• 25 NOV 05

    Better Environment, Healthier People

    http://www.hpa.org.uk/hpa/news/articles/press_releases/2005/051122_EAreport.htm Press Statement 22 November 2005 Environment Agency report on Environment and Health The Health Protection Agency welcomes the publication of the Environment Agency’s (EA) report Better Environment, Healthier People (1). It recognises the impact of the environment on health and well-being and in particular the effects of flooding and climate change, poor air quality,

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    • 15 NOV 05

    Environmental Sensitivities – A Definition

    From Sylvie: The Allergy and Environmental Health Association of Quebec http://www.aeha-quebec.ca/ Environmental Sensitivities – A Definition Environmental sensitivities can occur when people become sensitive to substances or phenomena in their everyday environment at levels well below what would be considered to be acceptable to “normal” people. Sensitivity reactions can be triggered by scented products, cleaning

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    • 03 OCT 05

    Report links chemical exposures to cancers

    Sent by Sylvie in France: N E W S R E L E A S E September 19, 2005 Contact: Patti McCafferty, 978-934-3238, patricia_mccafferty@uml.edu UMass Lowell Report Links Environmental and Occupational Exposures to Cancers http://www.sustainableproduction.org/pres.shtml LOWELL “” The University of Massachusetts Lowell today released a report that links dozens of environmental and occupational exposures to

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    • 01 JUN 05

    Occupational Exposure to pesticides can cause Parkinson’s

    Exposure to pesticides can cause Parkinson’s http://www.newscientist.com/channel/health/mg18625014.900 26 May 2005 Special Report from New Scientist Print Edition Andy Coghlan SUSPICIONS that pesticides could cause Parkinson’s disease have been strengthened. The more pesticide you are exposed to, the higher your risk of developing the disease, say investigators who have studied almost 3000 people in five European

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    • 04 MAY 05

    The Cancer Epidemic – Symptom of an Unsustainable Society

       By Alain Brunel     Le Devoir     Tuesday 03 May 2005    The number of new cancer cases is growing twice as fast as population in Canada: as of now, 44% of Canadian men and 38% of Canadian women will be affected during their

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