• 19 APR 17

    The UK snap election: Theresa May’s anti-human hi-tech policy

    The UK’s unemployment statistics are about to get far worse with Theresa May’s high tech industrial policy (below). This policy promotes: (1) a nation-wide rollout of 5G which is necessary for the Internet of Things (IoT); (2) smart grids and smart meters; and (3) artificial intelligence/robotics. Putting aside the issues around 5G and the smart grid, the rise of the age of robots inherent in May’s policy stands to replace the jobs of millions of UK workers with robotics according to a study by PricewaterhouseCoopers. The report found in part that: …SNIP

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    • 04 APR 17

    Internet of Things security: What happens when every device is smart and you don’t even know it?


    Billions more everyday items are set to be connected to the internet in the next few years, especially as chips get cheaper and cheaper to produce — and crucially, small enough to fit into even the smallest product.

    Potentially, any standard household item could become connected to the internet, even if there’s no reason for the manufacturers to do so.

    Eventually that processors needed to power an IoT device will become effectively free, making it possible to turn anything into a internet-enabled device…..

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    • 27 JAN 17

    And from the Dark Side: Report and conference from the IoT industry sector: Regulating the Internet of Things

    From The Internet of Things World:

    Many countries are beginning to develop their regulatory framework in relation to IoT with 2016 seeing notable progress in the UK and Singapore in particular. Issues in relation to roaming, data protection, privacy and network security have been identified and broadly agreed upon by regulators across the world.

    But what happens next? SNIP…..

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    • 27 JAN 17

    U.S. Congress moves to eliminate regulations that inhibit the roll-out of IoT technology

    The “Mobile Now Act” and “The DIGIT Act” have passed out of the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee and are headed to the full senate for a vote. They will probably be heard in the next week or two.

    Bill Info: These bills lay the foundation for the Internet of Things that will require a small cell tower transmitter every couple of homes emitting high frequency 24Ghz to 90Ghz which has never been tested for non-thermal biological effects [It is illegal in the land of democracy to oppose wireless technology for health or environmental reasons]. These transmitters will be put in public right of ways with NO ability to consider health and safety. The transmitters will be ugly, decrease property values, and expose occupants to potentially harmful microwave radiation so that your home appliances can communicate with one another which does not seem like a necessity and your privacy can be violated even more easily.

    Mobile Now Act (a) Short Title.–This Act may be cited as the “Making Opportunities for Broadband Investment and Limiting Excessive and Needless Obstacles to Wireless Act” or the “MOBILE NOW Act”.

    S88 the DIGIT Bill “To ensure appropriate spectrum planning and interagency coordination to support the Internet of Things.” SNIP

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    • 22 JAN 17

    LG threatens to put Wi-Fi in every appliance it introduces in 2017

    From ARS Technica

    Its new fridge includes Amazon’s Alexa and a bunch of cameras.

    Andrew Cunningham – 1/5/2017, 6:20 AM


    In the past few years, products at CES have increasingly focused on putting the Internet in everything, no matter how “dumb” the device in question is by nature. It’s how we’ve ended up with stuff like this smart hairbrush, this smart air freshener, these smart ceiling fans, or this $100 pet food bowl that can order things from Amazon.

    Now that phenomenon is reaching its logical endpoint: during the company’s CES press conference today, LG marketing VP David VanderWaal says that “starting this year” all of LG’s home appliances will feature “advanced Wi-Fi connectivity.” One of the flagship appliances that will make good on this promise is the Smart Instaview Refrigerator, a webOS-powered Internet-connected fridge that among other things supports integration with Amazon’s Alexa service. SNIP……

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    • 08 DEC 16

    Excellent series : The Dangers of Wi-Fi and towers

    Technology safety educator Cece Doucette and parent Keith Marciniak share how they independently discovered wireless technology is hazardous to our health. Both opened the conversation with their public school districts, and this episode highlights how Ashland Public Schools became the first in the nation to put in place Best Practices for Mobile Devices. Links to the documents discussed in this series are provided below for further investigation. Thank you for your time and consideration.

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    • 01 NOV 16

    America’s next president on 5G and the Internet of Things.

    I am assuming that the outcome of the current election circus will be a Clinton win – A Trump win is simply too scary to contemplate, unless you happen to be a simpleton that is. However, assuming Hillary gets in, here are some of her policies on 5G and the Internet of Things. Its even clearer now why Obama appointed industry lobbyist Tom Wheeler to head the FCC.

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    • 28 OCT 16

    Wireless pollution ‘out of control’ as corporate race for 5G gears up

    From Joel Moskowwitz


    Wireless pollution ‘out of control’ as corporate race for 5G gears up

    Lynne Wycherley

    27th October 2016


    With the UK’s Digital Economy Bill set to be finalised today, new 5G microwave spectra are about to be released across the planet without adequate safety testing, writes Lynne Wycherley. Global neglect of the Precautionary Principle is opening the way to corporate profit but placing humans and ecosystems at risk, and delaying a paradigm shift towards safer connectivity.

    In Drowning in a Sea of Microwaves, the late geneticist Dr Mae-Wan Ho – a visionary voice who opposed GMOs – identified pollution from wireless technologies as a pressing issue of our times….SNIP

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    • 17 MAY 16

    Will Massey University’s research on the potential health impacts of 5G devices be limited to thermal effects only?

    Note: It appears that the below research effort may be limited to investigating thermal effects only and not other effects below the existing RF thermal limits (ICNIRP, etc). It is concerning that lead investigator, Dr Hasan from the School of Engineering and Advanced Technology at Massey mentions that 5G technology may bring us dangerously close to exceeding the pre-defined (thermal effects only)limits and so the study findings will be compared against the existing thresholds that have been set aside by a number of regulatory bodies. In other words, if their measurements of these devices conform to ICNIRP thermal limits all is well.

    If this be the case this whole blinkered research effort will fail to give any answers to the question of possible biological hazards of 5G technology other than an assurance that at lease the devices will not cook you……

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    • 04 FEB 15

    Just how powerful are 4G towers?

    From Echonetdaily, The North Coast’s Independent News (Queensland,Australia):

    Mullumbimby 4G Telstra tower disrupts TV, EFTPOS

    If Mullumbimby residents and businesses are having TV reception issues and EFTPOS drop outs, the recent upgraded Telstra tower in the town’s CBD appears to be the culprit. Court House manager Laurie Driscoll told The Echo the 4G Telstra tower across the road on Dalley Street has caused havoc with the TV signal and EFTPOS. ‘A lot of people in the vicinity may have the same problem,’ he said. ‘Thankfully Telstra have accepted liability, and agreed to reimburse us for the cost of having to buy and install a $400 filter to reduce the 4G interference on our TVs.’

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