• 04 OCT 08

    #964:Mercury release from dental amalgam restorations after magnetic resonance imaging and following mobile phone use

    From Iris Atzmon: Mercury release from dental amalgam restorations after magnetic resonance imaging and following mobile phone use Mortazavi SM, Daiee E, Yazdi A, Khiabani K, Kavousi A, Vazirinejad R, Behnejad B, Ghasemi M, Mood MB. Department of Medical Physics, School of Paramedical Sciences, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran. Pak J Biol Sci.

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    • 03 OCT 08

    #963: Are Brain Cancer Rates Rising Among Young Adults?

    From Louis Slesin: At last week’s Congressional hearing on cell phone cancer risks, Dr. Ronald Herberman testified that the incidence of brain cancer has been increasing over the last ten years, particularly among 20-29 year-olds. This could have major implications for the cell phone health controversy. Read our coverage of Congressman Dennis Kucinich’s hearing at:

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    • 02 OCT 08

    #962: Strong Signal for Cell Phone Effects

    ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH PERSPECTIVES VOLUME 116, NUMBER 10, OCTOBER 2008 http://www.ehponline.org/docs/2008/116-10/forum.html#stro Strong Signal for Cell Phone Effects With 3 billion cell phone users worldwide and more than 260 million in the United States alone””among them 46% of U.S. children aged 8″”12, according to Nielsen Mobile figures released 10 September 2008″”human exposure to low-energy radiation in the

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    • 30 SEP 08

    #961: Warning label push – Phone risk ‘a reality”

    Note below where it states: “The committee was shown a research paper published this month by the Royal Society in London which found that teenagers who started using mobile phones before the age of 20 were five times more likely to develop brain cancer at the age of 29 than those who did not use

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    • 28 SEP 08

    #960: AMTA gets its science wrong on child cell-phone susceptability

    Don’s comment: 28 September 2008 In today’s Sunday Age (Australia) the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association (AMTA) CEO Chris Althaus dismissed the idea that children were especially susceptible to the radiation of a mobile phone (see last message). This was the same viewpoint Althaus stated in the Hobart Mercury on September 26. According to Althaus “when

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    • 28 SEP 08

    #959: Doctors at odds over mobile cancer risk

    From Jack Verbank: Sunday Age (Australia) http://www.theage.com.au/national/doctors-at-odds-over-mobile-cancer-risk-20080927-4pdw.html?page=-1 Doctors at odds over mobile cancer risk “¢ Stephen Cauchi “¢ September 28, 2008 HIGH-profile Sydney brain surgeon Charlie Teo has made enemies in his profession for many reasons, but not for his opinion on the link between mobile phones and brain tumours. On ABC TV’s Enough Rope

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    • 27 SEP 08

    #958: CNN on congressional cell phone hearings

    http://edition.cnn.com/2008/HEALTH/09/25/cellphones.cancer/index.html?iref=24hours Scientists debate possible cell phone link to brain cancer * Story Highlights * Studies conflict; do not consistently show cell phones cause cancer, expert says * Expert says he cannot say they are definitely dangerous or definitely safe * Children are at higher risk for cancer-causing radiation from phone, scientist says * Woman at

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    • 27 SEP 08

    #957:ABC News reporting on the US cell phone congressional hearings

    http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/Blotter/story?id=5885440&page=1 Remaining Mute, Cell Phone Execs Refuse to Appear Before Congress Industry Group a No-Show at Hearing On Whether or Not There is a Link Between Cell Phones and Cancer By EMMA SCHWARTZ September 25, 2008 The wireless industry association refused to appear before Congress today on a hearing about whether there is a link

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    • 26 SEP 08

    #956: Scientists warn US Congress of cancer risk for cell phone use

    From Mark and Joanne: http://www.breitbart.com/article.php?id=080926011656.0kfws57m&show_article=1 Sep 25 09:17 PM US/Eastern The potential link between mobile telephones and brain cancer could be similar to the link between lung cancer and smoking — something tobacco companies took 50 years to recognize, according to US scientists’ warning. Scientists are currently split on the level of danger the biological

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    • 25 SEP 08

    #955: NCI on Cell Phone Health Risks

    From Louis Slesin: Robert Hoover, the director of the Epidemiology and Biostatistics Program in NCI’s Division of Cancer Epidemiology and Genetics, will testify tomorrow before a House subcommittee chaired by Rep. Dennis Kucinich, the former Democratic Presidential candidate, on “Tumors and Cell Phone Use: What the Science Says.” Yesterday, the NCI Cancer Bulletin presented a

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