• 24 JUL 08

    #914:US cancer centre head calls for caution with cell phone use

    From Louis Slesin, Editor of Microwave News: Ronald Herberman, the director of the University of Pittsburgh Cancer Institute, is calling for caution in the use of cell phones, especially by children. He is the first head of a U.S. cancer center to speak out. Read the whole story at: http://www.microwavenews.com Best, Louis Slesin __________________________________________________________ Louis

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    • 23 JUL 08

    913: Children’s Brain Tissue Gets More Cell Phone Radiation

    From Louis Slesin: The brains of young children absorb twice as much as RF energy from a cell phone as those of adults, according to two leading European research labs. Children’s bone marrow and eyes also get more radiation exposure. Read the whole story at: http://www.microwavenews.com Best, Louis _________________________________________________________ Louis Slesin, PhD Editor, Microwave News

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    • 22 JUL 08

    #912: UK conference on a precautionary approach for wireless technologies

    http://www.radiationresearch.org/conference/ At the Royal Society Sept 2008 The rapid growth rate of mobile phones, phone masts and wireless communication systems, alongside various reports of possible adverse effects on health, has caused increased concern around the world over the potential effect of electromagnetic pollution on health and the environment. It is clear than a new level

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    • 21 JUL 08

    #911: Powerful film on phone masts from New Zealand

    From Eileen O’Connor: The mobile phone mast issue is a worldwide campaign with people protesting all over the planet. Please watch the enclosed powerful short film made by ordinary citizens in New Zealand. The citizens are pleading to the Government to listen and stop gambling with our health with regards to phone masts and stop

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    • 20 JUL 08

    #910: Building Biology Evaluation Guidelines

    From Katharina Gustavs: Dear all, The latest revision of the Building Biology Evaluation Guidelines, including exposure guidelines for electromagnetic fields, is available in English now: The english translation of the SBM-2008 is available online at: http://www.baubiologie.de/downloads/english/richtwerte_2008_englisch.pdf http://www.baubiologie.de/downloads/english/standard_2008_englisch.pdf About the origin of this precautionary standard: http://www.baubiologie.de/downloads/english/standard_questions_%202008.pdf Most of the recommendations are similar to the ones from

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    • 13 JUL 08

    #909: Toronto Public Health Dept.warns about cell phones for kids

    From Nancy Evans: Dial back cellphone use, city officials tell parents http://healthzone.ca/health/article/459099 Tyler Hamilton July 12, 2008 Toronto Public Health is asking parents to think twice before giving their children cellphones. In what is believed to be the first policy of its kind in Canada, the agency is advising children and teens to limit the

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    • 11 JUL 08

    #908: New paper: Dirty Electricity Elevates Blood Sugar levels

    Hot off the press. Please distribute it to those who might be interested. -Magda Havas Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine, 27: 135″”146, 2008 Dirty Electricity Elevates Blood Sugar Among Electrically Sensitive Diabetics and May Explain Brittle Diabetes MAGDA HAVAS Environmental & Resource Studies, Trent University, Peterborough, Ontario, Canada, mhavas@trentu.ca Abstract Transient electromagnetic fields (dirty electricity), in

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    • 08 JUL 08

    #907: Ambient magnetic fields may affect the quality of human sperm

    From Microwave News: Exposures to ambient magnetic fields may affect the quality of human sperm and may well explain its well-documented decline over the last few decades, according to a new study by De-Kun Li, an epidemiologist at Kaiser Permanente in Oakland, CA. Li has also shown that how the dose of a magnetic field

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    • 08 JUL 08

    #906:Ground currents force closure of pedestrian bridge

    The following article I find particularly interesting as a local Hobart school, located near transmission lines and with a substation in the basement had to close down its swimming pool because people were receiving shocks when entering the water. Don ********************************************************************************** From Joanne Mueller: Elm Creek Park bike-pedestrian bridge closed due to close proximity to

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    • 07 JUL 08

    #905: The Progressive Libarians Guild statement on WiFi in Libaries

    From Martin Weatherall: The Progressive Librarians Guild, Jun. 16, 2008 http://www.precaution.org/lib/08/ht080625.htm PROGRESSIVE LIBRARIANS GUILD STATEMENT ON WIFI IN LIBRARIES Often unaware of the potential risks to both library staff and the public, libraries have adopted wireless technology as a means to bridge the Digital Divide and in order to fulfill their mission under the Library

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    • 07 JUL 08

    #904: New ABC Site found to be too radioactive

    New ABC site too radioactive By Darren Cartwright http://www.news.com.au/story/0,23599,23981701-1248,00.html July 07, 2008 03:20pm Article from: The Courier-Mail THE ABC has abandoned a new site for its Brisbane headquarters after discovering it was too radioactive. The national broadcaster was intending to build new headquarters on a site in Newstead after it had to abandon its Toowong

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    • 01 JUL 08

    #903: (re-sent) Interphone delay causing concern

    From Microwave News: The delay in the release of the results of the Interphone project is getting wider and wider attention. The International Herald Tribune features a story in its Monday editions. (TEXT BELOW) See: http://www.iht.com/articles/2008/06/29/business/mobile30.php Louis Slesin, PhD Editor, Microwave News A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation Internet: ************************************************************************************* International Herald Tribune Rift delays official

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    • 14 JUN 08

    #902: Children, 12 and 13, treated for addiction to mobile phones

    From Yasmin Skelt, Mast Sanity (UK): To see this story with its related links on the guardian.co.uk site, go to http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2008/jun/13/spain.mobilephones Children, 12 and 13, treated for addiction to mobile phones · They spent six hours a day on them, says psychiatrist · Spanish cases may be tip of iceberg, expert warns * Graham Keeley

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    • 13 JUN 08

    #901: Another Australian neurosurgeon warns of mobile phone brain tumour dangers

    On this evenings “Today Tonight” program another Australian neurosurgeon voiced fears of a connection between mobile phone use and brain tumours. A very convincing story that has the spin doctors at the Australian Mobile Telecommunications Association on emergency damage control. Exerpt below. Go to the Today Tonight website for the full transcript and video link

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    • 12 JUN 08

    #900: Toxic mould in a Canadian school

    From Sylvie: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/servlet/story/RTGAM.20080607.wcentre07/BNStory/Front/home Sick school syndrome Teachers are complaining, children are suffering, even Health Canada admits that mould is ‘toxic’ “” but the schools of Lambton Kent District still haven’t been able to get anyone to clean up their classrooms JESSICA LEEDER From Saturday’s Globe and Mail June 7, 2008 at 9:56 AM EDT PETROLIA,

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    • 12 JUN 08

    #899: Mobile phones stop teenagers getting a good night’s sleep

    From the Telegraph (UK) Mobile phones stop teenagers getting a good night’s sleep By Kate Devlin Medical Correspondent Last updated: 1:23 AM BST 10/06/2008 Teenagers who send more than five text messages a day on their mobile phones or make more than five calls are ruining their chances of getting a good night’s sleep, a

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    • 06 JUN 08

    #898: ICEMS releases Venice Resolution on EMF Safety

    From Libby Kelly, ICEMS: Initiated by the International Commission for Electromagnetic Safety, following the 6th ICEMS Workshop, December 17, 2007. www.icems.eu As stated in the Benevento Resolution of September 2006[1], we remain concerned about the effects of human exposure to electromagnetic fields on health. At the 6th ICEMS Workshop, entitled, “Foundations of bioelectromagnetics: towards a

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    • 06 JUN 08

    #897: Paper on a cancer cluster at La Quinta Middle School

    From Lloyd Morgan: STUDY REVEALS NEW UNDERSTANDING ABOUT ELECTROMAGNETIC FIELDS AS A CAUSE OF CANCER A new study published in the July issue of the American Journal of Industrial Medicine reveals that “dirty power” ( high voltage transients riding on the power supply lines) may be responsible for increased cancer rates. According to Dr. Samuel

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    • 04 JUN 08

    #896: Update on the Larry King show on brain tumours and cellphones

    From Microwave News: Following last week’s Larry King Show, there is renewed interest in the possible link between cell phones and brain tumors. See, for instance, this morning’s New York Times: http://www.nytimes.com/2008/06/03/health/03well.html and Saturday’s Toronto Star: http://www.thestar.com/Business/article/434412 Best, Louis Slesin, PhD Editor, Microwave News A Report on Non-Ionizing Radiation Phone: +1 (212) 517-2800; Fax: +1

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    • 04 JUN 08

    #895: Adelaide Hospital `cancer cluster’ may grow

    From Sylvie: The Australian 4 June 2008 Local Hospital `cancer cluster’ may grow Pia Akerman The high number of staff diagnosed with breast cancer at Adelaide’s Women’s and Children’s Hospital may climb, with calls to broaden the search for more possible victims. The cluster of women who worked or volunteered in the hospital’s Queen Victoria

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