• 28 OCT 13

    West Australian school bans phones at breaks

    Prestigious girls’ school Penrhos College has banned students from using mobile phones during their lunch and recess breaks because of concerns students are losing the art of conversation.

    Principal Meg Melville said, even though girls were sitting in groups during breaks, teachers had become aware students were texting their friends instead of talking to each other.

    “We decided we wanted to really encourage them during their break times at school to have conversations with one another, face-to-face,” she said.

    Mrs Melville said technology was embedded in the curriculum and mobile phones had become an important part of that.

    But it was just as important for students to develop conversation skills such as understanding the nuances conveyed by people’s reactions and body language.

    “You can gauge how a conversation is going by looking at the way people are responding – you can’t do that in texting,” she said.

    “It’s just about being present in the moment. They don’t have to be taking photos of themselves or pictures of what they’ve had for lunch at the canteen.”

    Mrs Melville said many adults also did not realise it was “incredibly rude” to look at their phone when with other people.

    She said students could still immerse themselves in social media outside school hours.


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    • 28 OCT 13

    Ulster County legislature hearings in smart meters

    Of the many Youtube videos circulating on smart meter problems this one struck a cord with me as it is in the county in New York state where i lived until the early 1970s. The same situation as what is now taking place in Victoria, Australia and with the same symptoms being reported. When are we going to see independent sleep research being conducted on what is looking like an emerging global public health nightmare?


    As reported in Burgerwelle News

    From the video:

    Ulster County N.Y. Legislature asked to hold hearings on smart meters

    More than a dozen people speak in opposition to the new smart meters being installed by Central Hudson Gas & Electric Corp. and implore ULster County law makers to investigate rthis horrendous technology, which they say is making them and many other county residents ill.

    Symptoms include:

    Insomnia, spiking headaches, vertigo, muscle spasm, chest pain, asthma, anxiety, depression, neck pain, dizziness, irregular heartbeat.

    This video was recorded at the Ulster County Legislature monthly meeting in Kingston, New York on October 22 at the Ulster County office building in Kingston.

    See the video here

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    • 25 OCT 13

    Belgium Adopts New Regulations To Promote Cell Phone Radiation Safety

    The Belgian government has announced measures to restrict the use of mobile phones by young children.

    Minister Laurette Onkelinx has announced that sales of mobile phones to children under 7 years will be banned in shops and also on the internet.

    Adverts for mobile phones during children’s programmes on TV radio and the internet will also be banned.

    Research shows than in Belgium every two out of three children under 10 years have a mobile phone. At 12 years they nearly all have one.

    The minister has highlighted the radiation risk from cell phones which is higher for young children than adults.

    Read the article, with comments here

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    • 23 OCT 13

    A Thesis: Wireless phone use by young New Zealanders: Health and policy implications

    The Doctoral thesis of Dr. Mary Redmayne, Wireless phone use by young New Zealanders: Health and policy implications is now available online at:

    A version of Chapter 9 has been published with a different type of analysis used that is easier to understand (ordinal logistic regression rather than conditional logistic regression which is in the thesis). It’s available here:

    Environmental Health.2013, 12:90. DOI: 10.1186/1476-069X-12-90


    Over the last decade the use of cellphones has increased dramatically among the young adolescent population. In New Zealand, most children of this age also use a cordless phone. With the rapid proliferation in children‘s use of these devices, there has been increasing concern about whether children are more vulnerable than adults to possible adverse outcomes if such effects do result from wireless phone radiofrequency exposure. This is the first study of young New Zealanders‘ wireless phone habits, focusing particularly on the extent of use, and the relationship of that use with well-being. Two studies were undertaken: a census of schools with Year 7 and 8 classes in the Wellington Region of New Zealand to ascertain what rules were in place regarding cellphones at school, and a cross-sectional survey of students from the same region, using a representative sample of 373 students aged 10.3-13.7years. Both studies were conducted by the author independently from any research group. The primary research appears in Part II. Chapter 5 presents wireless phone user-habits. The large majority of young adolescents were already using cellphones and cordless phones regularly in 2009, although use was generally light or moderate. A small group (5%) was using both phone types extensively (≥ 30 minutes cordless daily plus ≥ 10 cellphone calls weekly); almost a quarter used a cordless phone ≥ 30 minutes daily, and 6% reported, on average, 1¼ hours or more use daily.

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    • 22 OCT 13

    Victoria’s smart meter risk/benefit decision

    For the past few weeks I have been in communication with a Melbourne resident who is having severe health impacts ever since a smart meter was installed next to her bedroom. Her case is mentioned in the blog message: http://www.emfacts.com/2013/10/smart-meter-denials-and-the-good-german-syndrome-2/

    She recently wrote to Nicholas Kotsiras, the Victorian Minister for Energy and Resources, explaining her unfortunate experience with the smart meter.She received a reply from Tim Rose, the Energy and Resources Advisor for the Minister.

    In that letter, Mr Rose states that the current Victorian Coalition Government has based its decision to continue the rollout of smart meters (started by the previous government) on advice from the Auditor-General, who stated in his report on smart meters that” “If the project’s emerging risks delay the installation of smart meters, it is likely that consumers will face further cost increases and gain fewer benefits.”

    Thank God I do not live in Victoria……


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    • 22 OCT 13

    Cordless phones are more of a health risk to young people than mobiles, according to new university research.

    Cordless phones are more of a health risk to young people than mobiles,
    according to new university research.

    In a study of almost 400 Wellington intermediate pupils, adjunct Victoria
    University researcher Mary Redmayne found pre-teens were more likely to
    suffer headaches if they made long or frequent calls on cordless phones or

    The research, to be published in theEnvironmental Health journal this week,
    also found high users of cordless phones more commonly experienced
    tinnitus, or ringing in their ears.


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    • 21 OCT 13

    Are the RF standards/guidelines (IEEE C95.1 and ICNIRP) subservient to U.S. Airforce weapons development

    The US Air Force is one of the largest developers and users of radio frequency (RF) and high power microwave (HPM) emitting devices in the world and consequently, has been at the forefront of research on the biological effects of RF/HPM radiation for more than 30 years. The mission of the 711 HPW/RHDR is to protect Air Force personnel from RF/HPM radiation hazards, while minimizing negative operational impact. This requires an extensive research program in the dosimetry and bioeffects of RF/HPM radiation. Research results are transitioned and transferred to national and international health and safety standards, which are used by the Air Force Surgeon General for occupational health and environmental safety. Additionally, data are used to support the rapid development and deployment of directed energy (DE) technologies. The advent of HPM and ultra-wide band directed energy weapons make the 711HPW/RHDR’s products and services ever more essential to national security. Our goal is to provide the US Air Force with the world’s best RF/HPM bioeffects research and science-based exposure standards, allowing maximum safe exploitation of directed energy for the national defense. With joint-service cooperation, we bring broad expertise, advocacy, and involvement in RF/HPM technology development.
    The goal of this effort includes conducting bioeffects research to identify the benefits, risks, and capabilities for a wide range of military RF/HPM systems.

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    • 21 OCT 13

    Recommended viewing ‘Casualty catastrophe’: Cell phones and child brains

    For those of you who have not yet seen the Truthseeker video ‘Casualty catastrophe’: Cell phones and child brains, mentioned previously, please do, keeping in mind that the head of Australia’s new mobile phone research effort has a different viewpoint on the extent of risk when he stated in September of this year that:

    “There’s a pretty strong consensus that there’s not a problem in adults, but people have only started doing research on children in the last five years and very little has come out of it,” he said. “We’ve got no reason to believe that there’ll be a greater effect in children than in adults. “But we just don’t understand well enough the maturational phases that children go through, so it’s possible there’s greater sensitivity.”

    These are strong words of assurance that its not too big a problem to worry about, perfectly okay to use a mobile phone if you are an adult and no reason to worry about the kids either.

    Worlds apart…….


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    • 21 OCT 13

    Wellness In The Digital Age – an interest of yours? Brains worth saving?

    A reminder to register to attend the event, or for the online broadcast.

    Wellness In The Digital Age – an interest of yours? Brains worth saving?

    This presentation is sponsored by the non-profit advisory board, Doctors For Safer Schools.
    All donations go to supporting our expenses and educational activities.

    Here is a link to view this event – live online – Wed Oct 23, 4:45 pm – 6:45 pm Pacific Time,
    and/or view later (Suggested donation $15. via Paypal)


    We have a Ustream Channel – Wellness In The Digital Age – you will see this event listed under that title.

    Please, if possible, watch this live stream with a wired Internet connection. We will be WiFi-free in the church hall.

    If you only have a WiFi connection – please sit far away from the router, and from all sending/receiving mobile devices.
    Especially the children.

    Tickets to attend in person (doors open at 4 pm) are still available – at the door, or at the website link above.

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    • 20 OCT 13

    Dariusz Leszczynski’s interview on the The Truthseeker’ show

    From Dariusz Leszczynski

    ‘The Truthseeker’ show on cell phones and health, entitled ‘‘Casualty catastrophe’: cell phones and child brains’ is worth watching. It asks many questions and shows that we have not many answers…


    Dariusz Leszczynski – The general finding from my research group was that living cells respond to mobile phone radiation by activation of stress response. It is way of cells protecting themselves from the damage. This observation means that living cells recognize mobile phone radiation as potentially damaging agent and trigger protective counter response. Activation of stress response was then a “hot potato” issue and few studies were done. Some did not find this effect. But there is some half-a-dozen studies showing this effect. To me it is clear that mobile phone radiation induces biological responses in cells. Whether it causes, down stream, pathological changes to normal physiology it remains to be seen. This topic was not pursued very much due to lack of funding. Yes, the FCC should revise the exposure safety standards and there is a particular reason for it…


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    • 19 OCT 13

    Asian ‘smart meter’ corporations charged with tax evasion

    From The Australian, October 3, 2013

    Note in the following article that The Hong Kong–based Cheung Kong group owns 51% of Citipower and Powercor in Victoria, corporations aggressively rolling out smart meters in the state. If billionaire owner LI Ka-shing and his group of companies go to the extent of actively evading their tax liabilities to Australia can they be trusted to be in control of Australia’s energy assets and do they really give a damn about their smart meter rollout harming the health of Victorians. Of course not, its all about maximizing foreign control over Australia’s energy assets and sucking as much profits out of our country as they can. So much for the claim that privatization promotes competition and lower prices.


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    • 18 OCT 13

    Is the cell phone industry making itself a sitting duck?

    From the blog of Dariusz Leszczynski, Between a Rock and A Hard Place:

    HELSINKI, Finland, October 17, 2013 – The French cell phone safety watchdog – The National Agency for Health, Food and Environmental Safety (ANSES) – published its new report on cell phones and health on October 15th, 2013.

    The report concludes that the panel of scientists, led by Elisabeth Cardis, was unable to find causality between the observed biological effects induced by exposures to cell phone radiation and possible health effects in humans (as stated on the page 45 of the report: “For personal reasons, Dr Cardis was not able to participate in the deliberations of the working group in 2013, in the evaluation of the data and the preparation of the report and is therefore not in a position to endorse its conclusions”).

    However, considering the omnipresence and rapid development and deployment of new wireless technologies, ANSES’ report recommends limiting exposures for children and for avid users, defined as persons talking on the phone for at least 40 min/day.


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    • 17 OCT 13

    Update on the Victorian smart meter removal controversy

    Following is an update to my previous posting, “Direct Action in Victoria: Smart meter removed by homeowner and returned to Powercor”. It was sent in by subscriber Alan Manson to post here.

    Some of you may not be aware of this news, but a young father named Jason removed his Smart Meter and replaced it with an Analogue Meter and then returned his Smart Meter to Powercor last Monday. He did this because the Smart Meter’s radiation was affecting the health of his young daughter. You can view the three videos of Jason’s Smart Meter removal and of its replacement here…..I am simply offering this information to inform those of you who have expressed a desire to know the legal position of anyone who removes their Smart Meter and replaces it with an Analogue Meter.

    Alan Manson


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    • 16 OCT 13

    French Health Agency Recommends Children and Vulnerable Groups Reduce Cell Phone Radiation Exposure

    From Joel Moskowitz

    Tuesday, October 15, 2013
    French Health Agency Recommends Children and Vulnerable Groups Reduce Cell Phone Radiation Exposure

    Prolog press release here

    In a major public announcement today, the French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health warned the public to reduce their exposure to cell phone radiation.

    The French Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health, ANSES, announced today the results of a two-year review by an expert Working Group of the scientific research on the risks related to exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation. (1)

    “This update has not brought to light any proven health effect and does not result in any proposed new maximum exposure limits for the population. However, limited levels of evidence do point to different biological effects in humans or animals. In addition, some publications suggest a possible increased risk of brain tumour, over the long term, for heavy users of mobile phones. Given this information, and against a background of rapid development of technologies and practices, ANSES recommends limiting the population’s exposure to radiofrequencies – in particular from mobile phones – especially for children and intensive users, and controlling the overall exposure that results from relay antennas.”

    “The findings of this expert appraisal are therefore consistent with the classification of radiofrequencies proposed by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) as “possibly carcinogenic” for heavy users of mobile phones.In addition, the expert appraisal nevertheless shows, with limited levels of evidence, different biological effects in humans or animals, some of which had already been reported in 2009: these can affect sleep, male fertility or cognitive performance.” (pg. 2)


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    • 14 OCT 13

    Direct Action in Victoria: Smart meter removed by homeowner and returned to Powercor.

    This is the second case that I know of where a smart meter was removed by a home owner in Victoria. Is this the start of a direct action trend by frustrated Victorians? And how will Powercor respond?

    Email forwarded on by Richard L.:

    Some of you may or may not be aware that a young father was becoming very concerned about the way his daughter’s health was being affected by the Smart Meter fitted to her bedroom wall. He requested that Powercor remove the meter; however his pleas brought no satisfaction, so he warned them that if they did not come and remove the meter, he would remove it himself.

    Jason removed the meter and he replaced it with an analogue meter. Today, Jason took the Smart Meter back to Powercor with 15 others (including me) supporting him.


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    • 14 OCT 13

    Smart Meter and Personal Wireless Services Facilities Notice of Liability and Inaction

    From Karen Nold, Means For Change

    Hello EMF Awareness Groups,

    The below link will lead you to the Smart Meter and Personal Wireless Services Facilities Notice of Liability and Inaction recently delivered to 378 Washington State Government Officials and Professional Leaders regarding the need for public health agencies in Washington State to recognize the harmful effects of non-ionizing radiation; and for legislators to initiate an immediate safety review of RFR and a moratorium on installations of smart meters and Personal Wireless Services Facilities, until determined safe.

    This is being sent to you in case it helps to further any efforts you are currently working on and or it brings to your attention an area of great concern which needs immediate action. Please forward this to all groups, family and friends in Washington State so they can complete and mail the Notice of Support for Legislative Action to their District Legislator.


    In Health, Karen Nold, Means For Change

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    • 08 OCT 13

    Project Censored: Wireless Technology a Looming Health Crisis

    From Katie Hickox posted on the cheemf list:

    It’s official: “Wireless Technology a Looming Health Crisis” is the #14 story in the new 2013 edition of the book, ‘Project Censored’, which covers the top 25 New Stories of the year that are the most important but least reported by corporate media.


    14. Wireless Technology a Looming Health Crisis
    As a multitude of hazardous wireless technologies are deployed in homes schools and workplaces government officials and industry representatives continue to insist on their safety despite growing evidence to the contrary…

    Continue Reading…

    For more information about this book, and why it’s been produced every year since 1976 by students at Sonoma State University, go here:



    Katie Hickox

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    • 08 OCT 13

    Power Takeover: Are smart meters part of the largest corporate scam in history?

    From Josh del Sol, Director & Producer, Take Back Your Power


    Barack Obama: “Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.” (scene from Take Back Your Power)On January 17, 2008, President Barack Obama famously said, “Under my plan of a cap-and-trade system, electricity rates would necessarily skyrocket.”[1] It’s now clear that the so-called “smart” utility meter is the core culprit technology in the scheme to which Obama was referring. But this is just the tip of the rather alarming iceberg unveiled in our new feature film Take Back Your Power (www.takebackyourpower.net).

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    • 29 SEP 13

    Consensus: The Australian way?

    Excerpt from the blog Between a Rock and a Hard Place by Dariusz Leszczynski:

    Opinions, recently expressed by Rodney Croft, the newly elected member of the Main Commission of ICNIRP International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection) and Director of ACEBR (Australian Centre for Electromagnetic Bioeffects Research), are worrisome. Especially in the context of his influential position in Australian RF (radio frequency radiation) research that got in 2012 and 2013 ca. $7,500,000 to do research on RF and human health.

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    • 29 SEP 13

    VooDoo science and Australia: We could do far better…..

    Just in case readers have missed the comments to the last message “More pseudo “independent” research in Australia?” here is the comment from Dariusz Lesczcynski. See his qualifications here and his blog here.

    It seems that Australia, because of recent research funding for studies on RF and health, is becoming “Mecca” for RF research. And it has a “prophet” – Rodney – speaking that: “there’s a pretty strong consensus that there’s not a problem in adults”…”We’ve got no reason to believe that there’ll be a greater effect in children than in adults.” It is absolutely embarassing that such statements can be made by a scientist who is considered as expert in the field. There is absolutely no consensus among the scientists. Exception might be a pre-selected private club called ICNIRP, of which Rodney has recently become a member. Nothing else but, unfortunately, Voodoo Science comments from Rodney…
    Dariusz Lesczcynski

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