• 07 JUL 09

    #1087: Alarm bells ring over kids’ phones

    The West Australian 4 Jul 2009 Alarm bells ring over kids”™ phones Aine Lynch, UK National Parents Council I t has a handset with an “on” switch, an “off” switch and two buttons with a male and female figure on “” one calls mum, the other calls dad and another button gives access to a

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    • 01 JUL 09

    #1083: Brain Tumor Brings Court Victory for a Cell Phone User

    From Klaus Rudolph, Citizens’ Initiative Omega: Brain Tumor Brings Court Victory for a Cell Phone User… Author: Paul Fitzgerald Sharesa Price thought it was just another in a series of sinus infections. Her head and eyes hurt, and she was vomiting. But then Price had a seizure, and a brain scan found something far more

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    • 23 JUN 09

    #1079: Child mobile phone use costs them sleep

    Article from: The Advertiser (Adelaide, Australia). Child mobile phone use costs them sleep http//www.news.com.au/adelaidenow/story/0,22606,25601432-5006301,00.html June 08, 2009 12:01am FOUR in 10 children aged four to seven have mobile phones, shows a study that has alarmed health professionals. The survey of 257 parents of 517 children for the Generation Next seminar series found almost 70 per

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    • 23 JUN 09

    #1078: Half of British children aged 5 to 9 own a mobile phone, and a brand for tots is imminent

    From Martin Weatherall: Half of British children aged 5 to 9 own a mobile phone, and a brand for tots is imminent. Some experts are unhappy http://women.timesonline.co.uk/tol/life_and_style/women/families/article6556283.ece From The Times June 23, 2009 John Naish In a world where everyone is busy texting and chatting, more and more parents believe that their little ones should

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    • 10 JUN 09

    #1069: “Between a Rock and a Hard Place”, The Blog of Dariusz Leszczynski

    Well worth a visit is the Blog “Between a Rock and a Hard Place” – Opinions on mobile phone safety by Research Professor Dariusz Leszczynski from the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, Finland. http://www.stuk.fi/blog/leszczynski http://www.stuk.fi/blog/leszczynski/fi_FI/15_05_2009/

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    • 09 JUN 09

    #1068: Spanish paper on cell phone addition now available online

    A new paper has been added to the www.emfacts.com web site. Titled “Addiction to cell phones: are there neurophysiological mechanisms involved?” ,the paper by Afonso Balmori and Maria Paz de la Puente, looks at cell phone use as an addiction problem, especially for children and young people. Originally published in the Spanish magazine Proyecto, Vol.

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    • 28 MAY 09

    #1066: French Government imposes phone ban on all primary schools

    From Powerwatch: In an unprecedented move, the French Government today announced their decision to take some strongly precautionary measures with regards to mobile telecommunications technology. From an outright ban of mobile phones in primary schools, to a requirement on operators to provide “stripped” down handsets only capable of texting or without a loudspeaker, this is

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    • 16 MAY 09

    #1061:Coming pandemic or far worse?

    Comments on last message by Gerald Goldberg: Don Given the nature of the exposure, there will not be a gradual increase but one would expect to see the equivalent of a mushrooming of the incidence of the illness after a lag period of say 5 to 7 years. The incidence will be flat and then

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    • 15 MAY 09

    #1060: A coming cell phone pandemic?

    Recently on Australian TV several prominent neurosurgeons expressed their concerns over the possible connection between their patient’s use of cell phones and brain cancers. An increase in the number of young people coming in with aggressive brain tumours was also briefly mentioned. Now we read from the UK that childhood brain cancers have overtaken childhood

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    • 12 MAY 09

    #1058: Interphone: Good News, Bad News

    From Microwave News: The stalemate over Interphone is coming to an end. A project of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) on the possible links between mobile phones and tumors, Interphone has been bogged down for over three years while its members feuded over how to interpret their results. Now, Microwave News has

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