• 12 JUN 14

    Australian school cancel’s childs enrollment after father raises concerns about Wi-Fi

    From Amand Wells

    School cancels my sons enrolment after I raise concerns about Wi-Fi

    We moved to the Sunshine Coast back in March 2013, primarily so our son, Bodhi, could have a Montessori education, something which was not on offer in Northern NSW. We immediately applied to enrol at a local Montessori school and enjoyed a pre-enrolment process including interviews with teachers, playgroups and class observations that lasted 15 months. Everything was going along very well and we were given every indication that there would be a position for Bodhi at the school. This all changed last week. During our second interview at the school, I asked what were the school’s plans regarding Wi-Fi at the new campus which is currently under construction. I explained my field of work and that I had concerns about the safety of Wi-Fi in classrooms particularly for younger kids. I also offered to do a short presentation on the subject if they were interested. I was told to write an email the schools business manager which I did (see below)

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    • 11 JUN 14

    New mobile phone rat study that has implications for prolonged 900 MHz smart meter exposures

    Effects of mobile phone radiation (900 MHz radiofrequency) on structure and functions of rat brain

    Objectives: The goals of this study were: (1) to obtain basic information about the effects of long-term use of mobile phone on cytological makeup of the hippocampus in rat brain (2) to evaluate the effects on antioxidant status, and (3) to evaluate the effects on cognitive behavior particularly on learning and memory.

    Methods: Rats (age 30 days, 120 ± 5 g) were exposed to 900 MHz radio waves by means of a mobile hand set for 4 hours per day for 15 days. Effects on anxiety, spatial learning, and memory were studied using open field test, elevated plus maze, Morris water maze (MWM), and classic maze test. Effects on brain antioxidant status were also studied. Cresyl violet staining was done to access the neuronal damage.

    Result: A significant change in behavior, i.e., more anxiety and poor learning was shown by test animals as compared to controls and sham group. A significant change in level of antioxidant enzymes and non-enzymatic antioxidants, and increase in lipid peroxidation were observed in test rats. Histological examination showed neurodegenerative cells in hippocampal sub regions and cerebral cortex.

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    • 10 JUN 14

    Smart Meter Emissions and the Antenna Effect (Updated)

    From The International Coalition for an Electromagnetic Safe Planet (IC-ESP)



    The utility industry’s argument that smart (AMR, ERT) meters are safe must be rejected, because it relies on FCC testing for radiofrequency (RF) interference, which is not a safety testing protocol, and flawed FCC radiation exposure guidelines. The FCC testing for smart meters is done in an isolated laboratory, divorced from the context in which these meters are intended to be used, connected to the wiring in a home or business.

    We present below compelling technical and empirical proof that, when these meters are used as intended, they cause an antenna effect, inflicting great harm to occupants inside their homes and businesses. When used as intended, smart meters that appear to be safe in the testing laboratory are lethal.

    1. An RF engineer’s technical report confirms that smart meters cause an antenna effect when connected to electrical distribution systems, resulting in extraordinary RF exposures that are significantly higher than those reported in isolated laboratory testing.

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    • 06 JUN 14

    Canberra neurosurgeon writes about smart meters…

    Posted on June 6, 2014 by Stop Smart Meters Australia

    Here is what Dr Vini G. Khurana MBBS (Syd, Hons), BScMed (Syd, Hons), PhD (Mayo Clinic), FRACS, neurosurgeon from Canberra, thinks about wireless smart meters:

    The Australian electrical utility company Citipower (Powercor) is currently rolling out “smart meters” in Australian homes. There are public concerns regarding possible health effects that such a device might have via continuous near-field electromagnetic radiation emissions (especially if situated near bed-heads and family and childrens’ rooms). Info about smart meter health and safety issues via Citipower’s own brochure (CLICK HERE) appears inadequate based on information gathered from experts elsewhere (see links below). Regarding smart meters:


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    • 06 JUN 14

    Carl Sagan on the dangers of not questioning new technology

    A Science Icon Died 17 Years Ago. In his Last Interview, He Made A Warning That Gives Me Goosebumps.
    by Rajiv Narayan, upworthy.com

    Carl Sagan inspired a generation of scientists with his work in and out of the classroom. But he didn’t always present science with cheer. In this clip, he passionately defends science with a grave warning. It’s something we all need to hear.

    Extract from an Interview with Charlie Rose, 27 May 1996



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    • 05 JUN 14

    Wireless Communication and Precautionary Principle (Dariusz Leszczynski)

    From the blog of Dariusz Leszczynski, “Between A Rock And A Hard Place”:

    Today, the June/July 2014 issue of the Canadian ‘The Green Gazette’ published my article about the need for implementation of the Precautionary Principle in area of the wireless communication.

    NOTE: The story in ‘The Green Gazette’ is freely available from Dariusz Leszczynski’s site as well as a printable version of the article:


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    • 03 JUN 14

    Off Topic: Australia’s worst spending boondoggle in history: The US Joint Strike Fighter (updated)

    Recently the new Abbott government has given its approval for the purchase of 58 additional F-35 Joint Strike Fighters (JSFs) at a cost of $12.4 billion – making it the nation’s most expensive Defence asset. To quote in part from the ABC News,Thu 24 Apr 2014:

    Asked if he was worried taxpayers would question the cost of the program at a time his Government is warning of wide-ranging cuts, Mr Abbott responded: “I want to stress that this is money that has been put aside by government over the past decade or so to ensure that this purchase can responsibly be made.” “This is not new spending today. In the context of a tough budget, this is spending money that we need to spend that has been sensibly put aside in the past to ensure that our nation’s defences remain strong.” The extra aircraft will bring Australia’s total Joint Strike Fighter force to 72 aircraft, with the first of them to enter service in 2020.

    Read the full article, and view the video here

    Sorry Mr. Abbott but you have made a disastrous purchase. Your unquestioning faith in US fighter technology has blinded you, and your administration to serious deficiencies with this fighter plane which will go down in history as a design disaster, which is far inferior to its much cheaper Chinese counterpart. Read on…

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    • 02 JUN 14

    Significant increase in nose-ear-throat cancers seen in Israel

    Translation from Iris Atzmon in Israel


    By Doron Solomon

    The number of head, neck, and nose-ear-throat surgeries in Rambam were doubled within one year. According to the data of the nose-ear-throat department, the increase was registered mainly in oncology surgeries of the mouth, head and neck, larynx and children surgeries. Thyroid surgeries increased 380% during last year. Increase of 320% was in surgeries for removing tumors in the throat area (from 40 to 128 surgeries). Surgeries of the parotid gland tumors increased 260% in 2013. But the most impressive increase of all, is the increase of 1000% (from 5 to 49) in the number of head and neck surgeries. An additional increase was registered in the number of people treated in the nose-ear-throat department and head and neck surgeries, who arrived from central Israel.

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    • 01 JUN 14

    Useful sites on Smart Meter Studies and Information

    Smart Meter Studies and Information


    Currently, specific studies involving Smart Meters are few and far between (something that should be of some concern in itself in a new and untested technology). We will add to this page, as and when more information becomes available. Currently available on the website: Smart meter case series document from the American Academy of Environmental Medicine – AND: Preliminary survey of people affected by smart meters – by Richard Conrad, PhD, the principal of the consulting service Conrad Biologic. A comprehensive round-up of smart meter information can be found here. More information on smart meters can be found on our Other Flyers page.

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    • 22 MAY 14

    CSIRO scientist Dr. David McDonald speaks about his electrosensitivity

    On 28 February 2013, a decision in the Australian Federal Court’s Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAAT)]awarded compensation to CSIRO research scientist Dr. David McDonald for his ill health (headaches, nausea and dizziness) as a result of exposure to Wi-Fi and computer work in his office. A news article about this case was published in September 29, 2013 (Link Here)

    Now Dr. McDonald has spoken out about his experience with electrosensitivity in a Youtube video.


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    • 20 MAY 14

    Open letter about protecting children from microwave radiation

    From tac interconnections, a UK organisation Sharing information, helping build the knowledge base and promoting teamwork around babies, children, young people and adults with disabilities and special needs

    NCB & England’s children’s organisations – editor’s open letter to you about protecting children from microwave radiation

    My heart, head, and all my instincts, my education in science and my past experiences as teacher and parent of young children tell me that we should not subject children to microwave radiation unless for a very good medical reason. If we come to a point where radiation is an imperative, then it should be on the fewest possible occasions and for the shortest possible duration.

    Here is a thought experiment: Imagine it is 1993 and you work in the Department of Education or NCB[1] (National Children’s Bureau) or NSPCC or Mencap or Barnardos. I write to you to get your support for a new range of toys and learning aids that I have developed that, as a side-effect, subject children to electro-magnetic radiation while they are using them. You would have written back to me to say,

    ‘Dear Mr Limbrick, we are going to do everything in our power to stop you in your tracks. These gadgets of yours are highly dangerous. Irradiating children in this way while they play and learn seems likely to cause all sorts of problems. If you do not take these toys off the market immediately we will use all of our powers to put you out of business.’

    I chose 1993 for my thought experiment because that was the year that NCB published Children and the Environment[2] which mentioned health risks to children from radiation. As far as I am aware NCB has not published books on this subject since then.

    But toys and learning aids that irradiate children are very common now and have crept up on us by stealth. The present situation, in which the common sense I postulated for my thought experiment has not prevailed, is that babies sleep next to radiating baby alarms, toddlers play with radiating toys at their nursery and children of all ages are subject, without choice, to wi-fi radiation in their classrooms.


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    • 20 MAY 14

    Australia is about to get much hotter – and its not global warming….

    Telstra building a larger Wi-Fi network in Australia

    TELSTRA customers will share their home wi-fi in a plan to create one of the world’s largest networks of public hotspots. The telco will roll out special home broadband modems that perform their regular function but take any unused spectrum to create a public Wi-Fi hotspot for anybody nearby to use. It will also build more than 8000 dedicated Wi-Fi hotspots in at least 100 towns and cities, largely in areas with high foot traffic, such as cafe strips, shopping centres, and transport hubs. Unveiled on Tuesday, the plan is expected to create about two million hotspots across the country after it launches in early 2015. Anybody will be able to access the network for a small daily fee, though Telstra customers who opt-in to make their modem a hotspot will have free access, with the data being deducted from their home allowance.


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    • 17 MAY 14

    Excellent article on the facts on brain tumour rates and mobile phone use.

    From Daruisz Leszczynski’s blog Between A Rock and A Hard Place:


    MMF, NHS UK, and Cancer Research UK are living in a ‘twilight zone’

    Posted on May 16, 2014

    It is amazing that educated people, for some unknown to me reasons, show complete disrespect for the general audiences and talk to them simply nonsense.

    Recent French epidemiological study CERENAT has found that use of cell phone for 30 minutes per day for an extended period of years might lead to the increased risk of developing brain cancer. The same was found European project Interphone and the series of Lennart Hardell studies in Sweden.

    Mobile Manufacturers Forum, National Health Services UK and the Cancer Research UK published immediately comments about the meaning of the French study.

    I can understand the Mobile Manufacturers Forum because they mislead to protect their business, the same way as tobacco or asbestos industry did… but the National Health Services UK and the Cancer Research UK? Why?


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    • 16 MAY 14

    DARPA research confirms environmental electrosmog disrupts bird’s internal magnetic compass.

    The telecommunications industry may deny any effect of its increasing emissions on bird navigation but when confirming research comes from the US military’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) it makes the findings hard to deny. This is a biological effect far below the ICNIRP and IEEE C95.1 allowable exposure limits. If environmental level electrosmog effects bird’s navigational ability what about the bees, for example?


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    • 14 MAY 14

    Is Broadband Internet A Public Utility?

    Is Broadband Internet A Public Utility?

    The most interesting revision that the FCC Chairman offers is an examination of whether or not net neutrality is the jurisdiction of the FCC at all.

    With the FCC nearing a vote about proposed net neutrality regulations, Chairman Tom Wheeler issued a series of revisions to the proposal this week. The most interesting revision that Wheeler offers is an examination of whether or not net neutrality is the jurisdiction of the FCC at all. He invited public comments as to whether broadband Internet service could actually be a public utility, similar to gas, water, sewage treatment, and electricity. If broadband Internet is reclassified as a public utility, Internet service providers would be subject to stricter and more developed regulation, far beyond the scope of what the FCC can manage.

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    • 14 MAY 14

    Russians find electromagnetic radiation increasingly worrisome

    MOSCOW, March 11. /ITAR-TASS/. A resident of the Moscow Region, Nikolai Lesnikov, has won a lawsuit he had filed a while ago demanding the removal of the cell phone tower that
    had been put up just 20 meters away from his home. Ever more Russians these days come to understand the risks the electromagnetic pollution of the environment is fraught with. However, no national program for studying and preventing this danger exists yet. Lesnikov took the mobile phone operator MTS to court late last year. He argued that the company had abused his constitutional right to a favorable environment. In his complaint, he asked the court to oblige the defendants to remove the tower, located just 20 meters away from his country home. The MTS’s proxy in court insisted that the radiation from all base stations fitted in with the established rules and the level of radiation was lower than that from a microwave, a neon light or from radio and television transmitters.

    The court’s verdict was in the plaintiff’s favor.

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    • 12 MAY 14

    STUK and Finland, where only a single opinion is permitted…

    From the blog of Dariusz Leszczunski, Between a Rock and a Hard Place:


    This post was updated on May 10, 2014…

    European Union is in an economic crisis. In Finland the official (=government) opinion is that the one and the only way to survive is to remain in EU and retain common currency. There are voices that disagree with this official opinion.

    Several scientists from the University of Helsinki formed in the autumn 2013, the EuroThinkTank. This group of 12 scientists analyzed advantages and dis-advantages of the Finnish membership in the EU. The report of the EuroThinkTank was published on May 6, 2014, unfortunately only in Finnish language.

    The leader of the EuroThinkTank, Professor Vesa Kanniainen, in his explanation why the EuroThinkTank was formed, said the following:

    ”…Yritykset kyseenalaistaa virallinen totuus on nähty vaiettavana toisinajatteluna…” [Attempts to question the official truth were seen as discordant opinions needed to be silenced; free translation DL].

    Professor Kanniainen was also quoted in the news report as saying:

    ”…Suomi on aina yhden totuuden maa, meillä ei ole sellaista traditiota, että arvioitaisiin avoimesti ja analyyttisesti vaihtoehtoisia näkemyksiä…” [Finland is always the place of the single truth only, we have no tradition of an open minded analytical evaluation of different options; free translation DL]

    I do agree with this opinion…..


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    • 09 MAY 14

    Further critique of the SCENIHR spin

    From Mona Nielsson,the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation:


    April 16, 2014

    Comments on the SCENIHR preliminary opinion on ‘ Potential health effects of exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) approved at the 4th plenary of 12 December 2013

    We hereby submit the comments from the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation, a non-profit organization with the aim of informing and protecting citizens from health hazards of EMF. Our comment focus mainly on the content of the SCENIHR 2013 report on “Health Effects from RF-fields (chapter 3.5) Summary This section of the SCENIHR preliminary opinion provide false, in accurate, misleading and biased information about available research and results from both epidemiological studies on neoplastic diseases (cancer) and studies on other health risks. There is even evidence of scientific fraud or misconduct.


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    • 02 MAY 14

    DoD’s Electromagnetic Spectrum Strategy: The military industrial partnership realised

    Dwight Eisenhower once warned about the dangers of a future US military/industrial complex. To quote:
    In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the militaryindustrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist.

    I also examined this in my thesis, how the developmemnt of the IEEE c95.1 RF standard was very much a military/ industry joint effort.

    Reading the below DoD press release from Feb 2014 its obvious Eisenhower’s words of warning have turned out to be all too true.


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    • 01 MAY 14

    Breaking News: Industry bias exposed in SCENIHR’s scientific assessment

    From Eileen O’Connor, UK Radiation Research Trust


    Scientific Committee on Emerging and Newly Identified Health Risks (SCENIHR) member Dr Kjell Hansson Mild has exposed control of science within the SCENIHR group. SCENIHR excluded many studies from the latest scientific review, including five studies by the Hardell Group, published in 2013. Dr. Mild was a co-author with Dr. Hardell. At the same time SCENIHR excluded Dr. Hardell’s and Dr. Mild’s key scientific papers, they promoted Dr. Mild’s participation in SCENIHR as giving balance and transparency to this process. These studies from the Hardell Group are the longest studies on mobile phones and brain cancer. Of even greater significance is Hardell’s conclusion that the proof of mobile phones causing an increase in gliomas — the deadliest of brain tumours, and acoustic neuromas tumours on the auditory nerve.

    The SCENIHR Report fails to do a thorough review of hundreds of papers on non-ionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) and biological health effects, and excludes literally hundreds of papers containing new information in the field concerning adverse EMR impacts.


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