• 05 JAN 13

    BioInitiative 2012 Report Issues New Warnings on Wireless and EMF

    A new report by the BioInitiative Working Group 2012 says that evidence for risks to health has substantially increased since 2007 from electromagnetic fields and wireless technologies (radiofrequency radiation). The Report reviews over 1800 new scientific studies.Cell phone users, parents-to-be, young children and pregnant women are at particular risk.

    “There is a consistent pattern of increased risk for glioma (a malignant brain tumor) and acoustic neuroma with use of mobile and cordless phones” says Lennart Hardell, MD at Orebro University, Sweden. “Epidemiological evidence shows that radiofrequency should be classified as a human carcinogen. The existing FCC/IEE and ICNIRP public safety limits and reference levels are not adequate to protect public health.”

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    • 04 JAN 13

    Saudi Arabian researchers call for cell phone “health awareness campaigns” for the public

    Source: Saudi Gazette

    Too much cell phone usage could affect your health
    December 27, 2012

    By Amal Al-Sibai

    In today’s world having a cell phone has become an urgent necessity and not just an added luxury. In Saudi Arabia, everyone has a cell phone, starting from nine year olds. Some people even have two; one for work and one for social purposes. Although the trend has been increasing worldwide, it has been increasing exponentially here in the Kingdom. A report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development shows that there are 4 billion cell phone users across the globe, with Saudi Arabia coming in first as the country with the largest number of cell phone users worldwide. The report revealed that there are 180 cell phones for every 100 residents in the Kingdom; a number which speaks for itself. Cell phone usage is also on the rise among teenagers and children.


    The Saudi Medical Journal recently reported a study conducted by the College of Medicine in King Saud University that showed prolonged usage of cell phones by participants was associated with a number of health problems. Those who were frequent users of their cell phones suffered more fatigue, headaches, dizziness, tension, and sleep disturbances than the less frequent users.


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    • 20 DEC 12

    Retraction of previous comments re. Cellsafe and Today Tonight

    Back in May of 2011 I ran a Sarcastic commentary that was critical of both a Today Tonight program and the CellSafe mobile phone cases that are designed to reduce SAR levels of mobile phones when used with the cases. Since that date I have had a number of discussions with people via emails and at conferences I have presented at, who claim that the cases have resulted in elimination of symptoms, predominantly headaches when using, or after using their phone. After carefully studying the technical reports on the cases, such as from EMC Technologies in Melbourne, I now withdraw my previous comments as unjust and unfair to both the CellSafe company and Today Tonight and apologise for my ill-conceived comments.

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    • 20 DEC 12

    American Academy of Pediatricians Endorses Cell Phone Safety Legislation

    American Academy of Pediatricians Endorses Cell Phone Safety Legislation

    Washington D.C. (December 13, 2012) — The American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) which represents “60,000 primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists, and pediatric surgical specialists dedicated to the health, safety and well-being of infants, children, adolescents, and young adults” has endorsed H.R. 6358, the Cell Phone Right to Know Act.
    “Health effects from cell phone radiation are a potential concern for everyone that uses a cell phone, but children are among the most vulnerable as the doctors note in the letter. I am honored that such esteemed professionals support the Cell Phone Right to Know Act,” said Kucinich. “Our coalition is growing and broadening.”

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    • 20 DEC 12

    Off topic but a truly inspiring upcoming documentary: Landfill Harmonic

    Imagine the disconnected life for young people living in a slum built on a landfill site in Paraguay with no smart phones or other wi-fi gadgetry to occupy their time. Or perhaps it is us who have become disconnected from creativity?

    Keep watch out for Landfill Harmonic, an upcoming feature-length documentary about a remarkable musical orchestra in Paraguay, where young musicians who live in a landfill slum play instruments made from trash. To view the trailer of the film, please visit…

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    • 19 DEC 12

    The Vienna Medical Association calls for cell phone free zones in public spaces

    Vienna (OTS) – The Vienna Medical Association has called for the establishment of cell phone-free zones – similar to the smoke-free areas in public buildings. This was necessary in order both to minimize the radiation exposure and the other to bring the people to a conscious use of mobile technology, says the Head of Environmental Medicine at the Vienna Medical Chamber, Piero Lercher.

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    • 18 DEC 12

    Mobile phone allergies on the increase. Is it the nickel or EHS?

    Mobile phone allergies on the increase

    According to an article on consumer health website www.itsmyhealth.com.au, dermatologists say they are seeing increasing numbers of allergic reactions to mobile phones.

    The article goes on to say that US dermatologists have warned of “cellular phone dermatitis” as an emerging problem, especially among adolescents, and that they believe it is likely to be more common than reported.

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    • 18 DEC 12

    Smart meters too costly – 6PR Radio Interiew Perth

    From Stop Smart Meters Australia:

    Dec 18, 2012

    Economic experts are calling the federal government’s push for smart metering the wrong move for consumers. Paul Murray spoke to Danny Price from Frontier Economics Australia who says the required investment for smart meters in Australia may not justify the cost.

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    • 15 DEC 12

    The head of Belgium’s largest cellphone company bans WI-FI from his offices and tells kids cellphones are dangerous!

    The head of Belgacom is not crazy about the Wi-Fi fad in his cellphone company’s skyscraper. The 27th floor, occupied by management, thus goes without the technology that allows high speed broadband Internet access. The decision is barely surprising when we know that Didier Bellens also asks his contacts to call him on his landline rather than on his cell.

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    • 13 DEC 12

    Are smart meters an “electrical form of asbestos”?

    Posted on December 13, 2012 by Stop Smart Meters Australia

    CITY of Greater Dandenong is planning to refuse smart meters on council property, with one councillor questioning whether they’re “an electrical form of asbestos”.

    Residents concerned about the health impacts of the digital meters have contacted several councillors asking for help to stop their installation.

    In response, at the 10 December council meeting Paperbark Ward representative Peter Brown moved that the council oppose installation in its buildings and investigate their rights under the law to “opt out” of the program.

    “Council is going to provide leadership in this matter,” he said.

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    • 12 DEC 12

    Science & Wireless 2012: Presentations & Interviews ready for viewing

    From Dariusz Leszczynski:


    Science and Wireless 2012 was held at Swinburne University of Technology on Thursday 15 November, 2012. The presentations are available for viewing here:

    Professor Mark Elwood (University of Auckland) “A Review of the Epidemiology: What does the science tell the community about the use of wireless in everyday life?“

    Professor Norbert Leitgeb (German Commission on Radiological Protection (SSK)’s Committee on Nonionizing Radiation) “Hazard Assessment: A critical look at RF-EMF and mobile phones.“

    Professor Dariusz Leszczynski (Swinburne University of Technology) “Perspectives on Safety Standards: In the context of IARC 2B classification and the Precautionary Principle.”

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    • 10 DEC 12

    Smart meters: Quebec’s “health tax” challenged

    From André Fauteux

    Smart meters: Quebec’s “health tax” challenged
    Adapted from La Maison du 21e siècle magazine, Winter 2013 issue
    By André Fauteux, Editor

    Gaétane Boucher has lost everything: her family, her home, her job. While living in Granby, Quebec, the former industrial designer constantly suffered from severe headaches, numbness, dizziness, blurry vision and memory loss she related to electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure. “As a child, I lived in a house with radiant electric heating in the ceiling and I played regularly under powerlines – feet in the water to boot! – for 10 summers. I later acquired my electrosensitivity symptoms after working on a computer 8-10 hours a day for many years.

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    • 06 DEC 12

    A much needed children’s book: ‘Wireless-wise Kids’

    A message to this list from Lyn McLean, EMR Australia:

    I’m excited to let your readers know about my new children’s book ‘Wireless-wise Kids’ which shows young people how to use mobile phones, laptops and other wireless devices more safely. You’ll see information about it if you download the flyer here. Perhaps it would make a good Christmas present for a young person.

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    • 04 DEC 12

    Swiss shortwave transmitter study and its relevance to smart meter exposure levels

    During my recent series of talks in Melbourne on smart meter health effects I made mention of the Swiss Study on Health Effects of the Shortwave Transmitter Station of Schwarzenburg, Berne. In my opinion this is directly relevant to the radiofrequency (RF) exposures of people who have a wireless smart meter externally on a bedroom wall. Measurements taken in Melbourne on smart meters on bedroom walls have indicated that in this situation, nighttime smart meter exposure levels can exceed those levels associated with sleep disruption in the Swiss study. The following is from my old Electromagnetics Forum magazine from 1997.

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    • 03 DEC 12

    Australian states want more details on power price plan

    ABC News
    States want more details on power price plan
    AM By Lexi Metherell
    December 3, 2012

    The states say they need more details from the Federal Government about a plan to curb power price rises.
    Prime Minister Julia Gillard yesterday announced plans to stop the “gold plating” of electricity networks.
    Ms Gillard wants to give more funding to the national energy regulator and set up new consumer groups to keep power prices down.
    She says the package will save consumers $250 a year on their power bills.

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    • 03 DEC 12

    New smart meter report by the US National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy

    Too bad the Victorian government (present and former) didn’t have access to the just released report by the U.S. National Institute for Science, Law & Public Policy (Nov. 2012) before they committed to the current smart meter rollout. Titled Getting Smarter About the Smart Grid it should be required reading for Victorian regulators, the DPI, Energy Safe Victoria, etc. ESPECIALLY the clueless Victorian Ministerial Radiation Advisory Committee, who at the moment only get their advice from an ex-Motorola EMR strategist.

    AND don’t forget the Greens who currently have absolutely no idea of the complexities of this issue.

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    • 01 DEC 12

    Smart meter article in The Sydney Morning Herald: Smart move – but consumers pick up the costs

    The Sydney Morning Herald
    November 26, 2012
    Michael West
    Business columnist

    DO WE really want to check our smart meters every time we turn on the dishwasher, take a shower or toast a slice of bread?

    Has anybody wondered why almost every power company and lobby group in the country is pushing for the introduction of smart meters? It is worth pondering, for government, it seems, is about to fail the public again over energy policy.

    First it was a faulty regulatory system which gave rise to ”gold-plating”, or overspending on networks, and spiralling power bills. The increase in ”peak demand” remains the industry catch cry to rationalise its rampant spending, even though peak demand has actually been falling for three years.

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    • 19 NOV 12

    Night headaches after smart meter installed by bedroom

    While the Victorian government continues to support a ubiquitous roll-out of smart meters, based on bad advice from industry spin doctors, the toll of people apparently adversely affected continues to mount. Does the gov’t think this all will conveniently disappear once their roll-out is completed? All their ‘eggs’ are in the nocebo basket – that is, they think its just all public hysteria. My advice is that they had better get legal advice for this is looking like an emerging public health crisis to which they have been forewarned, yet ignored.

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    • 18 NOV 12

    Microsoft Canada’s former president compares wireless to tobacco, urges one million Canadians to demand stricter safety standards

    From Frank Clegg, former president of Microsoft Canada:

    Introducing Citizens For Safe Technology (C4ST)

    As many of you are aware, I have been investing my time understanding the potential health effects associated with electromagnetic radiation. Issues such as emissions from cell towers, Wi-Fi in schools and smart meters. I have spoken to several experts, read numerous studies, attended presentations by Health Canada and Industry Canada and become involved in situations in Oakville, Grand Bend, Barrie and Uxbridge. I have concluded that Health Canada’s methods are out of date and safety limits are too weak to protect Canadians.

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    • 16 NOV 12

    GLEN Eira Council will petition the State Government not to make Smart Meters compulsory.

    From Stop Smart Meters Australia:

    GLEN Eira Council will petition the State Government not to make Smart Meters compulsory.

    Councillors have voted unanimously to follow officers’ advice and relay residents’ concerns to the State Government. They further decided to call on the State Government to allow residents to “opt out” of the Smart Meter roll out and to allow people who already have Smart Meters to “have the right to have the meter removed and replaced with an analogue or non-wireless meter at no cost to them ….Councillors said residents complained of headaches, fatigues, disrupted sleep, aches and pains and more since having Smart Meters installed…..

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