• 18 JUN 09

    #1077: Eileen O’Connor’s response to John Lincoln on the draft Australian standards

    From Eileen O’Connor: I would like to thank John Lincoln from ARPANSA’s ELF working group committee (Australia’s national radiation protection agency) for his response to my open letter which can be viewed at: http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/?p=1098 copy of John”™s response to my open letter can be viewed at http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/?p=1099 I do understand that electrical induction is as

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    • 18 JUN 09

    #1076: Cindy Sage on the Australian ELF standard

    From Cindy Sage: Repacholi is still trying to pay a buck and a $50 tip to cover a $1000 bar bill. Risky business. The only precautionary action that will save him from harm here is to vacate the premises before the bouncer catches him. Repacholi invokes the usual “thermalist vs non-thermalist” argument to make this

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    • 17 JUN 09

    #1075: June issue of “EMR and Health” now available

    From Lyn McLean, EMR Australia: “The June issue of “EMR and Health” is now available and contains all the latest news and research, together with a feature on how EMR affects sleep and subsequently health.” For more information, see www.emraustralia.com.au or contact us on 02 9576 1772.” warm regards Lyn McLean Director EMR Australia PL

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    • 16 JUN 09

    #1074:Powerwatch on the draft Australian ELF standard

    From Alasdair Philips, Powerwatch (UK) They have increased the public max to 300 uT to allow for the latest UK HPA (NRPB) thinking and calculations and to cover public exposure in some trains and trams situations. Actually, I don’t think that is a big issue. The problem is for low-level chronic exposures and even if

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    • 15 JUN 09

    #1073: Further comments on the draft Australian standard

    From John Lincoln, ARPANSA ELF Working Group member Hi Don Look I understand the concerns of so many people about the ELF draft, but let me make a few points. 1. There is now a very large inclusion on precaution, both within the body of the standard (Section 6) and in the Annexe (Annexe 6).

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    • 15 JUN 09

    #1072: EM Radiation Trust comments on draft Australian standard

    From Eileen O”™Connor, Director EM Radiation Research Trust (U.K.): At a time when there are calls for tightening EMF power-frequency exposure standards to address cancer risks, Australia is moving in the opposite direction. Read the whole story at: http://www.microwav enews.com/ EMFConceits. html Comment from Mike Repacholi comment: “People don”™t realize that the ICNIRP limits are

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    • 14 JUN 09

    #1071: EMF protective devices and Voodoo science

    As concerns grow about the possible dangers from cell phones, especially for children, there is a corresponding increase in advertisements for all sorts of so-called protective devices. Purple Angels, Safety Butterflys, BioPro, Q-Link, Delta Shield, Waveshield, etc, etc. The one thing all these wondrous devices have in common, however, is that the only thing they

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    • 12 JUN 09

    #1070: Australia’s New EMF Exposure Standard: Five Conceits

    From Louis Slesin, Microwave News: At a time when there are calls for tightening EMF power-frequency exposure standards to address cancer risks, Australia is moving in the opposite direction. In mid-May, a committee working under ARPANSA, the national radiation protection agency, distributed a draft proposal that would triple the permissible exposure levels for the general

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    • 10 JUN 09

    #1069: “Between a Rock and a Hard Place”, The Blog of Dariusz Leszczynski

    Well worth a visit is the Blog “Between a Rock and a Hard Place” – Opinions on mobile phone safety by Research Professor Dariusz Leszczynski from the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Finland. http://www.stuk.fi/blog/leszczynski http://www.stuk.fi/blog/leszczynski/fi_FI/15_05_2009/

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    • 09 JUN 09

    #1068: Spanish paper on cell phone addition now available online

    A new paper has been added to the www.emfacts.com web site. Titled “Addiction to cell phones: are there neurophysiological mechanisms involved?” ,the paper by Afonso Balmori and Maria Paz de la Puente, looks at cell phone use as an addiction problem, especially for children and young people. Originally published in the Spanish magazine Proyecto, Vol.

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