• 19 AUG 08

    #934: Opposition calls for an investigation of possible school cancer cluster

    Just when the Tasmanian government thought it had ‘covered all the bases’ in suppressing the Hazelwood School EMF/cancer controversy the state Opposition’s Minister for Education has called for an investigation into the possible cancer cluster. Don *********************************************************************************** Press release: Sue Napier MP Shadow Minister for Education Sunday August 17, 2008 Need to examine health history

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    • 18 AUG 08

    #933: Recent papers from the Indian Journal of Experimental Biology

    From Beperk De Straling : The Indian Journal of Experimental Biology published some articles on electromagnetic radiation and the electromagnetic functioning of the human body: Indian J Exp Biol. 2008 May;46(5):403-19. Physical basis of adverse and therapeutic effects of low intensity microwave radiation. Hyland GJ. International Institute of Biophysics, Landesstiftung Hombroich, Raketenstation, D-41472 Neuss, Germany.

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    • 17 AUG 08

    #932: The controversy over a cancer cluster in a Tasmanian school continues

    The following is from Sunday’s local newspaper article about the cancer scare at Hazelwood school. http://www.news.com.au/mercury/story/0,22884,24194383-3462,00.html Cancer-cluster school mission DAMIEN BROWN August 17, 2008 12:00am EDUCATION and Health Department officials are to meet staff from a Hobart school at the centre of a cancer cluster scare. Premier David Bartlett said the department would speak to

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    • 15 AUG 08

    #931: Another neurosurgeon links mobile phone use with brain tumours

    From Sylvie: http://www.todayonline.com/articles/270759.asp This story was printed from TODAYonline Radiation: Just how bad is it for us?? Doctor links mobile phone use to malignant tumours here, but other experts disagree Thursday “ August 14, 2008 Tan Hui Leng huileng@mediacorp.com.sg WELL-KNOWN neurosurgeon Keith Goh has seen an increase in the number of cases of malignant brain

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    • 13 AUG 08

    #930: Part II: ICNIRP’s “15 years on” workshop : be prepared for an Australian surprise

    Commentary from Don Maisch: ICNIRP states about it’s forthcoming “15 Years On: Reviewing The Past And Looking Forward” workshop (last message) that: “Social impact on radiation protection philosophies is increasing and there seems to be a need to reconsider basic principles for standard setting in comparison with other environmental risk factors such as ionising radiation.

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    • 13 AUG 08

    #929:Part 1: ICNIRP “15 Years On: Reviewing The Past And Looking Forward”

    Meeting notice from ICNIRP: ICNIRP “15 Years On: Reviewing The Past And Looking Forward” Dear Sir/Madam, “15 Years On: Reviewing The Past And Looking Forward”* ICNIRP Workshop On Basic Radiation Protection Principles, 15-16 September 2008, Prague, Czech Republic The International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) will be holding a Workshop “15 years on: Reviewing

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    • 13 AUG 08

    #928: More on “cellphone games” article (Message # 926)

    From Magda Havas: Letter to the Editor: Re: Article by Melinda Wenner on Cellphone Games, The Walrus, September 2008 http://walrusmagazine.com/articles/2008.09-health-cellphone-brain-tumour-melinda-wenner/ Melinda Wenner wrote an accurate account of what is happening with research on cell phones. She identifies the key players and how industry interferes with and tries to discredit reputable scientists. Even a two-fold increase

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    • 12 AUG 08

    #927: Another building cancer cluster controversy in Australia

    The following ABC news article is about a local school for which I have been advising concerned staff for about 2 years. It became a media story after a former staff member contacted the ABC after his concerns were dismissed as having no basis. The school is located close to transmission lines supplying power to

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    • 12 AUG 08

    #926: Cellphone [industry]Games

    Excellent article by Melinda Wenner, frequent contributor to Scientific American on cell phones and brain tumors. Posted by Cindy Sage to cheemf@lists.healthandenvironment.org Cellphone Games http://walrusmagazine.com/articles/2008.09-health-cellphone-brain-tumour-melinda-wenner/1/ Does radio frequency radiation pose a cancer risk? Researchers in the largest study to date won”t say by Melinda Wenner illustration by Errol F. Richardson Published in the September 2008

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    • 05 AUG 08

    #925: Cell phone cancer risk debated with Henry Lai

    From Iris Atzmon: Cell phone cancer risk debated http://omega.twoday.net/stories/5102317/ http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/local/373306_cellfonoma02.html Last updated August 1, 2008 Henry Lai, a UW professor of bioengineering, has been warning of the potential health risks of cellular phones since the 1990s. Cell phone cancer risk debated UW researcher sees vindication By TOM PAULSON P-I REPORTER More than a decade ago,

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    • 05 AUG 08

    #924: More on Canadian government links with the wireless industry

    From Martin Weatherall Hi All After reading the Toronto Star Article ( http://www.thestar.com/printArticle/471613 ) which showed links between the Canadian Government and the Canadian Wireless Industry, you may find this story very interesting. It is a CBC documentary story from the Marketplace TV programe, which aired about five years ago. You will notice that the

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    • 03 AUG 08

    #923: Industry influence in Health Canada

    http://www.thestar.com/printArticle/471613 Government, business liaisons raise questions on who influences Ottawa on cellphone safety, and how August 02, 2008 Linda Diebel National Affairs Writer Two senior government officials involved in determining safety standards for cellphone use sit on the health committee of a powerful group that lobbies the federal government on behalf of the telecommunications industry.

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    • 31 JUL 08

    #922:Doctor plans study of cell users, cancer risks

    From the “cheemf” list: http://www.post-gazette.com/pg/08212/900402-114.stm Wednesday, July 30, 2008 By Joe Fahy, Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Courtesy of UPMC Dr. Ronald Herberman, director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute and UPMC Cancer Centers. Following his groundbreaking advisory on the potential risks of cell phone use, Dr. Ronald Herberman, director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute

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    • 30 JUL 08

    #921: Another Larry King show on mobile phones

    From Cindy Sage: Tonight, the Larry King Live show carried another half an hour panel discussion on the cell phone/brain tumor question. The speakers were: Devra Davis of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, Keith Black, MD of Cedars Sinai Hospital, Otis W. Brawley, the chief medical officer of the American Cancer Society, Sanjay Gupta,

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    • 30 JUL 08

    #920: Endangered Profits – translated from The Marker

    Translated from Hebrew by Iris Atzmon: http://www.themarker.com/tmc/article.jhtml?ElementId=skira20080729_ 1006520&origin=haaretz&strToSearch=%F7%F8%E9%F0%E4 The Marker/ Haaretz 29.7.08 The radiation is dangerous to the companies’ profits / Amitai Ziv and Nurit Rot Despite the indifference the companies tried to demonstrate after the health ministry warning, analysts estimate that there may be a decrease in the number of minutes of calls during

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    • 29 JUL 08

    #919: Israeli Ministry of Health issues precautionary guidelines for cellphone use

    From cheemf: w w w . h a a r e t z . c o m http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/spages/1006175.html Last update – 04:38 28/07/2008 Health Ministry calls for parents to limit kids’ use of cell phones By Yuval Azoulay and Zafrir Rinat The Ministry of Health on Sunday published for the first time public guidelines for

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    • 29 JUL 08

    #918:Larry King Show (US) to air more on cell phone risks

    From Louis Slesin, Editor of Microwave News: CNN’s Larry King Live will devote tomorrow’s (Tuesday’s) show to cell phone health risks. It was prompted by the last week’s alert from the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute. There was extensive coverage of Dr. Ronald Herberman’s warning –much of it based on the Associated Press story. Unfortunately

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    • 26 JUL 08

    #917: AP Story on Univ of Pittsburgh Cell Phone Alert

    From Louis SLesin, Microwave News: Yesterday’s post of an AP story on the University of Pittsburgh advisory on cell phone health risks had a number of errors and mistaken emphases which made it seem as if the actions of Dr. Herberman, the director of the University’s Cancer Institute, were misguided and inconsistent with the published

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    • 26 JUL 08

    #916: More on the Pittsburgh Cancer Institute cell phone warnings

    From Eileen O’Connor Radiation Research Trust: Breaking News from the USA Warnings mobile phones and brain cancer. BBC also covering the story: US cancer boss in mobiles warning The director of a leading US cancer research institute has sent a memo to thousands of staff warning of possible higher risks from mobile phone use. Ronald

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    • 25 JUL 08

    #915: Israel’s Interphone head warns of cell phone hazards

    Translation from Iris Atzmon: Dr. Sigal Sadezki ( Israeli Interphone head) today in the newspapers: “I have been warning for long time against excess use of cell phones during childhood. I cannot decide for the parents what to do, only to tell them that there is a good reason to fear of cell phone damage

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