• 03 JAN 08

    #833: The Vienna Medical Association on children and mobile phone use

    From Martin Weatherall with translation by Katharina Gustav Ă–sterreichische Ă„rztezeitung Ă–ÄZ 22, 25 November 2007 www.aerztezeitung-oesterreich.at Children and Mobile Phones Caution Is Warranted No zero tariffs and no mobile phone advertising targeting children and adolescents, members of the Vienna Medical Association demand. Because of possible health impacts, it is not only this association making recommendations

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    • 03 JAN 08

    #832: Newsweek: How Safe Are Cell Phones?

    From Libby Kelly (ICES): http://www.newsweek.com/id/80966 Newsweek How Safe Are Cell Phones? More Americans are giving up their landlines for cell phones, but new research indicates that there may be health risks associated with long-term wireless use. What’s a mobile addict to do? By Jeneen Interlandi Newsweek Web Exclusive Updated: 4:07 PM ET Dec 19, 2007

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    • 02 JAN 08

    #831: Recommended reading for 2008

    1) Cultural Dwarfs and Junk Journalism: Ben Goldacre, quackbusters and corporate science (UK context) http://www.slingshotpublications.com/dwarfs.html Cultural Dwarfs and Junk Journalism is Martin Walker”™s fourth book charting the development of the corporate science lobby that has grown rapidly since New Labour came to power in 1997. One of the most recent exponents of the Lobby is

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    • 20 DEC 07

    #830: English translation of Gerd Oberfield’s paper now available

    From Katharina Gustavs Dear Don, My English translation of Gerd Oberfeld’s paper on “Environmental Medicine Evaluation of Electromagnetic Fields,” which is part of the Environmental Medicine Diploma Course of the Austrian Medical Association, is now available online at the VDB (German Association of Building Biology Professionals) web site: www.baubiologie.net/docs/elektrosmog-environmental-medicine-evaluation-2007.pdf You may find this discussion of

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    • 17 DEC 07

    #829: Proposed German regulations for future overhead power transmission lines

    Note in the following translation from the German original where a “minimum distance of 200 metres is to apply for overhead lines to residential buildings in rural areas, and for the urban areas, at least 400 metres will be necessary”. From Ingrid Dickenson: http://www.bmu.de/pressemitteilungen/aktuelle_pressemitteilungen/pm/40107.php BMU-Pressedienst no. 271/07 Berlin, 12.10.2007 Federal and State governments have prepared

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    • 17 DEC 07

    #828:Electrohypersensitivity in the Netherlands: A questionnaire study

    From Dr. Hugo Schooneveld: Electrohypersensitivity in the Netherlands: A questionnaire study The Dutch EHS Foundation (Stichting EHS) has made a questionnaire study among 250 electrical hypersensitive persons over the years 2003-2007. In this report, attention is focussed on self-reported health problems, the most disturbing sources of EMF, medical help sought (and not found), and effects

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    • 14 DEC 07

    #827: Latest from Microwave News on bogus cell phone research

    From Louis Slesin, Editor of Microwave News: An eight-year, $10 million industry research project that was supposed to answer the question, “Does cellphone radiation cause cancer in animals?” instead promises to sow more confusion and mistrust. The project, known as PERFORM A, consists of six long-term experiments, carried out on mice and rats in four

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    • 13 DEC 07

    #826:Bioinitiative Report handed to UK Prime Minister

    From Mast Sanity UK: At 1pm on 12th December 2007 The BioInitiative Report was officially handed over to Number 10 Downing Street. In years to come this may be viewed as an occasion as momentus as the Moon Landing was – or maybe it will be yet another missed opportunity. Gordon Brown was in Afghanistan

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    • 07 DEC 07

    #825: Australian Democrats warning on mobile phone towers

    From Sarah Benson, the office of Senator Lyn Allison: MEDIA Friday 7th December 2007 SENATOR LYN ALLISON AUSTRALIAN DEMOCRATS LEADER Risking Lives: Democrats demand crackdown on mobile phone towers Microwave radiation emitted by mobile phone towers may be behind the rise in potentially fatal illnesses, a Democrats-commissioned discussion paper has found. “This is the first

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    • 04 DEC 07

    #824: Article from Olle Johansson

    The following article from Olle Johansson was published in the Journal of the Australasian College of Nutritional & Environmental Medicine, Vol 26, No. 2 (August 2007) FREDRIK REINFELDT, NOW THAT YOU ARE SWEDEN”™S PRIME MINISTER, ARE YOU PREPARED TO LISTEN? by Olle Johansson, Associate Professor of Neuroscience at the Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden Our modern

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