• 09 NOV 15

    Are iPads in schools a waste of money? OECD report says yes

    From The Age, September 15, 2015:

    Timna Jacks, Education Reporter


    Investment in computers and iPads in schools does not improve numeracy and literacy skills, a new OECD report has warned.

    In fact, the report, just released by the organisation which is considered the definitive authority on global academic performance, found frequent use of computers in schools is often associated with lower results.

    Investment in computers and iPads in schools does not improve numeracy and literacy skills, a new OECD report has warned.

    In fact, the report, just released by the organisation which is considered the definitive authority on global academic performance, found frequent use of computers in schools is often associated with lower results.

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    • 09 NOV 15

    First look at NSW classrooms of the future: But who will consider what happened in Sweden?

    From the New South Wales Department of Education website:

    Friday 6 November 2015 – Excerpt

    Minister for Education Adrian Piccoli has unveiled some of the innovative technology and teaching practices being trialed for new and refurbished classrooms across NSW.

    Mr Piccoli visited the Department of Education’s Futures Learning Unit at Australian Technology Park to see students and teachers testing prototyped flexible learning spaces that will enable education to adapt to the digital age.

    “The way our children learn is evolving as times change and it’s exciting to see first-hand how the traditional classroom is being transformed into an interactive learning space,” Mr Piccoli said.
    Now for comparison, see this posting from 2014 by Olle Johansson:
    Is wireless technology in Swedish schools adversely affecting the kids?

    An English translation! – ”KI researcher: ‘Kick out politicians who give students hazardous e-readers with unproven educational value’”

    Thanks to the so-called PISA* (OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment) survey, in Sweden we now know: student scores in maths, reading comprehension and natural sciences are plummeting. The results are prompting rage in Swedish schools. Something is wrong.


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    • 05 NOV 15

    Parent’s success in stopping WiFI installation at Australian school

    The following was written by a mother who took action to inform her child’s school on EMR health issues specific to children. This action resulted in the school enacting an EMR precautionary policy.




    An Australian mum has been successful in preventing installation of WiFi at her child’s school and has worked with the school in drafting EMR precautionary measures by requesting compliance with the Disability Discrimination Act 1992 and Article 9: Accessibility from the Conventions on the Rights of the Disabled to accommodate her child’s functional impairment.

    She stated “My child has a sensitivity to EMR, specifically WiFi and Bluetooth elicit symptoms.” The school environment was very good already, to change that by installing WiFi would exclude the child’s access to the school. The first step she took was to register a compliment/complaint/ feedback form on the Dept of Education’s website she said. “I requested help to find a WiFi- free high school and stated my child’s health complaints and symptoms. Rather than sending an email which could get “lost” in the system, I chose to use the education department’s processes for registering my complaint regarding accessibility to schools.” Around the same time, the child’s school initiated the WiFi installation discussion again. This quickly led to further conversations with the school and district education officers covering both accessibility issues……


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    • 04 NOV 15

    Goodbye to the “Smart Grid” and hello to the “Hello Grid”

    It had to come: The smart grid industry’s slick public relations campaign to make the smart grid (read: smart meters) more palatable to the uninformed public. To this end, their public relations spin merchants have come up with a brilliant new term for the smart grid. Now its called the “Hello Grid”. Perhaps we can even now call the troublesome smart meter the ‘hello meter’.

    My suggestion is to simply drop the “o”….. Read on.

    NOTE: If the link to this posting does not work please just go to my website www.emfacts.com to access the post.


    Hello Grid is an initiative to share with the community more about the way energy networks across Australia work, and of the exciting changes that are taking place in the system. This intricate system of transmission towers, substations, transformers, poles, wires and smart technology, along with all the people who maintain and manage the infrastructure provides an important service to the community – and is likely to be the vital gateway to a smart and clean energy future.


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    • 03 NOV 15

    Triggering Agents of Electromagnetic Sensitivity

    From Patricia Burke:

    Published on Mar 5, 2015
    Triggering Agents of Electromagnetic Sensitivity, a presentation and Q&A by Dr. William Rea, M.D.. Dr. Rea presented his compelling evidence and recommendations for a healthier world at Creating Safe Havens in a Toxic, Electromagnetic World, a conference hosted by the International Institute for Building-Biology & Ecology. http://building-biology.org
    46 minutes video

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    • 01 NOV 15

    California’s Public Utilities Commission knew radio frequencies from smart meters affected people’s health

    From André Fauteux and Stop Smart Meters Australia


    California’s Public Utilities Commission knew radio frequencies from smart meters affected people’s health
    Posted on November 1, 2015 by Stop Smart Meters Australia

    People who have become intolerant to electromagnetic fields (EMF) should be allowed to keep their electromechanical (analog) meter rather than be imposed a “smart” electronic (digital) meter emitting radiofrequencies (RFs), the former President of the the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) admitted in a 2010 email recently seized by authorities thanks to a search warrant. Michael Peevey’s email was sent to none other than Brian Cherry, Vice President of the big energy supplier Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), based in San Francisco. In January 2015, investigators from the Office of the California Attorney General seized their computers as part of a criminal investigation on possible collusion and corruption in the appointment of a judge favorable to a rate increase request generating PG&E $1.3 billion in extra revenues.

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    • 29 OCT 15

    Free public Lecture on wireless devices by Devra Davis in Australia

    From Mary Redmayne

    Wireless Devices & Biological Effects Free Public Lecture
    Wednesday, 18 November 2015

    Wireless Devices & Biological Effects: What we know, What we do not know, What can we do now

    At the University of New South Wales, UNSW Kensington, The Law Building Lecture theatre G02

    For more info and to register

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    • 20 OCT 15

    Dariusz Leszczynski on Electromagnetic Hyper-Sensitivity

    Following on from my last message re: the December “Science and Wireless 2015 seminar in Melbourne, note that Dariusz Leszczynski will have a poster presentation at the meeting, titled: “Wireless Radiation and Health: Science, Safety and Precaution“. Dariusz will also report of what happened at the ‘Science & Wireless 2015‘ before Christmas on his BRHP blog site. That promises to be a good read.

    Two postings of note from the blog of Dariusz Leszczynski

    Posted on October 16, 2015: Electromagnetic Hyper-Sensitivity and Nocebo: What was first – “the chicken or the egg”?

    Posted on October 19, 2015: Leszczynski’s opinion on EHS presented before SOTERKO, Finland

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    • 16 OCT 15

    Here we go again: Science and Wireless Spin 2015

    Playing to the well-worn retro tune of ‘thermoregulatory effects only’ the usual band of thermalists are hosting another so called Science and Wireless conference in Melbourne this year. And to top it all off we have the panel discussion chaired by none other than the eminent Professor Michael Repacholi. Expect the usual whirling dervish spin from this group. Why don’t they ever invite people such as Lennart Hardell to present? The answer to that is obvious.

    Oh! And as for the topic of electrosensitivity expect the answer to be that its all just a psychosomatic disorder by needlessly worrying people.

    Nothing new here….just more Procrustean bullshit.


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    • 12 OCT 15

    The Energy Networks Association is inviting submissions from the community on the Draft ENA EMF Handbook.

    From the Energy Networks Association

    Good afternoon,

    The Energy Networks Association is inviting submissions from the community on the Draft ENA EMF Handbook.

    The purpose of the Handbook is to provide common, industry-wide information for guidance to the Australian electricity distribution and transmission industry to manage the EMF issue responsibly in accordance with the ENA EMF Policy. The Handbook includes:

    – background information on electric and magnetic fields
    – an overview of the health debate
    – a summary of relevant national and international guidelines and standards
    – guidance for assessment of compliance with the guidelines and standards
    – guidance on the application of prudent avoidance / precaution.
    – All submissions will be reviewed and considered in developing the final ENA EMF Handbook. The final handbook and responses to submissions made will be published on this website.

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    • 22 SEP 15

    Another new paper on electrosensitivity

    From Cindy Sage

    Rev Environ Health. 2015 Sep 12.
    The implications of non-linear biological oscillations on human electrophysiology for electrohypersensitivity (EHS) and multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS).

    Sage C.

    The ‘informational content’ of Earth’s electromagnetic signaling is like a set of operating instructions for human life. These environmental cues are dynamic and involve exquisitely low inputs (intensities) of critical frequencies with which all life on Earth evolved. Circadian and other temporal biological rhythms depend on these fluctuating electromagnetic inputs to direct gene expression, cell communication and metabolism, neural development, brainwave activity, neural synchrony, a diversity of immune functions, sleep and wake cycles, behavior and cognition. Oscillation is also a universal phenomenon, and biological systems of the heart, brain and gut are dependent on the cooperative actions of cells that function according to principles of non-linear, coupled biological oscillations for their synchrony. They are dependent on exquisitely timed cues from the environment at vanishingly small levels. Altered ‘informational content’ of environmental cues can swamp natural electromagnetic cues and result in dysregulation of normal biological rhythms that direct growth, development, metabolism and repair mechanisms. Pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) and radiofrequency radiation (RFR) can have the devastating biological effects of disrupting homeostasis and desynchronizing normal biological rhythms that maintain health. Non-linear, weak field biological oscillations govern body electrophysiology, organize cell and tissue functions and maintain organ systems. Artificial bioelectrical interference can give false information (disruptive signaling) sufficient to affect critical pacemaker cells (of the heart, gut and brain) and desynchronize functions of these important cells that orchestrate function and maintain health. Chronic physiological stress undermines homeostasis whether it is chemically induced or electromagnetically induced (or both exposures are simultaneous contributors). This can eventually break down adaptive biological responses critical to health maintenance; and resilience can be compromised. Electrohypersensitivity can be caused by successive assaults on human bioelectrochemical dynamics from exogenous electromagnetic fields (EMF) and RFR or a single acute exposure. Once sensitized, further exposures are widely reported to cause reactivity to lower and lower intensities of EMF/RFR, at which point thousand-fold lower levels can cause adverse health impacts to the electrosensitive person. Electrohypersensitivity (EHS) can be a precursor to, or linked with, multiple chemical sensitivity (MCS) based on reports of individuals who first develop one condition, then rapidly develop the other. Similarity of chemical biomarkers is seen in both conditions [histamines, markers of oxidative stress, auto-antibodies, heat shock protein (HSP), melatonin markers and leakage of the blood-brain barrier]. Low intensity pulsed microwave activation of voltage-gated calcium channels (VGCCs) is postulated as a mechanism of action for non-thermal health effects.

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    • 21 SEP 15

    New paper: Electromagnetic hypersensitivity – an increasing challenge to the medical profession

    BY Lena Hedendahl*, Michael Carlberg and Lennart Hardell
    DOI 10.1515/reveh-2015-0012

    Received June 29, 2015; accepted August 17, 2015

    Partial Abstract

    Background: In 1970, a report from the former Soviet Union described the “microwave syndrome” among military personnel, working with radio and radar equipment, who showed symptoms that included fatigue, dizziness, headaches, problems with concentration and memory, and sleep disturbances. Similar symptoms were found in the 1980s among Swedes working in front of cathode ray tube monitors, with symptoms such as flushing, burning, and tingling of the skin, especially on the face, but also headaches, dizziness, tiredness, and photosensitivity. The same symptoms are reported in Finns, with electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS) being attributed to exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF). Of special concern is involuntary exposure to radiofrequency (RF)-EMF from different sources. Most people are unaware of this type of exposure, which has no smell, color, or visibility. There is an increasing concern that wireless use of laptops and iPads in Swedish schools, where some have even abandoned textbooks, will exacerbate the exposure to EMF.

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    • 21 SEP 15

    Professor Martin Pall’s research on non-thermal bio-effects

    From Peter Tomkinson

    Your readers should be aware of the research reported by Professor Martin L. Pall formerly of Washington State University? He has demonstrated that without temperature change, through the Voltage Gate Calcium Channel (VGCC) it is possible for electrical energy to alter the intracellular calcium levels with potentially devastating health effects.

    In particular this occurs across the plasma membrane and demonstrates clearly that electrical effects can and do activate Ca2+ meaning that chemical effects result directly from electrical stimulus. Ca2+ levels within cells apparently play a critical role in human health, plants too it seems (same mechanism although 2 instead of the 4 that humans have).

    Professor Pall noted that it has been known and accepted for more than 40 years that Pulsed Fields are more Bio-Active than non-pulsed and his study showed that pulsed electrical energy does affect cells in non-thermal conditions. So much for the fraudulent claims of regulators and the industry.

    ALL our WiFi, Cellphones, Cordless DECT telephones, Radio Baby monitors, Smart Meters and the like have a very real potential to do massive and possibly irreversible harm to biological entities such as humans.


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    • 18 SEP 15

    WiFI effects on rabbits

    An exciting new area of RF studies has just opened up with the results of a wi-fi study on rabbits (Saili, Hanini, Smirani, et al. Effects of acute exposure to WIFI signals (2.45 GHz) on heart variability and blood pressure in Albinos rabbit. Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology. 40(2):600-605. September 2015.
    “These results suggest for the first time, as far as we know, that exposure to WIFI affect heart rhythm, blood pressure, and catecholamines efficacy on cardiovascular system; indicating that radiofrequency can act directly and/or indirectly on cardiovascular system.”

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    • 18 SEP 15

    The Victorian smart-meter fiasco

    Although the author of the below article does not mention many of the negative aspects of smart meters (he should see Take Back Your Power) he does point out significant policy errors (what he calls a fiasco) with the mandatory roll-out of smart meters in Victoria. Worth a read!

    From the Conversation:

    Smart meters, dumb policy: the Victorian experience
    September 17, 2015 10.13am AEST


    Smart electricity meters are a great idea. They offer opportunities for consumers and electricity retailers to develop innovative programs to save both power and money. Tied into smart appliances and the internet, smart meters are the way of the future.

    Except in Victoria.

    Unfortunately, in 2006 the Victorian government decided that it would mandate the roll out of smart meters. It would force every Victorian household to have, and pay for, a smart meter, whether it wanted it or not. It decided that we would all have the same type of meter, whether it suited our needs or not. It was a piece of central planning that would have made the old Soviet Union (or modern North Korea) proud.

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    • 14 SEP 15

    Aust. Conference: Wireless Devices: Risk, Regulation, Compliance and Liability

    This conference takes place at the University of New South Wales (Australia) on 14 October 2015. There is a good line up of speakers (below). Unfortunately I will not be able to attend but I highly recommend attending for those who can make it. With the rapid roll-out of WiFi, smart meters, NBN towers, The Internet of Things, etc., etc., based on suspect health science (Hi Dr. Karl), the legal implications are a potential “Pandora’s Box” for the industry and government. An event not to be missed!

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    • 13 SEP 15

    Dr Karl Kruszelnicki gets his science facts so terribly wrong

    This morning (Sunday) on the ABC breakfast TV program, Australia’s well known science presenter and resident expert on all things, Dr Karl Kruszeinicki was interviewed on reports of dangers from Wi Fi and mobile phones. No transcript yet but to briefly summarize Dr. Karl’s viewpoint he saw no dangers other than heating (the old thermal paradigm) and actually said that the WHO had examined the issue and “found nothing”. For a scientist to get his facts so wrong on a nationwide ABC broadcast is inexcusable. Nothing was said about the WHO’s agency, the International Agency for Research on Cancer’s (IARC) classification of radiofrequency as a possible human carcinogen. Nothing about Hardell’s findings, just a highly public all clear for the telco industry and the government’s pro-telco policy. Interestingly there was a brief flash in the program showing the The “International EMF Scientist Appeal” which asks the Secretary General and UN affiliated bodies to encourage precautionary measures, to limit EMF exposures, and to educate the public about health risks, particularly to children and pregnant women. Kruszeinicki did not refer to this Appeal and so it was apparent that the point to his whole presentation was a subtle casting of doubt over the Appeal’s claims. Did Kruszeinicki even bother to read and consider the Appeal before attacking it? Perhaps not considering the time when he previously went on air spruiking a government policy without even taking the time to read the report which he was being paid to publicise – and regretted it later.

    Take his support of the Abbot government’s Intergenerational Report which downplayed climate change for example:

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    • 12 SEP 15

    Conference: Wireless Technology and Public Health: Health and Environmental Hazards in a Wireless World

    Wireless Technology and Public Health: Health and Environmental Hazards in a Wireless World

    Saturday, October 10, 2015 | 9AM – 1PM
    Mountain View Center for the Performing Arts
    500 Castro Street, Mountain View, CA 94041
    Sponsor: Santa Clara County Medical Alliance Foundation

    Are wireless devices making us ill?

    Join Dr. Joel Moskowitz, Director of the Center for Family and Community Health, U.C. Berkeley School of Public Health, and seven other experts to learn about the current scientific research regarding electromagnetic frequencies and their impact on biological systems. We will hear why 200 international scientists recently called for safer wireless radiation standards.

    Panelists will discuss links to autism, cancer, infertility, effects on wildlife,as well as best practices with cell phone safety and wi-fi precautions.

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    • 09 SEP 15

    20 Organisations Complain to the European Commission about the SCENIHR 2015 Opinion

    From the International EMF Alliance:

    The Complaint from 20 organisations to the European Commission about the SCENIHR 2015 opinion on health effects from electromagnetic fields was sent on September 2, 2015 to Commissioner Vytenis Andriukaitis, Director General Xavier Pratsmonne, Deputy Director General Martin Seychell, Director John F. Ryan, Mr Stefan Schreck. We encourage you to post the complaint on your websites and send it to your national and European political representatives. We also encourage you to inform journalists and the media about the inacceptable biased expert report on EMF health effects from the European Commission. This has been going on for years, it has to stop. The experts behind the SCENIHR report are not representative of the scientific expertise in the field. They only represent the industry friendly single side of the expertise, in well known contrast to the opinion of a large and increasing number of scientists in the EMF scientific arena.

    As an example, SNIP

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    • 05 SEP 15

    Brain on fire. The Sydney Morning Herald article on electrosensitivity

    From Steve Weller:


    Hellish headaches are just the start for people with electromagnetic hypersensitivity – and in our wi-fi world, there’s almost nowhere to hide.

    After an hour of measuring radio-frequency levels around Benalla, the north-eastern Victorian city of 9300 deep in Ned Kelly country, Australia, Bruce Evans puts down his smartphone-sized digital meter.

    He says he wants to demonstrate how badly cordless phones leak radiation, and there’s one in the Benalla bookshop he can test. He strides off with intent on a sunny Sunday morning, a burly man with a shaved head, like a friendly bouncer you nonetheless wouldn’t want to mess with.

    Evans, a 50-year-old web designer and former Australian Army commando, is showing me where he can go without falling ill. He says he has a controversial condition known as electromagnetic hypersensitivity (EHS), triggered by electromagnetic fields (EMF) emitted by power lines, devices such as smartphones and laptops, by wireless routers and towers pumping out telco and NBN signals – the building blocks of the modern economy; indeed, of modern living as we know it.

    Symptoms range from a mild headache through to tingles, tinnitus and heart palpitations to incapacitating migraines, fatigue and nausea. Being EHS puts a huge mental strain on sufferers, both from their symptoms and from not being believed.


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