• 13 OCT 12

    Dr Klinghardt on Smart Meters

    From Andrew Goldsworthy:

    This is an excellent and informative video on the dangers of electromagnetic fields, including microwaves and especially Smart Meters. Dr Klinghardt is an internationally famous expert on this topic and is one of the men that the powers that be want to shut up. If you watch it (it’s about three quarters of an hour long) you will see why. Already, microwave radiation is doing untold harm to us all on a massive scale. A few percent of the population can “feel” the radiation but laboratory tests show that many more are affected although they may not know it.

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    • 07 OCT 12

    Consumers can opt-out of Hydro-Québec’s smart-meter program – at a price

    SO, Hydro-Quebec is to go ahead with its controversial smart meter roll-out and simply dismiss the health effects issue even though their pseodo-science can easily be shown to be false. See the previous message on this list

    The only good news here is that at least Hydro-Quebec has provided an opt-out option. Smart move on the part of Hydro-Quebec. They hope that by providing an opt-out, the opposition will vanish as these concerned people cough up the extra money in order to avoid a smart meter on their homes – and then shut up.

    However, at the very least, how will Hydro-Quebec handle the very real possibility of illness from thousands of consumers who will have a smart meter mounted close to their bedheads? (See slide 22 of Tom Wilson’s powerpoint in last message). In Victoria, Australia, this situation is now becoming a reality for many Victorians with a new shiny smart meter mounted externally on a bedroom wall.

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    • 02 OCT 12

    Excellent YouTube video and PowerPoint presentation on the smart grid and smart meters

    Electrical engineer and electro-magnetic pollution consultant Tom Wilson of GreenAndHealthyHomes.net, analyzes the architecture and human and environmental health risks of the so-called ‘smart grid’ in his presentation at the Wireless Safety Summit, Oct. 5, 2011, in Washington, D.C., sponsored by the Center for Safer Wireless.

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    • 28 SEP 12

    A Unified Theory of Weak Magnetic Field Action

    From Louis Slesin, editor of Microwave News:

    Paul Héroux of McGill University has some intriguing
    and compelling evidence showing that very weak
    magnetic fields can affect all living cells, especially
    cancer cells.

    But –surprise!– he’s having a devil of a
    time getting his ideas published in a journal.

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    • 27 SEP 12

    Allan H. Frey with a historical perspective on cell phone risks

    Published in The Scientist

    Opinion: Cell Phone Health Risk? Security concerns during the Cold War may have led to the generation of misinformation on the physiological effects of microwave radiation from mobile phones.
    By Allan H. Frey | September 25, 2012
    Recently, Congress tasked its investigative arm, the General Accountability Office (GAO), to consider the health risks of mobile phones and to report back to Congress. While a previous report published in May 2010 by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) stated that there was no evidence of increased health risk resulting from exposure to the radiofrequency (microwave) energy emitted by cell phones, the World Health Organization reported the following year that cell phone radiation may be carcinogenic. Also in 2011, the director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse published a paper in JAMA reporting that 50 minutes of cell phone use by people altered glucose metabolism in the part of the brain closest to where the cell phone antennas were located. This summer, the GAO completed the task and sent a report to Congress stating that the risks were unclear and deserved greater scrutiny from the government.

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    • 26 SEP 12

    Who should research reported smart meter health hazards in Australia?

    Recently I was contacted by a member of Stop Smart Meters Australia asking me for my opinion on advice they had received that health complaints should be directed to Andrew Wood, head of Bioelectromagnetics and Cellular Neuroscience at Swinburne University of Technology. On the surface of it, Wood’s Bioelectromagnetics group at Swinbourne are well qualified. They have the facilities and well qualified personnel to do research to determine the extent of the adverse health effects now being reported by a number of people in Victoria after a smart meter was installed on their homes, especially when in close proximity to sleeping areas. Looking beneath the surface, however, it gets very murky for there is more to consider than just good academic qualifications.

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    • 24 SEP 12

    Recommended viewing: Lawrence Lessig on cell phone spin

    From George Parker:

    Harvard Law Professor Lawrence Lessig discusses the cell phone industry’s political and media manipulation of the science:

    Also see Reconnect by Kevin Kunze : http://kck.st/NojhHi

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    • 24 SEP 12

    Smart meter data shared far and wide

    The Age Newspaper, Australia
    September 23, 2012

    Vince Chadwick, Craig Butt, Henrietta Cook

    DETAILED information about electricity customers’ power usage, which gives insights into when a house is occupied, is being shared with third parties including mail houses, debt collectors, data processing analysts and government agencies. Customers with smart meters who sign up for Origin Energy’s online portal must consent to their data being shared with a string of third parties. The data is stored in Australia but shared with US company Tendril, which is described by Origin as a smart energy technology provider.

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    • 23 SEP 12

    Day Of Action Called Against ‘Smart’ Meters And Grid (USA)

    Contact: Joshua Hart, Spokesperson National Campaign to Stop Smart Meters josh@stopsmartmeters.org NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION CALLED AGAINST ‘SMART’ METERS AND GRID http://stopsmartmeters.org/ Recent Fires in Illinois, Pennsylvania Add Urgency to Calls for Moratorium WASHINGTON D.C. — Citing thousands of instances of ‘smart’ meter fires, health problems, and violations of privacy laws, the National Campaign to

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    • 20 SEP 12

    A must read: Sal La Duca on smart meters

    From Sal La Duca and André Fauteux:

    Commentary from Sal La Duca, Indoor Environmental Consultant (1) to (2)

    (1) Environmental Assay Inc., Assessment and Remediation Consulting, www.emfrelief.com
    (2) Publisher/Editor, La Maison du 21e siècle magazine, www.21esiecle.qc.ca

    Questions on smart meters
    April 1, 201

    What do you recommend people do to reduce their exposure to smart meter emissions?

    You ask such complex questions, but (I suspect) require simple answers. Smart Meters are a subset of AMR (Automated Meter Reading) which has been around for decades. It is not the habit of those installing such meters to change them when newer technology becomes available, if the payback period for the previous meter installation has not been fulfilled (that would be throwing money out the window, and is frowned upon). So there remain in place a variety of permutations of Smart Meters. Some are accessible by a telephone land-line and modem. May sound antiquated, but they still work, so they remain in place. Some are accessible by data they impress (at various frequencies) onto the 240V supply to residences or otherwise for business, which data is then aggregated in power substations, and then sent to the ultimate destination by other means. Some are accessible by wireless communication only when polled. Some are accessible by wireless communication by schedule. Some have modified schedules to meet the business need. So the question that begs to be asked is: reduce the exposure from what kind of meter?

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