what cost, in an unusual campaign to make the company more socially responsible. A leading activist investor and a pension fund are saying the smartphone maker needs to respond to what some see as a growing public-health crisis of youth phone addiction. SNIP

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    • 06 JAN 18

    A Former Facebook VP Says Social Media Is Destroying Society. And He’s Right.

    From Futurism

    by Brad Jones on January 5, 2018

    Chamath Palihapitiya, the former vice president for user growth at Facebook, has spoken out about social media. While platforms like Facebook and Twitter can bring people closer together, they can also have the opposite effect.


    Feedback Loop

    Speaking at a recent event at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, Chamath Palihapitiya – a former vice president for user growth at Facebook – expressed a concern that social media platforms have become “tools that are ripping apart the social fabric of how society works.”…SNIP

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