• 10 JAN 17

    Paolo Boffetta, Italian Epidemiologist, Distorts Power Line Risks

    From Louis Slesin, Microwave News


    Facts don’t seem to mean much anymore. We live in a “post-truth” time. As 2017 opened for business, a stark example of the new reality came to our attention courtesy of Paolo Boffetta, an Italian epidemiologist now at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City.

    In an interview with Fox News, Boffetta said that the link between power lines and childhood leukemia had been debunked. In response to a question as to whether it was safe for a pregnant woman to live next to “huge power lines,” Boffetta advised that there was no reason for concern.

    Boffetta has lost his truth compass…..SNIP

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    • 06 JAN 17

    When smart meters get hacked

    From Nick Hunn’s blog Creative Connectivity

    June 8th, 2014 | Published in Smart Energy |

    There‘s a lot of talk about grid security and data privacy in the energy industry, but very little about the consequences of what happens if smart meters go wrong. By going wrong, I don‘t just mean people attempting to hack their meters to reduce their bills.That will probably happen.I‘m more interested in the nightmare scenario when several million electricity meters suddenly disconnect……In other words, it could happen. It doesn’t need to happen now. Once they’re deployed, utilities aim to update the programs in these meters as new functionality is developed or bugs fixed. So at any point in their lives, new malicious code could be inserted…. SNIP

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    • 02 JAN 17

    The smart grid, smart meters, and the risk of cyber attacks

    As Australia hurriedly legislates to make the smart grid an essential part of the nation’s energy future, promoted by a large number of corporate vested interests, little or no concern is being given to a number of risks inherent in what is essentially a new and inadequately tested technology. I have primarily been writing about the health risks which, to date, absolutely no research has been done to quantify that risk. Although it has been claimed that no research is necessary because the exposure levels from smart meters are far below the standard limits, in reality it is because this type of research is seen as a “Pandora’s Box” for a rapid global roll-out of the technology.

    However, all that aside, another emerging risk not yet adequately addressed is the overall smart grid’s exposure to cyber attacks through cloud data storage and smart meters, as the following report examines.

    Cities around the world are becoming increasingly smart, which creates huge attack surfaces for potential cyber attacks. In this paper, IOActive Labs CTO Cesar Cerrudo provides an overview of current cyber security problems affecting cities as well real threats and possible cyber attacks that could have a huge impact on cities. Cities must take defensive steps now, and Cesar offers recommendations to help them get started.

    Smart Grid Energy is the life line of a city; without energy there is no smart city. Last year, researchers Alberto Garcia Illera and Javier Vazquez Vidal at Black Hat Europe demonstrated it was possible to black out big city areas by manipulating smart meters exploiting encryption problems in Power-line Communication (PLC) technologies.

    This is not new; years ago Mike Davis of IOActive created the first proof-of-concept worm for the smart grid. Attacks on a smart grid could be devastating, causing millions of dollars in losses and even loss of life. SNIP

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    • 01 JAN 17

    And the Washington Post issues an update…

    “We specifically have been looking for signatures that match those reported last week by DHS and the FBI related to Russian actors,” Connecticut governor’s office spokesman Chris Collibee said. “We have not detected any activity matching the reported malware at this time.”

    In New York, a spokesman said Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo directed all state agencies to re-examine their computer systems for any security breaches. Nothing had been found.

    An attack on a U.S. power grid has long been a nightmare scenario for top U.S. officials. The National Security Agency and U.S. Cyber Command chief Adm. Michael Rogers have previously warned it’s not a matter of if but when attackers will also target U.S. power systems.” SNIP

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    • 01 JAN 17

    Russia Hysteria Infects WashPost Again: False Story About Hacking U.S. Electric Grid

    I have been a subscriber to the Washington Post for some time and have generally found it to be an excellent source of information on what is happening in the world. However it seems even the WP is not immune to false news stories (my last posting – to be deleted shortly). The following was sent in by Swedish investigative journalist Mona Nilsson…..The Post’s story also predictably and very rapidly infected other large media outlets. Reuters thus told its readers around the world: “A malware code associated with Russian hackers has reportedly been detected within the system of a Vermont electric utility.”….


    The Washington Post on Friday reported a genuinely alarming event: Russian hackers have penetrated the U.S. power system through an electrical grid in Vermont. The Post headline conveyed the seriousness of the threat:

    The first sentence of the article directly linked this cyberattack to alleged Russian hacking of the email accounts of the DNC and John Podesta – what is now routinely referred to as “Russian hacking of our election” – by referencing the code name revealed on Wednesday by the Obama administration when it announced sanctions on Russian officials: “A code associated with the Russian hacking operation dubbed Grizzly Steppe by the Obama administration has been detected within the system of a Vermont utility, according to U.S. officials.”…. The article went on and on in that vein, with all the standard tactics used by the U.S. media for such stories: quoting anonymous national security officials, reviewing past acts of Russian treachery, and drawing the scariest possible conclusions (“‘The question remains: Are they in other systems and what was the intent?’ a U.S. official said”)….. What’s the problem here? It did not happen…. SNIP

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    • 23 DEC 16

    WHO Monograph on Radiofrequency Radiation and ICNIRP

    From Lennart Hardell’s blog posting:

    There is growing international concern on the biased representation of persons in the preparation of the WHO Monograph on Radiofrequency Radiation. As discussed earlier the group is dominated by members of ICNIRP. In fact the Ethical Board at the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden concluded already in 2008 that being a member of ICNIRP may be a conflict of interest that should be stated in scientific publications (Karolinska Institute Diary Number 3753-2008-609). SNIP

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    • 21 DEC 16

    Cellular Deception

    Highly recommended video!

    As the global push to sell us faster data intensifies, cell antennas are being installed on utility poles right by our homes, often without our knowledge or consent. Science warns that the artificial electromagnetic frequencies (EMF) these microcells emit disrupts wildlife, humans, and all living cells.

    Educate yourself and others about EMF. Share this video and sign the petition. Together, we can create a balanced, healthy, and sustainable future. Includes great music from Oona McOuat.


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    • 14 DEC 16

    Increasing incidence of thyroid cancer in the Nordic countries

    From Lennart Hardell’s blog:


    The incidence of thyroid cancer is increasing in many countries, especially the papillary type that is the most radiosensitive type. We used the Swedish Cancer Register and NORDCAN to study the incidence of thyroid cancer during 1970-2013 using joinpoint regression analysis. The incidence increased during the whole study period in both men and women. Based on NORDCAN data, there was a statistically significant increase in the incidence of thyroid cancer in the Nordic countries during the same time period. SNIP

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    • 13 DEC 16

    The hidden energy cost of smart homes

    From theconversation.com:


    Light globes that change colour with the tap of an app, coffee machines you can talk to, and ovens that know exactly how long to cook your food: our homes are getting smart. These devices, just a few examples of what is known as “the internet of things” (or IOT), have been called the “next great disruptor” and “the second digital revolution”.

    One of the great hopes of this revolution is that it will help households save energy. Sensors can turn off lights and appliances when not in use, or turn the heating down when people go to bed. Smartphone apps can provide households with more insight into the energy use of their appliances.

    While estimates vary widely, industry proponents suggest that emerging connected home technologies could help households reduce their energy bills by 10-25%. Such claims are largely speculative given the absence of robust “before and after” research.

    Social research from Australia and the UK is revealing ways in which IOT might also increase energy demand. We have identified three “hidden” energy impacts which are rarely considered in IOT research or energy-saving predictions. SNIP

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    • 08 DEC 16

    Excellent series : The Dangers of Wi-Fi and towers

    Technology safety educator Cece Doucette and parent Keith Marciniak share how they independently discovered wireless technology is hazardous to our health. Both opened the conversation with their public school districts, and this episode highlights how Ashland Public Schools became the first in the nation to put in place Best Practices for Mobile Devices. Links to the documents discussed in this series are provided below for further investigation. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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    • 06 DEC 16

    New Book Dismisses Cell Phone Cancer Risks

    From Microwave News:

    An epidemiologist at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine in New York City has written a new book that, according to the publisher, offers a “much-needed antidote to what has been called ‘an epidemic of false claims’.” One of these is that cell phones might cause brain cancer.

    What purports to be common sense advice about how to evaluate health risks is anything but. It’s nothing more than industry pseudoscience.

    The public deserves better –so does Albert Einstein.

    Read our review of this bad little book, with the misleading title, Getting Risk Right.

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    • 30 NOV 16

    New paper: When theory and observation collide: Can non-ionizing radiation cause cancer?

    The Missing Link
    Why your government isn’t protecting you from Wi–Fi and cell phone radiation when
    research shows this radiation causes cancer.

    The American scientific journal Environmental Pollution reports, in its next issue, that
    government safety guidelines for microwave radiation emitted by mobile phones, Wi-Fi, smart
    meters, and other common wireless devices, are fundamentally flawed and fail to protect the
    public from this possible carcinogen.

    Increasing scientific evidence shows wireless radiation causes cancer and infertility and other
    health effects, but due to a flawed assumption in safety guidelines, governments in the United
    States, Canada, and the UK are allowing their citizens to be overexposed to microwave
    radiation from wireless technology….

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    • 29 NOV 16

    Has the WHO EMF Project been hijacked by ICNIRP?

    From Lennart Hardell’s blog:

    Has the WHO EMF Project been hijacked by ICNIRP?

    Recently the following appeal has been posted at http://olgasheean.com/who-emf/ .
    Sign this VOTE of NO CONFIDENCE in WHO’s EMF Project ….SNIP

    [Commentary from Lennart Hardell and Michael Carlberg]

    IARC as part of WHO evaluated radiofrequency (RF) radiation in May 2011 and concluded it to be a possible human carcinogen, Group 2B. However, in a fact sheet issued by WHO in June 2011 shortly after the IARC decision it was stated that ‘To date, no adverse health effects have been established as being caused by mobile phone use’.

    WHO has still not acknowledged health risks form RF radiation: ‘No major public health risks have emerged from several decades of EMF research, but uncertainties remain’.

    WHO plans to publish in 2017 an Environmental Health Criteria Monograph on RF radiation. It has been open for comments and parts of our letter to WHO is shown below: SNIP

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    • 25 NOV 16

    CORPORATE TIES THAT BIND: An Examination of Corporate Manipulation and Vested Interest in Public Health

    This forthcoming book (February 2017) is timely reading as we are now seeing a well-orchestrated tactic by various industry front groups and their “fellow travelers” to create a false scientific consensus in an effort to kill-off controversial health and environmental issues which threaten various industries.


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    • 23 NOV 16

    The Rise and Fall of Wikipedia

    Friday, September 30th 2016
    Written By: Orthomolecular News Service
    www.GreenMedInfo 2016

    Ever venture into natural healing or alternative medicine on Wikipedia and find the answers become totally skewed in favor of corporate medicine?

    Don’s Comment: For example, check out the disinformation on “Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electromagnetic_hypersensitivity At the end of the Wikipedia entry is a link to Pseudoscience.

    Commentary by Howard Straus

    (OMNS, Feb 8, 2016) Anyone who uses the Internet to search for information is very likely to be familiar with the Wikipedia site. Wikipedia is very often among the first results that pop up on queries like, “What is the population of Kazakhstan?” or “How many French speakers are there in the United States?” To questions like this, with little or no commercial impact, and no scientific or political controversy surrounding them, Wikipedia sometimes offers decent answers.

    But venture into natural healing or alternative medicine and the answers become totally skewed in favor of corporate medicine. Naturally, Big Pharma is one of those entities willing to pay to control the flow of information. Those pages are not identified as being advertising or propaganda. SNIP

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    • 20 NOV 16

    New paper: A curate’s egg: Queensland’s Guidelines for managing 50 Hz magnetic fields in office buildings

    The origin of the phrase a curate’s egg is from the cartoon True Humility, printed in the British
    satirical magazine Punch on 9th November 1895. The phrase is used to describe something which is partly good but which is ruined by its bad part, and, as a result, is now rather lost….SNIP

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    • 15 NOV 16

    Leszczynski lecturing in Melbourne, Australia, November 2016

    Yet again, I will be lecturing down-under. Here is the schedule for Melbourne. Slides of presentations will be available afterwards. Nov. 20, 2016 (Sun) at 14:00 Title: How probable are Health Effects of Radiation from Wireless Transmitting Devices? Host: Steve Weller, SSMA Stop Smart Meters Australia Location: Oakleigh Grammar Community Conference Centre, 77-81 Willesden Road….SNIP

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    • 11 NOV 16

    Trump hires telco lobbyist to pick FCC staff … and more.

    WASHINGTON – President-elect Donald J. Trump, who campaigned against the corrupt power of special interests, is filling his transition team with some of the very sort of people who he has complained have too much clout in Washington: corporate consultants and lobbyists.

    Jeffrey Eisenach, a consultant who has worked for years on behalf of Verizon and other telecommunications clients, is the head of the team that is helping to pick staff members at the Federal Communications Commission.

    Michael Catanzaro, a lobbyist whose clients include Devon Energy and Encana Oil and Gas, holds the “energy independence” portfolio.

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    • 09 NOV 16

    New results from Interphone confirm glioma risk associated with use of mobile phones

    From Lennart Hardell’s blog


    The Interphone study included 13 countries during the study period 2000 – 2004. The major results were published after a delay of 6 years in 2010. In a new publication 12 years after the study period, the intracranial distribution of glioma in relation to radiofrequency (RF) radiation from mobile phones was analyzed. Tumour localization for 792 regular mobile phone users was analyzed in relation to distance from preferred ear for mobile phone use……. The first part although correct is misleading. The correct statement would be that the risk was highest for glioma closer to the ear as would be expected based on the exposure to RF radiation. The last sentence should have indicated that although not statistically significant, the risk was highest in the group with longest duration of phone use, highest cumulative phone use and number of calls. This is a pattern one would expect if there is an association between mobile phone use and glioma…….A similar tendency to not correctly downplaying the association is found in the abstract: ‘The association was independent of the cumulative call time and cumulative number of calls.’ Since many persons read only the abstract, as also presented in PubMed, correct presentation of the results including αs and 95 % CIs would have been more relevant. …… The correct interpretation of this study is simply that it confirms an increased risk for glioma associated with mobile phone use. SNIP

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    • 07 NOV 16

    Recent Dutch paper on electrosensitivity

    From Hugo Schooneveld

    Electromagnetic field reduction restores health of electro-sensitive people
    Hugo Schooneveld, Joop van Bijnen, and Patrick van Zuilen
    Electrohypersensitivity (EHS) Foundation, The Netherlands

    Electromagnetically sensitized people may develop symptoms and health problems, when exposed to certain types of electromagnetic fields (EMF), known as electrical hypersensitivity (EHS). Over time, the effects may become stronger if such exposure continues. The Dutch EHS Foundation is committed to finding ways to understand these phenomena and to doing something about it. This study reports the results of a research questionnaire distributed among EHS people before and after that they had taken measures to reduce their exposure to EMF. Information requested included (1) the types of symptoms that people reported, and (2) the effects of EMF reduction strategies on the disappearance of EHS symptoms and improvement of well-being. SNIP

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