• 13 FEB 09

    #1017: Samsung market phones for pre-teens

    From Powerwatch News: http://www.powerwatch.org.uk/news/20090212_samsung_children_phone_tobi.asp Samsung market phones for pre-teens Electronics giant Samsung are the latest company to completely ignore UK government advice and market a mobile phone designed explicitly for children, the S3030 Tobi. Following in the footsteps of the MyMo and Teddyfone controversies a few years ago, this is the first time a large

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    • 12 FEB 09

    #1016: Medical Director of Switzerland’s Paracelsus Clinic Takes Stand on Hazards of Electromagnetic Pollution

    Posted on Electromagnetic Health.org: Medical Director of Switzerland”s Paracelsus Clinic Takes Stand on Hazards of Electromagnetic Pollution – “Electromagnetic Load” a Hidden Factor in Many Illnesses 10.02.2009 by admin Category Electromagnetic Health Blog http://electromagnetichealth.org/electromagnetic-health-blog/medical-director-of-switzerland/ Thomas M. Rau, MD, Medical Director of the Paracelsus Clinic February 10th, 2009. Dr. Thomas Rau, Medical Director of the world

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    • 10 FEB 09

    #1015: Motorola Has Left the Building

    From Microwave News: Call it the end of an era. Motorola, which has by any measure been the dominant force in the RF health arena for more than 15 years, is stepping back from the fray. The field will never be quite the same again. On Friday, February 13, Motorola will close down its RF

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    • 09 FEB 09

    #1014: Electrosensitivity in Sweden by Olle Johansson

    In addition to the recent message #1000 “Electrosensitivity becomes an “inconvenient truth” in Sweden”, published on the list by John and Rigmor Granlund-Lind, Monday December 8th, 2008, http://www.emfacts.com/weblog/?p=1018, it is important to realize that in Sweden electrohypersensitivity (EHS) is definitely not completely denied. In Sweden, electrohypersensitivity is an officially fully recognized functional impairment (i.e., it

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    • 25 JAN 09

    #1012: Dismissive cellphone editorial in public health journal

    Request from Bente-Ingrid in Denmark: Dear Don The Danish editor Finn Kamper-Jørgensen from the Scandinavian Journal of Public Health has allowed a Editorial written by the Danish professor Jørn Olsen with the title Mobiles Phones and Health in the January number (2009,37,1-3). It`s just another Danish dishonest statement. http://sjp.sagepub.com/cgi/reprint/37/1/1 I have allready send a sharp

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    • 23 JAN 09

    #1011: Generation Cellphone

    CBC Marketplace host Wendy Mesley* reveals new evidence about possible health risks facing the newest generation of cell phone users: children. FRIDAY, JAN. 23, 8:30 pm http://www.cbc.ca/marketplace/ *a breast cancer survivor responsible for the excellent 2006 program, Chasing The Cancer Answer, which impelled the Canadian Cancer Society to do something more about toxics in everyday

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    • 22 JAN 09

    #1010: Cheap paint could protect against super-fast wireless

    From the Beaconsfield Action Group: Cheap paint could protect against super-fast wireless (New Scientist) 19 January 2009 by Colin Barras As wireless communications become faster, it’s not just older, slower devices that are left behind. The shielding that protects sensitive electronic equipment like that used in hospitals is becoming increasingly obsolete as new, higher frequencies

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    • 13 JAN 09

    #1009: Finnish authorities recommend restricting kid’s use of mobiles

    From Libby Kelly, ICEMS: Authority Recommends Restricting Childrens’ Use of Mobiles http://yle.fi/uutiset/news/2009/01/authority_recommends_restricting_ childrens_use_of_mobiles_466353.html Olet tässä Authority Recommends Restricting Childrens’ Use of Mobiles published Wed 02:23 PM, updated Fri 10:33 AM The Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) has recommended restricting the use of mobile phones by children. The Authority says radiation from mobile phones could

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    • 13 JAN 09

    #1008: France cracks down on children’s use of mobile phones

    http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1112123/France-cracks-childrens- mobile-phone-use-Britain-ignoring-warnings.html France cracks down on children’s mobile phone use, but Britain still ignoring warnings By Peter Allen and Fiona Macrae 11th January 2009 France has begun a crackdown on children having mobile phones after research linked their use to brain cancer. Advertising mobiles to children under 12 is to be prohibited under the legislation

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    • 23 DEC 08

    #1007:Conflict of Interest and the Nobel Prize

    From Mast Sanity: Nobel Prize Bought By Pharma Kick Backs Newsmax.com December 12, 2008 Swedish Officials Investigating Nobel Prize Board Celia Farber The Nobel Prize Committee is facing investigation of bribery and corruption after allegedly taking huge payments from a pharmaceutical company that directly benefits from the work of this year’s Nobel Prize winner in

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