• 17 OCT 17

    California: Gov. Jerry Brown vetoes bill easing permits on cell phone towers (5G)

    NOTE: While in California where wise heads prevail, the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) plans to fast track 5G in the 26GHz frequency range for a nationwide rollout of 5G antennas.


    From The Mercury News ( California), By Tracy Seipel, October 16, 2017

    California: Gov. Jerry Brown vetoes bill easing permits on cell phone towers

    Gov. Jerry Brown late Sunday vetoed a bill backed by the cell phone industry that would have made it easier to install microwave radiation antennas.

    Senate Bill 649, authored by Sen. Ben Hueso, D-San Diego and co-authored by Assemblyman Bill Quirk, D-Hayward, proposed to scale back the permitting process for antennas and other equipment in an effort to meet demand for wireless services.

    In a signing statement, Brown wrote that while he saw the value in “extending this ​innovative technology rapidly and efficiently,” the bill took too much control away from cities and counties.

    The bill was primarily supported by the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association, the main trade group for the U.S. wireless telecommunications industry. The group said SB 649 would help boost the economy.

    Yet the bill had alarmed many local government officials around the state. They worried if SB 649 became law, it would cap how much they could charge phone companies for leases to $250 a year. Others raised concerns about the risk to public health from cell towers.

    Grass-roots activists and scientists said that if SB 649 became law, a projected 50,000 new cellular antennas would be installed on public buildings and utility poles in California neighborhoods, creating a risk to public health because of the dangers of radiation and electromagnetic frequencies emitted by cell towers.


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    • 05 OCT 17

    New paper: RF exposure as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease

    With our ever increasing exposure to RF from new technology the authors of this paper raise a vital question. Is RF exposure an environmental risk factor for cardiovascular disease? Hopefully this paper will encourage research on the possibility – as we rush down the road to 5G and the Internet of Things with health considerations based solely on thermal effects.

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    • 05 OCT 17

    Australian Consultations re: 5G spectrum deployment and telecommunications legislation responses

    From Janobai Smith

    If anybody is interested in reading the submissions re the the proposed changes to telecommunications legislation they are here: https://www.communications.gov.au/have-your-say/consultation-possible-amendments-telecommunications-carrier-powers-and-immunities (It took ages for the Dept of Communications and the Arts to publish them.)
    There are four submissions raising the EMF issue. SNIP

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    • 19 SEP 17

    Update to: Mobile firms face lawsuits by PAUL KENDALL, Daily Mail

    I got taken in by this article, even though it is currently doing the rounds it is actually a 17 year old rehashed article and nothing has apparently this lawsuit never progressed.

    See Microwave News from Nov/Dec 2000: http://microwavenews.com/sites/default/files/sites/default/files/backissues/n-d00issue.pdf

    And from March/April 2002: http://microwavenews.com/sites/default/files/sites/default/files/backissues/m-a02issue.pdf

    I will therefore delete that previous message on the lawsuit. Call it Fake News!


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    • 19 SEP 17

    5G Appeal sent to EU

    From Lennart Hardel
    5G Appeal sent to EU

    September 13, 2017

    Scientists and doctors warn of potential serious health effects of 5G

    We the undersigned, more than 180 scientists and doctors from 36 countries, recommend a moratorium on the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, for telecommunication until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry. 5G will substantially increase exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) on top of the 2G, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi, etc. for telecommunications already in place. RF-EMF has been proven to be harmful for humans and the environment…… SNIP

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    • 15 SEP 17

    “BLUNDER” by ICNIRP’s and WHO EMF Project’s bosses

    From Dariusz Leszczynski’s blog: Between a Rock and a Hard Place
    Posted on September 13, 2017


    Recently, I came across two short videos recorded in 2016 in Stockholm. The occasion was the seminar at the SSI concerning health effects of EMF. In these videos, Emilie van Deventer, Head of the WHO EMF Project and Eric van Röngen, Chairman of the ICNIRP, answered to question from Swedish journalist Mona Nilsson.

    Question was straightforward, whom should Swedes trust, the evaluation of science done by ICNIRP or the opinion of 220 scientists who signed an Appeal submitted to the United Nations and the WHO. The Appeal questioned the validity and reliability of evaluation of science done by ICNIRP that is used by the WHO EMF Project and by the telcom industry as the proof that radiation emitted by the wireless communication devices is not a human health hazard. This opinion is, of course, contrary to the opinion of IARC wherein 2011 radiation emitted by the wireless communication devices was classified as possible human carcinogen. SNIP

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    • 14 SEP 17

    5G and this years Science and Wireless 2017 dog and pony show.

    The following was sent to me by a third party. Watch the coming Science & Wireless 2017 spin to give a tick of approval to the coming massive roll out of 5G antennas in Australia with absolutely no say to antenna locations by individuals and local governments. Seeing that PRESEE is teamed up with ACEBR and Michael Repacholi controlling the discussion it will be a thermal effects only dog and pony show. At best, a classic example of groupthink.

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    • 13 SEP 17

    Smart grid public communication in the UK

    I remember reading some time ago that for advertising in America the ad firms target an average intelligence of an 11 year old to get max impact. If that is true, then what would that age be for British gas and electricity consumers considering the current “Gaz and Leccy” advertising smart grid campaign from Smart Energy GB “The voice of the smart meter rollout”?
    See the GAZ and LECCY video clip…..


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    • 12 SEP 17

    Wireless Industry Brochures Lead The Public To Misinterpret That Wireless is Safe

    Wireless Industry Creates “Communication Materials” and Propaganda: When The Public Misinterprets It As Cell Phones and Wireless Being Safe, Industry Does Not Clarify


    Just as the Tobacco Industry created a “Playbook” to defend cigarettes and manufacture doubt about the health effects of cigarettes, the Wireless Industry seems to have a fine-tuned “Playbook” of advertising, public relations and industry-funded science to defend wireless products and falsely reassure the public that cell phones and wireless products are safe.

    Cell phones and wireless were never adequately tested for human health effects. Wireless devices were not premarket tested for long term safety. Research has accumulated indicating that wireless “radiofrequency” radiation has serious biological effects. Despite this reality, the wireless industry has and is currently heavily funding a public relations effort that propagates the myth that cell phones and wireless “are safe”. This webpage is an educational resource documenting materials used for the wireless industry “Playbook”.

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    • 09 SEP 17

    The Guardian: If you don’t have a mobile phone, tell us why

    Online survey from the Guardian

    As the world welcomes the latest iPhone this week, we want to hear from those who don’t have a mobile phone at all. Apple will launch the iPhone 8 on Tuesday. The new phone is set to be a radical change for the company as it celebrates the device’s 10th anniversary. While for some, this will be a day that they have eagerly awaited, others may be less enthused. And there may be a few who don’t have a smartphone or even a mobile altogether. Share your experiences. We want to hear from those who don’t use mobile phones, or keeps the use of them to a limited amount. Why have you decided to do this? How has it changed your life? Has it made it easier to sleep? Do you miss key events? Are you considering getting a smartphone ever? Share your views. SNIP

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    • 08 SEP 17

    Social cooling: Does the fear of surveillance make you self-conscious about what you click on?


    You’re on social media, scrolling for something to capture your attention, and you pause.

    There’s an image or link that looks interesting. But if you were to click and others – your friends, your family, your employer – were to find out, would that be embarrassing?

    While the internet and social media have made us more interconnected than ever, it’s also meant constant surveillance by companies – in other words, the feeling that on the internet, we are always being watched. Our clicks are logged, categorised, interpreted and rated.

    It’s leading to what Tijmen Schep, a Dutch technology critic, calls “social cooling” – a society of increasing social conformity and rigidity, in which we self-censor or second guess what we do online for fear of repercussions. SNIP

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    • 08 SEP 17

    Another massive hack in America

    Following on from the last message on supposed Russian hackers, today hackers have succeeded in another massive theft if sensitive data. It isn’t so important just who the hackers are, be they Russian, Chinese, North Korean or little green men from Mars. The point is that online data is inherently not safe and with online data being the new oil it will always be an attractive target.

    This obviously has grave implications for the security of customer data stored online by the smart grid. In Australia there seems to be no concern on part of the government, the electricity sector and all political parties who have been sold on the smart grid, smart meters and the Internet of Things (IoT) as one of the solutions to the energy crisis.

    From the Washington Post: Hackers access database that has personal data for 143 million Americans from credit reporting agency Equifax. SNIP

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    • 07 SEP 17

    Russia-linked hackers are infiltrating the US and other nation’s power grids: report

    Just in this morming is the news that Russian hackers have infiltrated the US power grid. This has huge implications for the planning for a smart grid which depends upon data stored in “the cloud”.

    Essential reading this one: Russia-linked hackers are infiltrating the US power grid: report, Their unprecedented penetration could spell chaos.

    Hackers linked to the Russian government have broken into energy companies supplying electricity to America’s power grid – and potentially now have the ability to to cause major blackouts in the US.
    Researchers at the American cybersecurity firm Symantec published a report on Wednesday that detailed how the group of hackers has waged a cyber espionage campaign that has broken into dozens of energy firms in the US, as well as in Turkey and Switzerland. The attacks date back to 2015, but the pace accelerated this spring. “This is the first time we’ve seen this scale, this aggressiveness, and this level of penetration in the US, for sure,” Eric Chien, technical director of Symantec’s Security Technology & Response Division, told BuzzFeed News. SNIP

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    • 06 SEP 17

    Full links to Dariusz Leszczynski’s latest Australian lecture tour

    In August 2017 Dariusz Leszczynski had a lecture tour in Australia and his recorded talks are well worth a viewing. They are a welcome change from the usual spin and denials put out by ACEBR and ARPANSA who cannot, and dare not, see beyond ICNIRP’s dogma.
    See the various links on this blog.


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    • 06 SEP 17

    Are You Ready for Your Implantable Microchip?

    From By Mark Nestmann • September 5, 2017


    If you’re familiar with the Star Trek spin-off television series, The Next Generation, starring Patrick Stewart, you know about the Borg.

    A highly advanced and aggressive network of humanoid drones, the Borg is part organic, part artificial life. At birth, a Borg infant is implanted with chips and other biotechnology that gives it superior mental and physical abilities. The chips link the baby’s brain to a collective consciousness, giving it seamless access to all knowledge assimilated by the Borg over thousands of years. The drone is collectively aware but loses its consciousness as a separate individual with free will.

    The Borg travel in cube-shaped spaceships that seek out and assimilate technology. When a Borg ship encounters other humanoid forms, it captures them and converts them into Borg using the same technology that babies receive. Those who refuse “assimilation” are killed.

    Returning to the real world, are we becoming the Borg? We are – and we’re embracing the transition… SNIP

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    • 04 SEP 17

    Kicking sacred cows: Perhaps flu vaccinations for the very elderly are not advisable?

    Six deaths confirmed at Tasmania’s Strathdevon aged care home

    “All precautions to prevent an outbreak ahead of the flu season were taken, with 95 per cent of Strathdevon’s 37 residents receiving a flu vaccination,” it said in the statement.
    “All staff were offered the free vaccine, with a large number of them being immunised. “Unfortunately, despite these precautions, 31 residents were affected during the outbreak period.
    “All appropriate care was provided, with nine residents admitted to hospital for further treatment.
    “Staff did everything possible to contain and minimise the outbreak and followed all protocols, working closely with Public Health Tasmania and managing according to state Department of Heath infection control guidelines.” SNIP

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    • 02 SEP 17


    Excerpt: Israeli rocker Shalom Hanoch was at his best. Performing in an intimate concert at the state-of-the-art theater at the Elma Arts Complex Luxury Hotel in Zichron Ya’acov, Hanoch crooned for over two hours, reinterpreting 50 years of hits on acoustic guitar with just Moshe Levi on piano accompanying him. At 71 years old, Hanoch is a bundle of white-haired, lean-bodied energy. The audience, who’d paid top shekel, should have been sitting, clapping or dancing in appreciative reverence. Instead, the darkened concert space was awash in a sea of light.

    People were on their phones. In the row in front of me I could see one person checking her email, another WhatsApping with his kids, a third flipping through Facebook and reading the latest news on the Bibi bribery crisis. The man to my left gripped his phone ferociously throughout the concert. He checked his screen every few seconds to see if he’d received a new message, and seemed compelled to respond to messages immediately. SNIP

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    • 02 SEP 17

    NTP Cancer Study Now Due Early 2018 (Microwave News)

    From Louis Slesin, August 30, 2017


    The National Toxicology Program (NTP) will release the “complete results” of its $25 million project on cell phone cancer risks early next year, according to a statement posted on its Web site yesterday.

    “The complete results from all the rats and mice studies will be available for peer review and public comment by early 2018,” the NTP states. The animals were exposed to GSM or CDMA radiation for two years before they were sacrificed and evaluated for signs of cancer.

    The NTP report had been expected by the end of this year.

    The final report has been highly anticipated since the spring of last year when the NTP announced that cell phone radiation increased the incidence of tumors in the brain and heart of male rats. At the time, the NTP posted some partial results from the rat experiments. No details of the mice studies have yet been made public. The early release followed a story on the findings in Microwave News… SNIP

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    • 29 AUG 17

    Low-Level Effects Hiding in Plain Sight A Reminiscence on Abe Liboff’s 90th Birthday


    Much of the controversy about the health effects of electromagnetic radiation turns on whether low-level, so-called non-thermal, interactions exist. This is nothing new. The same dispute has been going on for close to 100 years.

    On the occasion of Abe Liboff’s 90th birthday, we look back on two sets of experiments he worked on while he was a fellow at the Naval Medical Research Institute in the 1980’s –as well as some more recent work from Russia and Italy. The results of both experiments were, and still are, nothing short of stunning… SNIP

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    • 28 AUG 17

    What’s warping the faces of monkeys in Uganda?

    NOTE: A fish hatchery farm in Queensland Australia is now seeing deformities in their fingerlings. They are surrounded by macadamia plantations where the farmers spray similar chemicals to the ones mentioned below. In Tasmania concerns have been raised about Atrazine, a carcinogen being widely used by the forestry commission and a possible connection with the mysterious facial tumour disease decimating the threatened Tasmanian Devil.

    The most disgusting revelation in the article below is the response from Trump’s new EPA administrator, Scott Pruitt. Read on… SNIP

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