• 31 JUL 14

    French Senate passes bill to add precautions to wireless networks and mobile phones

    From Aaron Leibovich


    The French senate has passed a bill in an attempt to introduce additional precautions for the use of wireless networks and mobile phones, such as, turning off wireless networks in primary schools when they are not in use and requiring new mobile phones to include specially designed hands-free kits for children.

    “This amendment takes into account the rights of parents to be informed when their children are exposed to electromagnetic fields. It also follows the principles of common sense in switching wireless networks off when they’re not in use,” Joël Labbé, Greens Senator for the department Morbihan in Western France, said.


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    • 30 JUL 14

    Lessons not learned: UK govt. and industry to mount massive spin campaign to promote smart grids

    Contrary to the claim below that the British energy industry has “learned from mistakes in the USA and Australia” just the opposite is true. What about the many reports on health effects coming from Australia and the U.S. Absolutely nothing is mentioned below. Its all about “lifestyle changes” with part of the spin using cartoon characters Gaz and Leccy spreading the supposed benefits of smart meters. Perhaps appropriately like to the cartoon character Joe Camel featured in those old cigarette commercials.

    Wouldn’t it be nice if the money was instead spent on investigating those health effects? A bit like believing in the Easter Bunny…..

    I recommend downloading the report mentioned at the end of the article.



    From Smart Grid Australia

    UK Energy industry unveils £85m plan to tout smart meter benefits

    Having learned from mistakes in the USA and Australia, the British energy industry has joined forces for a nationwide campaign that seeks to rally support for smart meters by touting the devices as a platform for future lifestyle changes in households. Cartoon versions of gas and electricity (Gaz and Leccy) will star in ads nationwide later this month.

    Smart Energy GB, an organisation set up by the Government and funded by energy companies, has just launched the first phase of the £85 seven-year marketing plan. It was first revealed in March and the campaign will play a key role in the Government’s £11bn plan to install the devices in every home by 2020.


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    • 30 JUL 14

    Alasdair Philips on last post: Germany – Important Court Victory for Electro Hyper Sensitivity Victim

    I have some doubts about aspects of this news.

    The judgement is for loss of earning capacity due to occupational exposure to x-rays from working close to a 24 MW (yes, megawatt!) pulsed magnetron in military attack radar units – which would also have exposed him to excess microwave RF energy, but the judgement was (cleverly) just for damage due to ionizing x-ray exposure above the allowed occupational limit in Germany.
    He claimed EHS (as we know it) but the judgment was specifically not for that as I understand it and I believe hypersensitivity due to non-ionising RF was not formally investigated by the court.

    I can’t get to the bottom of what EHS usually stands for in Germany, but it seems to be related to “Occupational Health & Safety” law rather than electrohypersensitivity. There are multiple large companies offering “EHS Consultancy” – and certainly not for EHS as we call EMF/RF sensitivity.

    Best wishes

    Alasdair Philips

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    • 29 JUL 14

    Germany – Important Court Victory for Electro Hyper Sensitivity Victim

    from Martin Weatherall:

    EHS of a former German Army Radar-mechanic acknowledged as occupational disease by the court of appeal for administrative litigation in German state Schleswig-Holstein (Schleswig-Holsteinisches Oberverwaltungsgericht)

    3 LB 21/11, September 13, 2012

    The plaintiff worked for the German army (Bundeswehr) from 1970 to 1992 as a mechanic for Radar systems. While working he was exposed to ionizing and non-ionizing radiation. Since 1973 the plaintiff suffered from inflammation, infectious diseases and palpitations. From 1976 he also suffered from agitation, sleep disorders, fatigue, lack of concentration and extreme forgetfulness, extreme headaches, disorder of the immune system, food allergies and other allergic symptoms, non-functioning eyesight, sweats, exhaustion until mid 90ies.

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    • 22 JUL 14

    CIndy Sage on Google Glass

    A reporter for the LA Times chronicled her experience trying out Google Glass around San Francisco.
    It’s in the on-line version of the article under Pros and Cons. I posted a comment (see at bottom).
    Tissue heating is a sign that a device is producing excessive levels of radiofrequency/microwave radiation and the battery-switching function is producing high ELF-EMF. She reported a hotspot at the temple, although the antenna is located behind the ear.

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    • 21 JUL 14

    Restaurant Watches Old Footage Of Customers And Uncovers A Shocking Truth.

    From EMR Updates: The Microwave Factor. The Newsletter of EMF Refugee, The International Coalition for an Electromagnetic Safe Planet (IC-ESP)

    A famous restaurant in NYC decided to hire a firm to figure out why they kept getting bad reviews. What this firm discovered is quite interesting. Below is a transcript that the restaurant posted on Craigslist after they discovered what it was…

    We are a popular restaurant for both locals and tourists alike. Having been in business for many years, we noticed that although the number of customers we serve on a daily basis is almost the same today as it was 10 years ago, the service just seems super slow even though we added more staff and cut back on the menu items…

    One of the most common complaints on review sites against us and many restaurants in the area is that the service was slow and/or they needed to wait a bit long for a table.

    We decided to hire a firm to help us solve this mystery, and naturally the first thing they blamed it on was that the employees need more training and that maybe the kitchen staff is just not up to the task of serving that many customers.


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    • 19 JUL 14

    Why children absorb more microwave radiation than adults: The consequences

    From Joel Moskowitz, Ph.D.

    L. Lloyd Morgan, Santosh Kesari, Devra Lee Davis. Why children absorb more microwave radiation than adults: The consequences. Journal of Microscopy and Ultrastructure. DOI: 10.1016/j.jmau.2014.06.005. In press. Published online Jul 15, 2014.


    • Children absorb more microwave radiation (MWR) than adults.
    • MWR is a Class 2B (possible) carcinogen.
    • The fetus is in greater danger than children from exposure to MWR.
    • The legal exposure limits have remained unchanged for decades.
    • Cellphone manuals warnings and the 20 cm rule for tablets/laptops violate the “normal operating position” regulation.


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    • 19 JUL 14

    New book: An Electronic Silent Spring

    From the website, http://www.electronicsilentspring.com/

    An Electronic Silent Spring –

    Society has received profound benefits from electronics. We have developed and marketed electronic technologies [that emit electromagnetic radiation (EMR)] without recognition or regulation of its effects on human health or wildlife.

    Katie Singer’s book, An Electronic Silent Spring, and this website are dedicated to encouraging recognition that EMR can harm people and wildlife;
    to protective solutions for the public health and our ecosystem.

    While they operate, mobile phones, mobile phone chargers, iPads, cellular antennas, Wi-Fi, compact fluorescent lights, transformers and “smart” utility meters emit electromagnetic radiation (EMR) at frequencies and amplitudes that are not found in nature. An Electronic Silent Spring describes how wildlife and peoples’ health are affected.

    Read more here

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    • 18 JUL 14

    Dariusz Leszczynski on Australia’s “independent” audit of smart meters

    From Dariusz’s blog Between A Rock And A Hard Place

    Australia’s independent audit of smart meters – do not have any hopes…


    On July 15, 2014, Australian news site news.com.au published a brief story: ‘Reports of illness prompt audit of smart meter radiation‘. Those, who have any hopes that this audit will help to resolve the problem of smart meters and reports of illness should lose their hopes immediately. It is very likely that nothing will change. Smart meters will be pronounced perfectly safe because emitted radiation levels are below current safety standards.
    This is and will be the answer to anyone who now, or in the near future, will question safety of smart meters or any EMF-emitting device – safety standards are met.

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    • 17 JUL 14

    Comcast is Building Its Public WiFi Network from Inside Your House (message re-sent)

    From the US Besttechie website

    by Jeff Weisbein February 15, 2014


    Ever notice that xfinitywifi seems to appear on your smartphone, tablet, or laptop pretty much anywhere? Well, the reason for that is because in mid-2013 Comcast started turning customers’ Internet connections (home and business) into public WiFi hotspots that other Comcast customers can connect to, creating a massive network of hotspots across the U.S. The problem is customers have been surprised by the fact that the company is doing this and reactions to this “feature” have been mixed.

    There was a recent story in the St. Paul Pioneer Press which tells the tale of Comcast customer Ronaldo Boschulte who called the company to get his malfunctioning modem replaced with a new one, when the tech showed up the install it something happened he didn’t expect. Comcast’s cable modem doubles as a Wi-Fi router, which is useful for many people as it means don’t need additional hardware, but what Mr. Boschulte didn’t realize is that the router would, by default, broadcast a public Wi-Fi network that anyone with a Comcast account could connect to.

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    • 16 JUL 14

    Here we go again, another useless smart meter heath study

    Reports of illness prompt audit of smart meter radiation
    Karen Collier consumer reporter
    Herald Sun
    July 15, 2014 8:25PM

    AN independent audit of electromagnetic radiation from smart meters will begin next month as critics claim reports of illness from hundreds of Victorians represent an emerging health crisis. More than 250 Victorians have contacted Stop Smart Meters Australia to report insomnia, headaches, ringing in the ears, tiredness and burning or tingling sensations.
    “Adverse reactions to smart meter emissions have also resulted, for some, in loss of employment, social dislocation, and unwanted family separations,” it says in a letter to the State Government. Independent electromagnetic radiation tests at 55 properties are due to start late next month.


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    • 15 JUL 14

    5G home invasion….

    Further to the last message I was sent the following from Voyage Smart Energy, a company that describes itself as “a dedicated solutions Provider specialising in the Energy Sector covering oil & gas (offshore & onshore), power generation, smart energy, renewables, energy commodities and mining & minerals”.

    This is what it states in part on their website:

    Further our expertise is in smart grid (AMI – utility) and industrial power generation, oil and gas refineries and pipeline, and next generation 5G R&E networks combining smart grid and smart meter, broadband and mobile networks, smartphones, and M2M wireless remote monitoring.


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    • 15 JUL 14

    A 5G base station on every house and lamp pole…..

    On ABC’s ‘The Business’ last night, Malcolm Turnbull talked about the need for rolling out 5G in Australia and that this would require many more mobile base stations – smaller ones, but many of them. He raised the possibility to one day have a base station on every house and every lamp post!

    I wonder, in such a brave new interconnected world would homeowners be given the option to refuse a base station on their home? Not so if we look at the smart meter rollout in Victoria as one example. I suspect that smart meters will be able be upgraded to also work as a 5G base station.

    See it for yourselves:



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    • 15 JUL 14

    Desert Rose and the Story of Stray Currents

    From Truthout
    Monday, 14 July 2014 10:05 By Daniel Ross, Truthout | Report


    When Kathy Seacrist looks back over the past eight or so years, 2007 marked the beginning of a long nightmare. It was the year that her son, John McDonald, 37 at the time, started suffering from seizures.

    “John was so healthy. Ate healthy. Everything. He was really buff. All my girlfriends fancied him,” she said. McDonald, his daughter Malia, and Seacrist all lived together at her home in Desert Rose, a subsidized housing community in Palm Desert, California.

    In 2009, Seacrist’s own health began to deteriorate rapidly. “It started with terrible sinus infections and got progressively worse. I had slurred speech, my hands couldn’t stop shaking,” she said. By 2010, Seacrist, naturally slight, almost birdlike, someone always proud of staying trim and fit, thought that she was on the brink of death. “I was down to 82 pounds. For a while, doctors thought that I had MS. I told my mom, ‘If it’s my time to go, it’s my time to go.’ ”


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    • 10 JUL 14

    Smart Hackers could use your smart lightbulbs to access your data!

    The Age online, July 9, 2014

    Security vulnerability found in LIFX smart light bulbs exposes home Wi-Fi passwords


    Thought your wirelessly connected smart light bulbs were safe from hackers? Think again. IT security researchers have discovered that the smart LIFX bulbs created by Australian entrepreneurs living in Silicon Valley were exposing their users’ home wireless modem (Wi-Fi) passwords. With access to Wi-Fi credentials, hackers could potentially extract personal files on computers connected to a home network and make use of its internet connection to download large files. They could also wreak havoc by printing reams of documents on any connected printers and turn on and off and change the colours of LIFX bulbs.


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    • 07 JUL 14

    ‘Smart meters’ to be put in every British home despite fears they may not work


    The £11 billion Government plan to put ‘smart meters’ into every British home will be launched this week

    The £11 billion Government plan to put ‘smart meters’ into every British home will be launched this week despite fears they may not work and could open the national grid up to cyber-terrorists. The meters, which are being introduced to meet EU green targets, will cost households £200 each in an effort to cut down energy consumption and reduce bills. However official documents have shown that the meters save less energy than predicted and five other countries who had been considering the plan have ditched it after deciding it could cost more money than it saves. Due to complex technology the metres will also not work in a third of British homes including rural houses, high-rise flats and basements. Energy companies will begin the installation of smart meters next year at a cost of at least £200 per home, and have admitted the expense will be passed on to customers.


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    • 07 JUL 14

    Neighborhood Cell Towers & Antennas–Do They Impact a Property’s Desirability?

    From the Electromagnetic Health.org


    The National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy’s survey “Neighborhood Cell Towers & Antennas–Do They Impact a Property’s Desirability?” initiated June 2, 2014, has now been completed by 1,000 respondents as of June 28, 2014. The survey, which circulated online through email and social networking sites, in both the U.S. and abroad, sought to determine if nearby cell towers and antennas, or wireless antennas placed on top of or on the side of a building, would impact a home buyer’s or renter’s interest in a real estate property.

    The overwhelming majority of respondents (94%) reported that cell towers and antennas in a neighborhood or on a building would impact interest in a property and the price they would be willing to pay for it. And 79% said under no circumstances would they ever purchase or rent a property within a few blocks of a cell tower or antenna.


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    • 04 JUL 14

    Wi-Fi concerns aired on Channel 7’s Today Tonight program

    From Nicole Bijlsma:

    Here is the extended segment on Wi-Fi concerns in schools aired on Channel 7’s Today Tonight program on Tuesday 1st July. Consequently it is important to use hardwired, cabled options to obtain internet connectivity; use a corded phone whenever possible; turn off the Wi-fi option on the printer;

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    • 22 JUN 14

    Mobilize: a forthcoming investigative cell phone documentary

    Mobilize is an investigative documentary that explores the potential long-term health effects from cell phone radiation, including cancer and infertility. The film examines the most recent scientific research, follows national legislative efforts, and illuminates the influence that technology companies have on public health. Mobilize features interviews with numerous doctors, politicians, cancer patients, and technology experts. The DVD is available in October 2014.


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    • 18 JUN 14

    Internet advertisement BORN FOR THE INTERNET BABY

    This You tube advertisement needs no introduction. Enjoy and/or be horrified!

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