• 25 APR 13

    Joel Moskowitz on the IARC Monograph

    Source: Joel Moskowitz, Director, Center for Family and Community Health
    School of Public Health, University of California

    WHO Monograph on Cancer Risk from Mobile Phone Use Released

    According to the monograph, “Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields are possibly carcinogenic to humans (Group 2B).” (p. 421) Children are particularly vulnerable to this carcinogenic effect as “the average exposure from use of the same mobile phone is higher by a factor of 2 in a child’s brain and higher by a factor of 10 in the bone marrow of the skull.” Also, the child‚s brain is developing at a greater rate than the adult brain.


    Joel M. Moskowitz, PRLog (Press Release) – Apr 19, 2013

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    • 20 APR 13

    IARC Releases RF Cancer Monograph

    The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has released its detailed evaluation of the cancer risks associated with RF radiation, which serves as the rationale for designating RF as a possible human carcinogen.

    The IARC monograph comes close to two years after an invited panel of experts from 14 countries reached this conclusion following an eight-day meeting at IARC headquarters in Lyon, France (see our report).

    An electronic copy of the 430-page document is available at no cost from IARC. A paper copy will be available soon.

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    • 03 APR 13

    FCC & Cell Phone Industry: A Cozy Relationship

    Source: Louis Slesin, Microwave News

    The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and the cell phone industry
    have an overly cozy relationship, according to a two-year investigation by
    the EMR Policy Institute, with the assistance of an industry insider.

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    • 15 MAR 13

    Israeli cell phone company to compensate customer who contracted cancer

    Partner Communications, which operates in Israel under the name Orange, will pay NIS 400,000 to a customer who contracted cancer in his ear.
    The customer, who is in his 50s, sued Partner in May, claiming that intensive use of the device resulted in an aggressive lymphoma near his left ear. Partner agreed to pay NIS 400,000 in an out-of-court compromise settlement.

    The customer is an attorney who had converted the secure room – a reinforced room that doubles as a bomb shelter and is common in most new Israeli homes – into an office. He claimed that he conducted a great deal of phone calls and business from the room, where cellular reception was low. In places without good phone reception, such as elevators and secure rooms, the electromagnetic radiation from cellular phones is higher than usual.

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    • 08 MAR 13

    Top Liability Expert A. M. Best Identifies Radofrequency Radiation as a risk for insurers

    Top Liability Expert A. M. Best Identifies Radofrequency Radiation with Emerging Technologies That “Pose Significant Risks with Possible Long-Tail Losses”

    Radiofrequency Radiation heads A.M. Best list that includes Cyber Risk, Fracking, and Nanotechnology.

    Why take note of A.M. Best’s opinion? From its website www.ambest.com :

    The largest and longest-established company devoted to issuing in-depth reports and financial strength ratings about insurance organizations.
    Founded in 1899, A.M. Best Company is a full-service credit rating organization dedicated to serving the insurance industry. Policyholders refer to Best’s ratings and analysis as a means of assessing the financial strength and creditworthiness of risk-bearing entities and investment vehicles.
    From A.M. Best’s February 14, 2013 Best’s Briefing –
    An exposure which may present only insignificant insured losses at present, may bring future unprecedented losses . . .

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    • 06 MAR 13

    Israeli scientists find possible link between cellphone use, thyroid cancer

    Israeli scientists have reported preliminary findings of a possible link between the radiation from cellphones and thyroid cancer. There has been a steep rise in rates of thyroid cancer in recent years in Western countries. The Israeli research, conducted at Beilinson Hospital in Petah Tikva and at Tel Aviv University, identified evidence for the first time of the possible connection between the rise in thyroid cancer cases to the increased exposure to radiation emitted by cellphones.

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    • 19 FEB 13

    SPECIAL REPORT: Cellphone use may soon be allowed on U.S. flights

    Cellphone use on planes could become reality

    KTVU, Feb 17, 2013

    OAKLAND, Calif. – A new change to the ban against using a cellphone when flying could be coming soon, but there are some emerging controversies over cellphone use on planes, including a possible health risk.

    Some European and Middle East airlines now allow personal cellphone use while flying outside United States airspace. Onboard equipment solves navigation interference problems, but in the United States the Federal Aviation Administration requires passengers to turn off their cellphone for take-off and landing, only allowing for airplane mode at altitude. Regulators are poised to allow regular, in-flight cellphone use on domestic airline flights. This has polarized some experts and passengers.

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    • 18 FEB 13

    CELLPHONE research points to increased brain tumour risk: Some NZ teens in high-risk category

    18 February 2013, Wellington, New Zealand.

    6% of New Zealand mid-teens at increased risk of brain tumour from cellphone/cordless phone use.
    Cordless phones are a type of cellphone with the base- transmitter in the home.
    Nearly ¼ of 10-13 year olds spend 30 minutes or more on wireless phones daily.
    NZ lags behind in cautioning the young about cellphone use
    Study highlights the need to caution heavy cell/cordless phone users.

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    • 07 FEB 13

    The Round Table Initiative to Classify Cell Phone Radiation

    I have taken the liberty of copying some of Dariusz Leszczynski’s latest blog below because I think his proposal deserves wide consideration. However, I have serious doubts that such a round table discussion of the science between ICNIRP and the Bioinitiative authors would reach a consensus on anything other than venue. The fundamental issue is thermal and non thermal bio-effects. The fact is that ICNIRP membership is made up of so-called experts who have firmly staked their scientific (and in some cases financial) credibility on claiming that RF standards can only be based on thermal considerations. I see no way in hell they will change this view.

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    • 06 FEB 13

    FCC super WiFi proposal prompts fierce lobbying from tech, telecom firms

    From Blake Levitt:

    What the FCC proposes is another spectacularly bad idea. (Click at the end once the story comes up to read the entire article.) This is what happens when a regulatory agency becomes an intoxicated advocate for the industries they are supposed to regulate. And it is riding an egalitarian horse again. Juxtapose this against the FCC “reviewing” its current RF standards and the picture is not good for making the regs more stringent or biologically based. Schemes like this shift liability onto insurance companies, citizens and the medical sector to pay the tab.

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    • 06 FEB 13

    Better Late Than Never? FCC to Review Cell Phone Radiation Standards


    PRLog (Press Release) – Feb. 5, 2013 – The FCC will close the public comment period on proposed changes in rules and procedures regarding human exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic energy tomorrow, February 6. (1) The outmoded rules and procedures that regulate cell phones and other wireless devices were originally adopted in 1996 when there were only 38 million cell phone subscriptions in the U.S. The FCC’s public comment period was opened almost ten years ago on July 14, 2003. (1) At that time there were 148 million cell phone subscriptions in the U.S. (2)

    Now there are 322 million cell phone subscriptions. Today, many children, teenagers, and women use cell phones that are tested using a model of a large male adult’s brain and body. Meanwhile research has shown that a child’s brain absorbs 2-3 times more electromagnetic radiation (EMR) than an adult’s brain

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    • 05 FEB 13

    Mona Nilsson: The increase in mental health problems among children may be due to cell phone radiation

    The increase in mental health problems among children may be due to cell phone radiation
    By Mona Nilsson
    Published January 15, 2013 – 07:58

    Microwave radiation, the explosion of wireless technology means that we are exposed to more microwave radiation. Information Technology (IT) Minister Anna-Karin Hatt want to Swedish schools is even more connected – but our mobile society begins to have an impact. More computers give more radiation and in the long run can lead to sleep problems, depression and ADHD, writes Mona Nilsson, Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation, in a reply.

    Swedish children suffer more from sleep problems, difficulty concentrating and are sad. They are given increasingly sleep drugs , antidepressants and ADHD medications. The increase in mental illness and sleep problems have been described over and over again in recent years, most recently in the Swedish newspaper Svenska Dagbladet last week.

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    • 25 JAN 13

    PRLog Press release: Call for Action to Reduce Harm from Mobile Phone Radiation

    The European Environment Agency published a major report today to alert governments about the need to attend to early warning signs about technology health risks, including mobile phones.



    PRLog (Press Release) – Jan. 24, 2013 – The 750-page volume, “Late Lessons from Early Warnings,” includes twenty new case studies and has major implications for policy, science and society. Although the report was prepared by the European Environment Agency to provide guidance to the EU nations, its implications are global.

    Brain tumor risk associated with cell phone use is addressed in one of the report’s chapters. (2) The report highlights the classification of this form of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) as “possibly carcinogenic”, or cancer causing, by the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in 2011.

    The report accuses the mobile phone industry of “inertia in considering the various studies and taking the IARC carcinogenic classification into account,” criticizes the media for not “providing the public with robust and consistent information on potential health risks,” and attacks governments for shirking “their responsibilities to protect public health from this widespread source of radiation.”

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    • 14 JAN 13

    Press Release: New evidence of cell phone health risks highlights the need for public health warnings

    Press Release: New evidence of cell phone health risks highlights the need for public health warnings

    By Don Maisch PhD, EMFacts Consultancy, January 14, 2013

    Hobart, Tas. Since 2011, when the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified cell phone radiation as a possible human carcinogen, a number of important developments that strengthens the IARC ruling have recently occurred. These developments strongly suggest that it is now time to issue public health warnings to advice Australians on how to reduce or eliminate cell phone health risks.
    A report has just been written which advises people on steps to take to reduce the risks to their health. This advice, in part, includes:

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    • 04 JAN 13

    Saudi Arabian researchers call for cell phone “health awareness campaigns” for the public

    Source: Saudi Gazette

    Too much cell phone usage could affect your health
    December 27, 2012

    By Amal Al-Sibai

    In today’s world having a cell phone has become an urgent necessity and not just an added luxury. In Saudi Arabia, everyone has a cell phone, starting from nine year olds. Some people even have two; one for work and one for social purposes. Although the trend has been increasing worldwide, it has been increasing exponentially here in the Kingdom. A report by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development shows that there are 4 billion cell phone users across the globe, with Saudi Arabia coming in first as the country with the largest number of cell phone users worldwide. The report revealed that there are 180 cell phones for every 100 residents in the Kingdom; a number which speaks for itself. Cell phone usage is also on the rise among teenagers and children.


    The Saudi Medical Journal recently reported a study conducted by the College of Medicine in King Saud University that showed prolonged usage of cell phones by participants was associated with a number of health problems. Those who were frequent users of their cell phones suffered more fatigue, headaches, dizziness, tension, and sleep disturbances than the less frequent users.


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    • 20 DEC 12

    Retraction of previous comments re. Cellsafe and Today Tonight

    Back in May of 2011 I ran a Sarcastic commentary that was critical of both a Today Tonight program and the CellSafe mobile phone cases that are designed to reduce SAR levels of mobile phones when used with the cases. Since that date I have had a number of discussions with people via emails and at conferences I have presented at, who claim that the cases have resulted in elimination of symptoms, predominantly headaches when using, or after using their phone. After carefully studying the technical reports on the cases, such as from EMC Technologies in Melbourne, I now withdraw my previous comments as unjust and unfair to both the CellSafe company and Today Tonight and apologise for my ill-conceived comments.

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    • 20 DEC 12

    American Academy of Pediatricians Endorses Cell Phone Safety Legislation

    American Academy of Pediatricians Endorses Cell Phone Safety Legislation

    Washington D.C. (December 13, 2012) — The American Academy of Pediatricians (AAP) which represents “60,000 primary care pediatricians, pediatric medical subspecialists, and pediatric surgical specialists dedicated to the health, safety and well-being of infants, children, adolescents, and young adults” has endorsed H.R. 6358, the Cell Phone Right to Know Act.
    “Health effects from cell phone radiation are a potential concern for everyone that uses a cell phone, but children are among the most vulnerable as the doctors note in the letter. I am honored that such esteemed professionals support the Cell Phone Right to Know Act,” said Kucinich. “Our coalition is growing and broadening.”

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    • 19 DEC 12

    The Vienna Medical Association calls for cell phone free zones in public spaces

    Vienna (OTS) – The Vienna Medical Association has called for the establishment of cell phone-free zones – similar to the smoke-free areas in public buildings. This was necessary in order both to minimize the radiation exposure and the other to bring the people to a conscious use of mobile technology, says the Head of Environmental Medicine at the Vienna Medical Chamber, Piero Lercher.

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    • 18 DEC 12

    Mobile phone allergies on the increase. Is it the nickel or EHS?

    Mobile phone allergies on the increase

    According to an article on consumer health website www.itsmyhealth.com.au, dermatologists say they are seeing increasing numbers of allergic reactions to mobile phones.

    The article goes on to say that US dermatologists have warned of “cellular phone dermatitis” as an emerging problem, especially among adolescents, and that they believe it is likely to be more common than reported.

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    • 15 DEC 12

    The head of Belgium’s largest cellphone company bans WI-FI from his offices and tells kids cellphones are dangerous!

    The head of Belgacom is not crazy about the Wi-Fi fad in his cellphone company’s skyscraper. The 27th floor, occupied by management, thus goes without the technology that allows high speed broadband Internet access. The decision is barely surprising when we know that Didier Bellens also asks his contacts to call him on his landline rather than on his cell.

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