• 12 MAY 09

    #1058: Interphone: Good News, Bad News

    From Microwave News: The stalemate over Interphone is coming to an end. A project of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) on the possible links between mobile phones and tumors, Interphone has been bogged down for over three years while its members feuded over how to interpret their results. Now, Microwave News has

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    • 13 APR 09

    #1053: Microwave News on cell phone TV programs

    From Microwave News: Shows on cell phone radiation are all over the TV news. We have assembled seven that have appeared over the last few weeks in Australia and Europe. Check them out and get all the details at: http://microwavenews.com/ Best, Louis Slesin [Please note that this page and our home page are expandable. The

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    • 07 APR 09

    #1052: Text of the European Parliament EMF Resolution as passed

    From Elizabeth Kelly: Dear Colleagues, Here is the text of the European Parliament EMF Resolution as passed. Kind regards, Elizabeth Kelley, M.A. Managing Secretariat International Commission For Electromagnetic Safety Email: info@icems.eu Web: www.icems.eu ______________________________________________ http://www.europarl.europa.eu/sides/getDoc.do?pubRef= -//EP//TEXT+TA+P6-TA-2009-0216+0+DOC+XML+V0//EN Procedure : 2008/2211(INI) Document stages in plenary Document selected : A6-0089/2009 Texts tabled : A6-0089/2009 Debates : PV 01/04/2009

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    • 06 APR 09

    #1050:Links to the 60 Minute cell phone program

    There is a YouTube video of the 60 Minute show at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuptoOcRSho&feature=channel_page. A link to the program is also provided on www.brain-surgery.us/mobilephone.html (the video portion is forthcoming) That page also has a downloadable version of the paper by Khurana et al. referred to in the reports on 60 Minutes and Lateline. The Lateline video link

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    • 06 APR 09

    #1049: “Wake Up call” A program on cell phone dangers not to be missed

    Australia’s “60 Minutes” investigative TV program (see below) tonight aired a report on cell phone dangers not to be missed. In it, Australian neurosurgeons Charles Teo and Vini Khurana tell of their concerns, including an apparent alarming increase in children with aggressive brain tumours. The other side of the controversy is also given by Rodney

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    • 04 APR 09

    #1046: Canberra Times on the growing cell phone controversy

    Canberra Times 4 April 2009 Growing research links brain tumours to heavy mobile phone use By Nyssa Skilton Medical and Technology Reporter A growing body of research is revealing a link between mobile phone use and brain tumours, prompting calls to comprehensively warn users of potential risks. Canberra neurosurgeon Vini Khurana has published a paper

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    • 04 APR 09

    #1045:EMF brochures available on-line

    From Katharina Gustavs: Dear all, I am happy to report that two brochures published by the Competence Initiative from Germany (www.kompetenzinitiave.net) are now available in English as a free download. I highly recommend reading both of them. As a gifted biophysicist, Dr. Ulrich Warnke has a great way of showing us the bigger picture, how

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    • 03 APR 09

    #1044: URL funny business.

    Twice I have sent out the correct url for the ABC Lateline cell phone program on Youtube and twice the url has been altered in transit. Click on the weblog link on the bottom of the last two messages and the correct url is listed. A technical glitch in the system apparently. Don

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    • 03 APR 09

    #1043: Correction to last message

    For some reason the copy and pasting of the ABC Lateline cell phone program url. missed out on a (&). Hopefully this one willwork Don http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuptoOcRSho&feature=channel_page

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    • 03 APR 09

    #1042: ABC Lateline cellphone program on Youtube

    For those that missed the ABC LateLine program on cell phones it can be viewed on Youtube at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SuptoOcRSho&feature=channel_page Don

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