• 27 FEB 13

    Exposure to Electricity May Increase Risk for Alzheimer’s Disease and ALS

    PRLog (Press Release) – Feb. 25, 2013 – A review of 42 studies of occupational exposure to electric and magnetic fields (MF) and neurodegenerative diseases found “moderately increased risk” for Alzheimer’s Disease (AD) and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS).

    Although little evidence was found for other neurodegenerative diseases including dementia and multiple sclerosis, few studies had been conducted on these diseases.

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    • 26 FEB 13

    Scientific Peer Review in Crisis: The case of the Danish Cohort

    From Dariusz Lesczynski’s blog Between a Rock and a Hard Place

    Today The Scientist Magazine published my opinion-piece: OPINION: Scientific Peer Review in Crisis Case of the Danish Cohort Full article available here I am hoping that the editors of the British Medical Journal will finally take action.

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    • 21 FEB 13

    Powerwatch Comments on the very flawed Rubin study

    Powerwatch Comments on Rubin et al study

    Excerpt from Electrical Hypersensitivity 8 © Alasdair and Jean Philips

    There are a number of problems with this study that will contribute to the “no evidence”


    Thirdly, and probably the most important problem was due to the design of the MTHR (UK Govt
    Mobile Telecommunications and Health Research) handset that was used in the tests.


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    • 21 FEB 13

    James Rubin’s very dubious provocation studies

    From Amirb at the “No Radiation for You” blog

    Why Dr. James Rubin EHS study is problematic?

    Dr. James Rubin is a psychologist who had done a series of studies on Electromagnetic Hyper Sensitivity (EHS). In his studies he concludes that EHS is a psychological condition. These studies were published as a proof that EHS is not real. Dr. James Rubin was promoted and continues to study EHS. A few days ago I stumbled upon something that might prove his methods completely wrong.

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    • 21 FEB 13

    James Rubin’s scientific Ponzi scheme – and more!

    From Andre Fauteux, Editor
    La Maison du 21e siècle magazine

    For those who missed this great article by Andrew Marino


    James Rubin, King’s College London published a blindingly biased paper in which he argued that there was no such thing as electromagnetic hypersensitivity (no robust evidence). His numerous studies on electromagnetic hypersensitivity are all negative, but that negativity was manufactured by employing experimental designs and statistical analysis that were virtually guaranteed to produce negative results. By means of jaundiced analyses he comes to the conclusion that EHS sufferers have a purely psychosomatic disease, a viewpoint that has untold benefits for his clients and funders, particularly the cell-phone companies.

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    • 19 FEB 13

    SPECIAL REPORT: Cellphone use may soon be allowed on U.S. flights

    Cellphone use on planes could become reality

    KTVU, Feb 17, 2013

    OAKLAND, Calif. – A new change to the ban against using a cellphone when flying could be coming soon, but there are some emerging controversies over cellphone use on planes, including a possible health risk.

    Some European and Middle East airlines now allow personal cellphone use while flying outside United States airspace. Onboard equipment solves navigation interference problems, but in the United States the Federal Aviation Administration requires passengers to turn off their cellphone for take-off and landing, only allowing for airplane mode at altitude. Regulators are poised to allow regular, in-flight cellphone use on domestic airline flights. This has polarized some experts and passengers.

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    • 18 FEB 13

    CELLPHONE research points to increased brain tumour risk: Some NZ teens in high-risk category

    18 February 2013, Wellington, New Zealand.

    6% of New Zealand mid-teens at increased risk of brain tumour from cellphone/cordless phone use.
    Cordless phones are a type of cellphone with the base- transmitter in the home.
    Nearly ¼ of 10-13 year olds spend 30 minutes or more on wireless phones daily.
    NZ lags behind in cautioning the young about cellphone use
    Study highlights the need to caution heavy cell/cordless phone users.

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    • 17 FEB 13

    Genetic Roulette: An important documentary on genetic modified foods

    Narrated by Lisa Oz
    A production of the Institute for Responsible Technology

    Are you and your family on the wrong side of a bet?

    When the US government ignored repeated warnings by its own scientists and allowed untested genetically modified (GM) crops into our environment and food supply, it was a gamble of unprecedented proportions. The health of all living things and all future generations were put at risk by an infant technology.

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    • 15 FEB 13

    Extensive report by Powerwatch UK on Wi-Fi and schools

    From Alasdair Philips, Powerwatch UK:


    Cringleford Primary School in Norwich is due to move into brand new buildings over the summer of 2013. Like many other councils and schools, Norfolk County Council are continuing to spend public money to irradiate the children in their care with WiFi all day every day. It is not that they are installing WiFi badly – it is that they are installing it at all, especially in primary schools. The new primary school will be irradiated by up to 19 wireless Access Points.

    We believe that this is a misguided choice that is damaging the health and well-being of at least some of the children. There is no way parents can choose to opt out.
    Parents can, and should in our opinion, opt out of exposing their children to WiFi, DECT cordless phones which transmit 24-7, Xboxes, PlayStations, Wii, etc, when they are at home.

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    • 07 FEB 13

    The Round Table Initiative to Classify Cell Phone Radiation

    I have taken the liberty of copying some of Dariusz Leszczynski’s latest blog below because I think his proposal deserves wide consideration. However, I have serious doubts that such a round table discussion of the science between ICNIRP and the Bioinitiative authors would reach a consensus on anything other than venue. The fundamental issue is thermal and non thermal bio-effects. The fact is that ICNIRP membership is made up of so-called experts who have firmly staked their scientific (and in some cases financial) credibility on claiming that RF standards can only be based on thermal considerations. I see no way in hell they will change this view.

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    • 06 FEB 13

    FCC super WiFi proposal prompts fierce lobbying from tech, telecom firms

    From Blake Levitt:

    What the FCC proposes is another spectacularly bad idea. (Click at the end once the story comes up to read the entire article.) This is what happens when a regulatory agency becomes an intoxicated advocate for the industries they are supposed to regulate. And it is riding an egalitarian horse again. Juxtapose this against the FCC “reviewing” its current RF standards and the picture is not good for making the regs more stringent or biologically based. Schemes like this shift liability onto insurance companies, citizens and the medical sector to pay the tab.

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    • 06 FEB 13

    Better Late Than Never? FCC to Review Cell Phone Radiation Standards


    PRLog (Press Release) – Feb. 5, 2013 – The FCC will close the public comment period on proposed changes in rules and procedures regarding human exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic energy tomorrow, February 6. (1) The outmoded rules and procedures that regulate cell phones and other wireless devices were originally adopted in 1996 when there were only 38 million cell phone subscriptions in the U.S. The FCC’s public comment period was opened almost ten years ago on July 14, 2003. (1) At that time there were 148 million cell phone subscriptions in the U.S. (2)

    Now there are 322 million cell phone subscriptions. Today, many children, teenagers, and women use cell phones that are tested using a model of a large male adult’s brain and body. Meanwhile research has shown that a child’s brain absorbs 2-3 times more electromagnetic radiation (EMR) than an adult’s brain

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    • 05 FEB 13

    Mona Nilsson: The increase in mental health problems among children may be due to cell phone radiation

    The increase in mental health problems among children may be due to cell phone radiation
    By Mona Nilsson
    Published January 15, 2013 – 07:58

    Microwave radiation, the explosion of wireless technology means that we are exposed to more microwave radiation. Information Technology (IT) Minister Anna-Karin Hatt want to Swedish schools is even more connected – but our mobile society begins to have an impact. More computers give more radiation and in the long run can lead to sleep problems, depression and ADHD, writes Mona Nilsson, Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation, in a reply.

    Swedish children suffer more from sleep problems, difficulty concentrating and are sad. They are given increasingly sleep drugs , antidepressants and ADHD medications. The increase in mental illness and sleep problems have been described over and over again in recent years, most recently in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet last week.

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    • 01 FEB 13

    Is radiofrequency interference the ghost in the smart machine?

    In the following posting on the CHE List Blake Levitt raises what may be an emerging huge and unforeseen problem with industry plans on making the modern home a Wi-Fi hot spot with most home appliances Wi-Fi enabled. That is Radiofrequency Interference (RFI)

    From Blake Levitt to the CHE List:

    A microwave oven mystery

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    • 25 JAN 13

    PRLog Press release: Call for Action to Reduce Harm from Mobile Phone Radiation

    The European Environment Agency published a major report today to alert governments about the need to attend to early warning signs about technology health risks, including mobile phones.



    PRLog (Press Release) – Jan. 24, 2013 – The 750-page volume, “Late Lessons from Early Warnings,” includes twenty new case studies and has major implications for policy, science and society. Although the report was prepared by the European Environment Agency to provide guidance to the EU nations, its implications are global.

    Brain tumor risk associated with cell phone use is addressed in one of the report’s chapters. (2) The report highlights the classification of this form of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) as “possibly carcinogenic”, or cancer causing, by the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 2011.

    The report accuses the mobile phone industry of “inertia in considering the various studies and taking the IARC carcinogenic classification into account,” criticizes the media for not “providing the public with robust and consistent information on potential health risks,” and attacks governments for shirking “their responsibilities to protect public health from this widespread source of radiation.”

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    • 22 JAN 13

    RADIATION PROTEOMICS: A new book edited by Dariusz Leszczynski

    A new book from Springer “RADIATION PROTEOMICS” Ed. D. Leszczynski, is scheduled for publication on Feb. 28, 2013.

    Up to date review of proteomics studies examining radiation effects on cells and tissues
    Included both ionizing and non-ionizing radiation effects
    Review of low-dose ionizing radiation effects
    Review of therapeutic doses of ionizing radiation effects and search for biomarkers of response/damage
    Non-ionizing radiation chapters deal with ELF-EMF, RF-EMF and UV

    Proteomics is widely used in search of biomarkers, pharmacology, clinical research and toxicology. With the help of proteomics large amount of information about the physiology of living cells can be obtained in a single experiment. Combining this information with data from genomics and other high-throughput screening techniques like transcriptomics and metabolomics allows gaining new insights into physiology of life and diseases.

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    • 16 JAN 13

    New Report: Analysis: Smart Meter and Smart Grid Problems – Legislative Proposal

    The December 2012 report “Analysis: Smart Meter and Smart Grid Problems – Legislative Proposal” is now available to the public. This 173-page report by activist Nina Beety has extensive referenced information about many of the problems and risks of the Smart Meter program, with information from state, national, and international resources. Supplemental documents can be downloaded here.

    Originally written for California legislators, this updated report also provides a legislative and regulatory action plan for halting this program, and suggestions for reforming utility regulation so that the public is protected in the future.

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    • 14 JAN 13

    Press Release: New evidence of cell phone health risks highlights the need for public health warnings

    Press Release: New evidence of cell phone health risks highlights the need for public health warnings

    By Don Maisch PhD, EMFacts Consultancy, January 14, 2013

    Hobart, Tas. Since 2011, when the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified cell phone radiation as a possible human carcinogen, a number of important developments that strengthens the IARC ruling have recently occurred. These developments strongly suggest that it is now time to issue public health warnings to advice Australians on how to reduce or eliminate cell phone health risks.
    A report has just been written which advises people on steps to take to reduce the risks to their health. This advice, in part, includes:

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    • 11 JAN 13

    The Android invasion: Even to Wi-Fi enabled rice cookers!

    From BloombergBusinessweek article Jan 8th, 2013 Google Android Baked Into Rice Cookers in Move Past Phone By Cliff Edwards and Ian King on January 08, 2013 Google Inc. (GOOG)”s Android software, the most widely used smartphone operating system, is making the leap to rice cookers and refrigerators as manufacturers vie to dominate the market for

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    • 10 JAN 13

    Beware! Your new smart TV may soon be watching you!

    Soon to be a thing of the past are those pleasant hot summer evenings sitting in front of your TV dressed only in your undies (or less) sipping a nice ice cold beer or iced coffee. Would you dare do so with a new smart TV where something (or someone) is able to watch you back? Better be well dressed, behave nicely and especially be careful what you say or perhaps the thought police may late one night be knocking at your door!

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