• 08 MAY 09

    #1057: Low emission resource guide for the work environment

    From Katharina Gustavs: In its booklet on radiation risk and VDTs from 2002, the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control continues to specifically admonish VDT users not to “purchase electromagnetic shields or any other radiation protective devices” for their VDT. I find this rather peculiar since””already back in 1990″” the European Union issued a directive

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    • 08 MAY 09

    #1056: FDA’s CDRH asks to consult with the Bioinitiative group

    While in Australia the telco industry dominated Australian Centre for Radiofrequency Bioeffects Research (ACRBR) continues to rubbish the Bioinitiative report (See: http://www.acrbr.org.au/) the U.S. FDA has requested From the CHEEMF list: The NY Times article below discusses how scientists concerned about FDA approval of some imaging devices over objections from the scientists reviewing them for

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    • 28 APR 09

    #1055: Could the Precautionary Principle Do More Harm Than Good?

    From Louis Slesin, Microwave News: That’s the question posed in an article in the Financial Times over the weekend. Well worth a read. At the same time, a fight over a cell tower in the outskirts of Paris suggests that those who point to a “nocebo” effect may have a point. Check out the details

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    • 17 APR 09

    #1054: EU Declaration on wireless technology

    From Eileen O’Connor, Radiation Research Trust: Please forward the following message to all your contacts. EU MEP”s Elizabeth Lynne, Kathy Sinnott and Carl Schlyter have tabled a written Declaration no. 47/2009 on the risks of exposure to electromagnetic fields resulting from the use of wireless technology. The Declaration will be open for MEPs to sign

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    • 13 APR 09

    #1053: Microwave News on cell phone TV programs

    From Microwave News: Shows on cell phone radiation are all over the TV news. We have assembled seven that have appeared over the last few weeks in Australia and Europe. Check them out and get all the details at: http://microwavenews.com/ Best, Louis Slesin [Please note that this page and our home page are expandable. The

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    • 07 APR 09

    #1052: Text of the European Parliament EMF Resolution as passed

    From Elizabeth Kelly: Dear Colleagues, Here is the text of the European Parliament EMF Resolution as passed. Kind regards, Elizabeth Kelley, M.A. Managing Secretariat International Commission For Electromagnetic Safety Email: info@icems.eu Web: www.icems.eu ______________________________________________ http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef= -//EP//TEXT+TA+P6-TA-2009-0216+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN Procedure : 2008/2211(INI) Document stages in plenary Document selected : A6-0089/2009 Texts tabled : A6-0089/2009 Debates : PV 01/04/2009

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    • 07 APR 09

    #1051: Dutch doctors EMF Press Release

    From Cindy Sage on the CHEEMF list: From Alex Swinkels in the Netherlands. Swinkels has been instrumental in bringing the EMF issue to the Dutch government’s attention. His group “Dutch National Platform on Radiation Risks” or ‘Stralingsrisicos’ is highly regarded. They have printed and distributed more than 30,000 informational brochures on the risks to children

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    • 06 APR 09

    #1050:Links to the 60 Minute cell phone program

    There is a YouTube video of the 60 Minute show at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuptoOcRSho&feature=channel_page. A link to the program is also provided on www.brain-surgery.us/mobilephone.html (the video portion is forthcoming) That page also has a downloadable version of the paper by Khurana et al. referred to in the reports on 60 Minutes and Lateline. The Lateline video link

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    • 06 APR 09

    #1049: “Wake Up call” A program on cell phone dangers not to be missed

    Australia’s “60 Minutes” investigative TV program (see below) tonight aired a report on cell phone dangers not to be missed. In it, Australian neurosurgeons Charles Teo and Vini Khurana tell of their concerns, including an apparent alarming increase in children with aggressive brain tumours. The other side of the controversy is also given by Rodney

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    • 05 APR 09

    #1048: EMFacts website updated

    In the fullness of time the EMFacts web site (www.emfacts.com) has finally been updated with a number of additions as follows: 1) Maisch, D., Podd, J., Rapley, B. ‘Electromagnetic Fields in the Built Environment “” Design for Minimal Radiation Exposure’, BDP Environment Design Guide, Royal Aust. Institute of Architects, August 2006. http://www.emfacts.com/papers/gen76.pdf 2) Electric Words:

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